My cat might have heart trouble


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
I posted not long ago about the colour of Pumpkin's poop and weight loss. I finally got him to the vet's today and found that his thyroid is ok, as well as the rest of his bloodwork. His weight has stablised for now but the vet said it sounded like he had an irregular heart rhythm. Otherwise, he was acting normally. Pumpkin didn't show any signs of possible heart issues.

We both discussed that it's most likely that his being inactive a couple of weeks ago was due to constipation, which he's had off and on since I adopted him about 10 years ago. She suggested that if possible, that I take him to a cat cardiologist. The closest one is in Syracuse, NY.

I'd hate to put him through more tests. He HATES going to the vet, esp. needles. I could hear him howl out back while they did this and I wanted to cry. I'm glad his thyroid is ok, but now I have this new worry and am having trouble coping, partly because of my own health issues, esp. anxiety. I've been having small panic attacks off and on today, including on the bus on the way to the vet and at the vet's office.

She offered to prescribe a certain medication and I can't even remember the name of it but I told her I would feel better if any heart-related meds be prescribed by that cardiologist she referred to. I wasn't trying to insult her but I need to be absolutely certain that anything like that is something he really needs.

Can cats have irregular heartbeats due to anxiety, like people? I've been a nervous wreck - especially today - regarding this appointment and he probably picked up on that. Not only was I nervous about today's appointment, I was upset with the bus company for screwing around with the pickup time yet again. They've done this to me before.

The last trip to the vet (same practice but different town) was nerve-wracking because the bus driver was driving erratically. I was a nervous wreck during that trip and when the vet checked Pumpkin, she seemed to think he was breathing funny, possibly due to anxiety but she said nothing about an irregular heart beat. On the way home the second driver slammed his brakes at an intersection near our apartment. I was thrown from my wheelchair and fortunately wasn't seriously injured. Pumpkin was on a nearby bus seat when this happened and didn't get hurt at all.

Pumpkin is around 13 or so. Is heart disease common in senior cats? If he has heart trouble, how much will it cost to have this diagnosed and treated? I don't mind spending money on him....Pumpkin is worth every penny but I'm worried that a cardiologist cat bill would be far more than I can afford to spend, as much as I want to.[

I want him to live as long a life as possible. I have to admit that I am now once again nervous because of his health. I've got serious health problems of my own to contend with.

What can I do? Right now I feel like screaming because I am so scared for the both of us.

Thank you.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It may be nothing, but since the vet seems to think there is an irregular heartbeat - and, given his age - you don't have a lot of options. Normally, a cardiologist visit will entail x-rays and an echocardiogram to see the chambers of the heart and the surrounding area (lungs, chest cavity). Neither are invasive, and most times do not require sedation. But they may give something very simple like a bit of butorphanol to help calm your buddy.

You do need to try to calm yourself down for both your sakes. :hearthrob::redheartpump::hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Hugs, my Daisy has a heart murmur too. I can’t afford the price of seeing the one feline cardiologist in my state and the waiting list is months long anyway.

Cats can have functional heart murmurs like humans, and I think anxiety can make them more pronounced, but that’s all I know.

Best of luck with Pumpkin.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
Thank you both for responding! I'm hoping this is nothing more than anxiety (like me) and I will do my best to not be so anxious around him. I love my baby to pieces. This has been a rough day for the both of us and at the moment, we'r e just chilling in the livingroom. I'm having a very very late dinner and he just had some treats. I've got cat tv on for him too (on YouTube) but he doesn't seem very interested in it at the moment.

He's not acting like he's got heart issues.

Re. xrays, he had one a few months ago in that general area and nothing was found or they would have told me. Does anyone know how much a kitty echo costs?

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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
I'm in the United States not far from Syracuse, NY. I no longer live in the city but live relatively close to it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 29, 2022
Anxiety has a tendency to make everything over complicated, so I think you need to break this all down into chewable pieces. You mentioned the Vet “suggested that if possible take him to a cardiologist”? Call the clinic and try and speak to the Vet, ask if her advice was just an option or something critical. also have her prescribe the medication she suggested - Its better for Pumpkin to be on some medication and it will give you time to consider what you want to do next.
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Echocardiograms are around $500 out here, but they do tell a lot about the condition of the heart. If you have one done, the most that will follow will be medication; no one is going to suggest heart surgery for an older cat.

I found it interesting that you declined the medication. When Jamie had his first ECG, it was done by his regular vet and an ultrasonographer. They made a determination about the meds and prescribed two for him. I was not comfortable with that and did take him and his results to a cardiologist who immediately took him off the meds and expressed concern that regular vets dabble in cardiology.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
Anxiety has a tendency to make everything over complicated, so I think you need to break this all down into chewable pieces. You mentioned the Vet “suggested that if possible take him to a cardiologist”? Call the clinic and try and speak to the Vet, ask if her advice was just an option or something critical. also have her prescribe the medication she suggested - Its better for Pumpkin to be on some medication and it will give you time to consider what you want to do next.
I spoke with Pumpkin's vet a couple of days ago and explained my limitations, financial and transportation-wise. There's a cardiologist near Syracuse that charges an arm and a leg for an echo - can't remember what they charge for an EKG but there's another vet, not board certified, who does echos for around $340 and an ekg is about $160 - both of which is less than what the other vet would charge.

My cat's vet thinks that board-certified is better but it wouldn't hurt to take him to the other one. I'm going to speak with my care manager about a disabled transportation service that I signed up for. The quicker I get approved for that, the quicker I can get him to the vet and have those tests done.

Would you recommend both tests or just the echo? I would think both would be better.

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  • #12


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
Echocardiograms are around $500 out here, but they do tell a lot about the condition of the heart. If you have one done, the most that will follow will be medication; no one is going to suggest heart surgery for an older cat.

I found it interesting that you declined the medication. When Jamie had his first ECG, it was done by his regular vet and an ultrasonographer. They made a determination about the meds and prescribed two for him. I was not comfortable with that and did take him and his results to a cardiologist who immediately took him off the meds and expressed concern that regular vets dabble in cardiology.
I declined the medication, which is called Pimobendan, because I want to be sure that Pumpkin absolutely 100% needs it. I'm on a variety of medications myself and my own doctor - who I can't stand because of her negligence (won't get into most of that here) prescribed 2 medications for me that she shouldn't have given. Because Pumpkin is elderly, I don't want to take any chances with his health.

Not only that, from the description of this medication in her email, it looks like it comes in liquid form. That won't work. I used to give him Lactulose for bowel issues and he hated it....I frequently had to put it on his paws because he wouldn't take it any other way and he refused to wash it off.

I'm just trying to make sure he gets the best of care. Do you have any experience with this medicine? Do they have it in pill form? My vet's email had a picture of a medicine bottle with an eye dropper....there's no way that Pumpkin would let me give it to him Thanks!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 4, 2013
I want to thank everyone for responding and I'm sorry about my last two posts for being late. It's been a long week and I haven't had a chance to come here for several days. It's a long story and I'll get into this in another thread, but there was a death in my family that happened last year. I found out about it this week on Google. My family has very serious issues it needs to deal with and I've been extremely stressed this week because of it.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I can't help much, but I think an echo would be my choice over an EKG, if you choose to go with just one. Once you have copies of the results, it might be that another vet can take a look at them, for what I would assume would be like a consultation fee.