My Cat has Several Bleeding, Pus-filled Lesions?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 13, 2014
Today marks one week since we lost my other cat; she had an infected abscess near her lower back. While it was being drained, and she was put under anesthesia, she was not properly hydrated during the procedure, and, being overweight, this put too much strain on her body. Now, shortly afterwards, we have found that her sister-cat has a lesion on her mouth and one near her lip. She also has an odd bump/abscess on the top of her head; she is losing fur here. We have taken her to two different vets, who seemed largely unconcerned but also unable to offer a true diagnosis. They prescribed antibiotics, to which my cat is not responding. She is extremely lethargic and refuses to eat or drink.

There are several feral cats living in the area, many of whom are aggressive and enjoy "teasing" our own cats, as well as the usual population of raccoons, skunks, possums, etc. They are wont to stick their paws underneath the door of the room where the litterbox is located. We always block underneath the door (although paws still managed to push through now and then), and my cat has since had no unsupervised time in that particular room. I personally believe that this is the culprit: that either a particularly aggressive cat living in our area or a raccoon bit/scratched our cats.

I'm certain she is suffering severely, and we don't know whether or not we should try to seek further veterinary care or decide to put her down. What might be the diagnosis, and is there any hope for her?


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
The sores inside her mouth could be from the stress of losing her friend. Could be a herpes type flare up or it could be something else. Did the vet give you any pain meds for her?  Is she eating?  I would definitely take her back to the vet.
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TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2014
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it.

First of all, you'll have to forgive me: I mentioned a lesion on her mouth, but I meant near her eye. The locations are eye, mouth, and head.

The first vet gave her a shot of convenia, a shot of Benadryl, and gave us terramycin ointment to put on her eyes every eight hours. The second vet gave us clavamox to give her every twelve hours orally, as well as gave her subcutaneous fluids while she was there. It has been three days since this second visit, and she has shown seemingly no improvement.

I have no doubt in my mind that she is grieving the loss of her sister in her own way. My cats weren't the best of friends throughout the years I've had them, but I definitely think that her emotional state is aggravating her physical condition.

Her eating habits have been sporadic lately, but for the past couple of days she has eaten very little. At the moment, she refuses to eat or drink at all. The only way we've been able to get her to drink water is by putting it in her mouth with the medicine syringe.

Also, part of the problem is that she had been scratching or wiping the (large) scar near her eye with her paw. To deter this, we have her wearing a cone. When we were certain she wasn't going to make it, we removed the cone, only for her to open her eyes, perk up, and begin to move her paw again. So perhaps it's safe to assume that part of her lethargy is coming from her being upset about wearing the cone. Nevertheless, we are going to be taking her to the vet tomorrow morning.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Having recently had Convenia, she shouldn't have had any other antibiotics.  The lethargy is coming from the Convenia. It's a common side effect.  Sounds like she has allergies causing the ear scratching and eye rubbing. You can give her a daily antihistamine to help with that. We give our kitties 1/4 - 1/2 of a 10 mg Claritin (Loratadine) tablet once a day.  This helps with allergies.  We crush it and mix it into their morning wet food serving.
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TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2014
I'm so sorry to have neglected replying! I'm not really an Internet person, and I'm certainly not very active on forums and messaging boards, and of course I have been busy taking care of Felicity.

She was given more subcutaneous fluid and an appetite stimulant and is now eating regularly. The vets did blood work and a culture of her eye and have ruled out bacterial infection. They suggested that it may be a fungal infection, but apparently it takes longer to get results. So, they still don't really know what her diagnosis is. We have, however, been treating her wounds with Banixx, which, although not prescribed to us, is helping her tremendously. Her scabs have greatly diminished in size, and the skin around the wounds is looking normal. Her behavior has improved, too.

Ultimately, she is doing much better now and is probably going to be back to her normal self very soon. Thank you so much for your help and concern.