My Cat Is Pregnant. Her Nipples Are Now Looking White Instead Of Pink


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 25, 2019
Hey all, I just joined this site today. About 2.5 weeks ago I noticed my cat's belly was starting to look bigger. We had planned on getting her fixed this month-fyi. So when I noticed her belly I felt it and could feel her nipples. She will barely let me feel her belly so I haven't been able to feel any kittens. But today she was laying down and I checked her nipples and they now look way more white then they have been. Not sure how far a long she is. I posted a picture of her nipple. Also all the dust looking thing on her was pollen, she likes to lay on our back porch which of course is covered in pollen right now What does this mean? I have gotten her a bed ready (baby pool with blanket in it). It doesn't look like the hair around the nipples has thinned out a lot though. Looking for some advice


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! Welcome!!

The things a pregnant mama kitty does sometimes don't make sense, including lying on a pollen covered porch :) but it sounds as though she likes lying on the porch and being a little closer to you while also being outside more than she dislikes the pollen.

Is she an indoor/roaming-outdoor cat? If so, you might want to start keeping her inside because she may decide to have the kittens outside somewhere. If she has trouble during the birth you'll need to know right away, plus you could have a difficult time finding the kittens outside.

Here are some short but informative articles that may help as you go through this with her;

How To Tell If My Cat Is Pregnant?

Cat Pregnancy

How Do I Know When My Cat Will Give Birth?

Pregnant Cat? What To Prepare For The Birth

Help! My Cat Is Having Kittens!

Weighing Newborn Kittens (and How This Could Save Their Lives)

and, because time flies so fast;

The Essentials Of Kitten Nutrition

How Old Do Kittens Have To Be To Leave Their Mother?