My cat hasn't been eating much (if at all) since yesterday

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  • #21


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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
There wasn't any more tests done yesterday. She got the IV fluids and we were shown how to do it and we're supposed to do it every other day, twenty times. Me and my mom are going to do it together tomorrow. We've never done anything like this so hopefully everything goes well!

The technician explained it pretty well, but I learned my lesson not to listen to a technician for advice again. On Monday we told him we got my cat grass to see if she'd eat that, and it didn't even seem like he knew what grass is. Yesterday I asked him if it's ok to give my cat catnip and he said he sees no problem with it, but then he said if she hasn't been having anything with catnip lately (toys) then not to introduce it because the vet said not to introduce any new supplements, but can eat whatever she wants. I also told him about her athleticism being the same until this past weekend (she didn't eat as much since then so she needs to gain weight. Also she is jumping on tables again.), and he said older cats just want comfort. Soon after we got out of the vet we took her to the park and she became lively. The other technician was a lot more friendly and didn't seem like she wanted to get things over with. I think my cat will be fine with catnip. She also ate (or tried to) eat grass in the park.

So yeah. Could a technician know answers to your questions? Sure, but stick to the vet, especially with serious matters.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
BUN is definitely high and that usually indicates kidney disease or approaching failure, so a talk with your vet is in order about this. I believe you said that he already used the word "failure" a few days ago. My Jamie has a similar problem although his highest BUN was 53....and yes, he is still here and doing okay, but we did an ultrasound on the kidneys right away. Your vet may or may not recommend that as he has the entire history of your cat already.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
BUN is definitely high and that usually indicates kidney disease or approaching failure, so a talk with your vet is in order about this. I believe you said that he already used the word "failure" a few days ago. My Jamie has a similar problem although his highest BUN was 53....and yes, he is still here and doing okay, but we did an ultrasound on the kidneys right away. Your vet may or may not recommend that as he has the entire history of your cat already.
Thanks for the reply. He said he suspects chronic kidney disease, nothing about failure. He still has to do more tests. I want to take her back to her prior vet though. Only reason why we didn't yet was because of the distance and we needed help right away.

On Monday she weighed only weighed 4 pounds, yesterday 4.1 (not a lot more, but at least it's more).

Glad your kitty is doing ok!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Cat
How to give subcutaneous fluids to your cat | International Cat Care

The first link is to a very comprehensive site about kidney disease in cats and the second is one of many instructions/videos available to show how to give subQ fluids to your cat. Or, are you doing IV fluids? How many times per day?

Some vet techs are highly knowledgeable but they are not the vet. You are paying the bill for this service, so if you need to talk to the vet, you need to insist on that.
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  • #25


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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Cat
How to give subcutaneous fluids to your cat | International Cat Care

The first link is to a very comprehensive site about kidney disease in cats and the second is one of many instructions/videos available to show how to give subQ fluids to your cat. Or, are you doing IV fluids? How many times per day?

Some vet techs are highly knowledgeable but they are not the vet. You are paying the bill for this service, so if you need to talk to the vet, you need to insist on that.
Thanks so much for this link. I've been reading a lot (and it's an old school website to boot which I much prefer).

She's getting IV fluids and we're going to give her 50 mL once every other day for twenty times until further instruction. Thanks for the second link as well.
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  • #28


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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Me and my mom weren't sure what to do, so we actually contacted someone from my building who I went to grammar school with when I was little and is a RN. She works with people, but we figured since she knows a thing or two about IV bags, why not, since she's on the floor above us. She helped out with the bag and she was trying to figure out what to do with my cat and the needle, which wasn't that easy for us because of how light she is, and I wound up doing the needle myself, which I really did want to do so I can grow and feel more confident. It would have been a good video. Two people who were never in this field at all and one who is, but with humans Lol.

After that my cat ate chicken multiple times.
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  • #30


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Jul 26, 2018
I just tried three times, but it was leaking. We might take her to a vet closer by to do it since the receptionist at the vet we've been taking her to said that would be ok if they will do it. If not, would it be ok to wait 'till later, or try it again myself now?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
It is really common for people, including myself, to bring cats back to the vet for fluids. Definitely do this if it is the best solution. I recommend that you try bringing her at least once to see if it will be feasible. Fluids can be tricky, this is not on you by any means, but try to see if this will be easier for you and better for your cat.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
It is really common for people, including myself, to bring cats back to the vet for fluids. Definitely do this if it is the best solution. I recommend that you try bringing her at least once to see if it will be feasible. Fluids can be tricky, this is not on you by any means, but try to see if this will be easier for you and better for your cat.
I just called a couple of vets, but they would need to give her a physical first. We're gonna try one more time later, and if that doesn't work maybe our neighbor who helped us last time can help, although last time I was the one who gave her the needle. If we can't do it we'll go to our vet tomorrow.

Thanks, fionasmom.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
That part is usually true. They need a client record before they can treat. If it does not work, get the RN neighbor and if not, get back to your vet.
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
We took her to the vet today. This time another vet helped us (my mom was in the car since they're only allowing one person at a time in each room because of the virus. She wrapped my cat in a blanket and suggested we do that so it'll be less difficult for her to move around on a table while getting a needle. She told me I don't have to worry about getting technical with how I give the IV fluid, just need to find a good spot (sounds better when she said it than me!).

I told her she's only been mainly eating chicken the last couple or so days. She said try to get her to eat other things, but the main thing right now is she's eating.

Before we were taken in I walked her a little in the parking lot because we were early. She perked up. Then the IV and/or B12 made her perk up. We took her to a park and she walked around a little bit, but she was panting a lot, so we brought her back to the car and started driving. We needed to go to the supermarket so I stayed with my cat in the car while my mom went in. I walked her a little bit in that lot since she was moving around in the car and meowed at me. We went walking a little bit, then we went back in the car. She panted a lot again so I ran the AC a lot.

Her paw got swollen again because of the IV fluid. Only ate some chicken since coming home. Any food ideas for her? Perhaps fresh rabbit or lamb if the store sells them in the meat department?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The IV goes in her leg, so that accounts for the swollen paw? But then it goes down as the fluid is absorbed?

From reading your posts, it seems that your cat eats a lot of human food and proteins, but not much cat food. That is not necessarily balanced although I think that you said that she eats some canned food earlier. Will she eat food with any of the stews/bisques/ toppers on them like Hartz Delectables? There are a lot of those kinds of food snacks now, most in the same section of the store. It is absolutely true that she does need to eat, so don't with hold food hoping that she will eat one thing or another and then, as a consequence, she gets nothing.

Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Diet and Nutrition Overview
This is the specific diet section from the CRF website.

If you are someplace where it is very hot, be cautious about outdoor exercise and being in the car for too long with her. You may not be able to help the car as you need to get her to the vet, but be careful with overall heat.
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
The IV goes in her leg, so that accounts for the swollen paw? But then it goes down as the fluid is absorbed?

From reading your posts, it seems that your cat eats a lot of human food and proteins, but not much cat food. That is not necessarily balanced although I think that you said that she eats some canned food earlier. Will she eat food with any of the stews/bisques/ toppers on them like Hartz Delectables? There are a lot of those kinds of food snacks now, most in the same section of the store. It is absolutely true that she does need to eat, so don't with hold food hoping that she will eat one thing or another and then, as a consequence, she gets nothing.

Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Diet and Nutrition Overview
This is the specific diet section from the CRF website.

If you are someplace where it is very hot, be cautious about outdoor exercise and being in the car for too long with her. You may not be able to help the car as you need to get her to the vet, but be careful with overall heat.
I give it to her above her shoulder blade area. The first time it also went to her paw soon after. She hasn't been eating canned food lately, or very little. The last couple of days she's been eating chicken, but just nibbling maybe. I really want to see if something needs to be done with her teeth. The vet quickly looked at them and said some don't look healthy. Sometimes when massaging her jaw/underneath her teeth she lifts her paw up to indicate she wants me to stop the last couple of days.

I finished reading the "What To Feed, And What To Avoid" section from that link. There's a lot of information on that website.

Thank you.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Is there supposed to be a bubble after every time we give my cat the IV fluid? We don't remember if she's supposed to have one according to the vets. We haven't gotten a bubble when we did it, but, the fluid had to go somewhere. We're gonna call in the morning to make sure.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
If you are doing subcutaneous fluids, a lump under the skin where the needle was inserted is quite usual and is absorbed into the body. I have only done subQ, so if you are actually putting this into a vein, I don't know if it is normal or not.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
I could use someone to talk to now. Don't know if there's anything else for us to do.