My cat chews EVERYTHING.. help? (Some pictures included)


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
So, I'm desperate. My cat Missy just turned 4 about 2 weeks ago. For the last three years, she's chewed on things; mainly wires, which I feel is normal. Since her birthday, she's chewed up many things and broken almost all of them.. I got a new phone in April, I already have to replace the charger because she chewed it up almost completely. Mind you, I'm a heavy sleeper; she woke me up a few nights ago by chewing on the corner of my nightstand. I just got my headphones replaced for a fourth time a week ago because she never stops chewing on them, and she struck again while I wasn't in my room today. She's chewed on my laptop screen, my 3DS, my iPad. She's woken me up in the middle of the night from chewing on my scalp, and my eyelashes on MULTIPLE occasions. She chews on boxes, her brush, my PS3 controller joysticks, my shoes, buttons to my shirts, my flat iron for my hair. She's even broken some of my purses from chewing on the straps while I'm asleep. She's broken luggage bags by chewing on the zipper.. I'm desperate.. the spray stuff I don't think will work on this situation considering there are electronics involved and she never has specific things she chews on at specific times. 

I've tried:
Hiding wires from her; she goes out of her way to get to them.
Spray bottles
Vigorous play for hours at a time; it made the problem worse

Please if anybody has ANY idea.. I would be grateful.

This is my phone charger. This is what it 2 feet of the charger looks like.

This is made out of wood, too. This is the corner she tried to chew off. The only reason she hasn't gotten more of it is because this is where I keep my laptop.

Here is my iPad cover that I luckily caught her chewing and was able to stop her. 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Hello @PinkxCheetah   It really sounds like your Missy is like my 2yr old retriever dog , who loves to chew on wood, and slippers when he was younger.

Have you taken Missy in to get her teeth checked at the vet?  The only reason, is to make sure she is not chewing due to sore teeth, gingivitus, or other gum/teeth problems.

I have used the spray called "Bitter Apple" with a previous cat and it did deter him from electrical wires, because you lightly spray the outside of the wire, while it is fully intact, not broken like yours are now.

It coats the wire and just gives it a light bitter taste.  This also worked on shoes and edges of furniture.

But if your Missy ignores this, then you will have to go to Home Depot or some electronic store and buy those electric cord "protectors" that can keep all your cords covered.

The cord protectors I have used for squirrels in garage were called "split loom" 
You can also try the clear thick vinyl tubing which the Home Depot carries for plumbing.

Some threads on TCS have used the empty paper tubes from paper towels and toilet paper rolls, but you would have to tape these on or arrange them to cover the wire all the way through.

There are also cat toys, which you fill with her dry kibble and then she may want to try to occupy her time in removing the kibble.   
I am thinking that you have to find creative ways to keep all the cords away from her,  inaccessible with boxes or obstacles in her way, so she cannot reach them.

keep posting and reading on TCS so that you can find new ideas.  Good luck.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 28, 2012
Good advice from cat nap - go get those cord protectors pronto!!  Worst case scenario is an electrocuted cat, and this will stop that.

You also need to keep up the play - I know you said it made it 'worse', but if you are playing sufficiently, she will be too worn out to get into (as much) mischief at night time (when it sounds as if she is bored)..  For some cats, it literally is 4-6hrs a day, so you will also need to look into 'catification' to help make that enviornment stimulating for when you can't play the 'needed' amount or are alseep.  Try to get into a play routine so she knows when it is time and has something to look forward to (don't laugh, they do!), and play that cat until she flops, then flops again.  As a single cat, our boy was a 3 flop cat (he now has a playmate adn things are SO much easier).

On the 'catification' front, have you tried giving her  HER things that she is allowed to chew?  This can be very helpful.  I used jewellery tubing to give something that was like my phone charger cord.  We also encourage box ripping in our house, which they both seem to love to do (they spit out the bits they rip off).  And they also enjoy 'pruning' the herbs (cat safe of course).  Literally, there is a neat circle of pruned bits.  

On that front, have a look into diet.  Could it be she needs something and is trying to get that something by chewing various things?  Give her a pot of cat grass.  Then look at the food - avoid kibble.  Give her wet food, grain free, and add in raw boney food 2-3xweek for her chewiness and dental health (dental check up first of course).  Something like a chicken neck cut into pieces would be ideal.  Raw rabbit in chunks, or quail, are also good bones for cats.

Lastly, do cover off ALL of the above, as you will only end up with a healthier and happier cat, but there is one final thought if things don't improve.  There is a thing called PICA - you might ask your vet about this at her next visit.

I'll leave you with a show about a cat that was literally chewing the apartment to bits, and what was done to help that cat: 'My cat from Hell' Season 3 episode 7
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
Good advice from cat nap - go get those cord protectors pronto!!  Worst case scenario is an electrocuted cat, and this will stop that.

You also need to keep up the play - I know you said it made it 'worse', but if you are playing sufficiently, she will be too worn out to get into (as much) mischief at night time (when it sounds as if she is bored)..  For some cats, it literally is 4-6hrs a day, so you will also need to look into 'catification' to help make that enviornment stimulating for when you can't play the 'needed' amount or are alseep.  Try to get into a play routine so she knows when it is time and has something to look forward to (don't laugh, they do!), and play that cat until she flops, then flops again.  As a single cat, our boy was a 3 flop cat (he now has a playmate adn things are SO much easier).

On the 'catification' front, have you tried giving her  HER things that she is allowed to chew?  This can be very helpful.  I used jewellery tubing to give something that was like my phone charger cord.  We also encourage box ripping in our house, which they both seem to love to do (they spit out the bits they rip off).  And they also enjoy 'pruning' the herbs (cat safe of course).  Literally, there is a neat circle of pruned bits.  

On that front, have a look into diet.  Could it be she needs something and is trying to get that something by chewing various things?  Give her a pot of cat grass.  Then look at the food - avoid kibble.  Give her wet food, grain free, and add in raw boney food 2-3xweek for her chewiness and dental health (dental check up first of course).  Something like a chicken neck cut into pieces would be ideal.  Raw rabbit in chunks, or quail, are also good bones for cats.

Lastly, do cover off ALL of the above, as you will only end up with a healthier and happier cat, but there is one final thought if things don't improve.  There is a thing called PICA - you might ask your vet about this at her next visit.

I'll leave you with a show about a cat that was literally chewing the apartment to bits, and what was done to help that cat: 'My cat from Hell' Season 3 episode 7
I've playing with her until she pants, and her heart is racing (which takes a few hours to do). She gets a little obsessed with play time and she'll chew and sprint around my room until I play with her again, and again, and again. If I can't start it up again, she runs onto my dresser and reaches as high up as she can go, and just meows and meows. A couple months ago when I had no time to play with her, she was super calm and would only chew every once in a while. She also really doesn't enjoy toys unless it's a small cheap mouse or I'm playing with her. I tried an automatic toy, but she's afraid of loud noises. 
I've also thought about diet, but she doesn't like anything but dry cat food, and the juice from wet cat food. I've provided things like chicken, beef, and even tuna to her and she wants nothing to do with it. She's extremely picky even when it comes to cat treats.
I have given her things she's allowed to chew. She never chews on them though. She goes for things that she knows she shouldn't have (lol mischievous cat). I watched the episode you posted, I think maybe if it isn't pica, it's separation anxiety. I've had her and her brother since they were 8 days old. We had to bottle feed them, clean them, and help them go to the bathroom and everything. I also used to be home all the time, and now I'm not. 
Thank you for the response :)
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
Hello @PinkxCheetah   It really sounds like your Missy is like my 2yr old retriever dog , who loves to chew on wood, and slippers when he was younger.

Have you taken Missy in to get her teeth checked at the vet?  The only reason, is to make sure she is not chewing due to sore teeth, gingivitus, or other gum/teeth problems.

I have used the spray called "Bitter Apple" with a previous cat and it did deter him from electrical wires, because you lightly spray the outside of the wire, while it is fully intact, not broken like yours are now.

It coats the wire and just gives it a light bitter taste.  This also worked on shoes and edges of furniture.

But if your Missy ignores this, then you will have to go to Home Depot or some electronic store and buy those electric cord "protectors" that can keep all your cords covered. 

The cord protectors I have used for squirrels in garage were called "split loom" 

You can also try the clear thick vinyl tubing which the Home Depot carries for plumbing.

Some threads on TCS have used the empty paper tubes from paper towels and toilet paper rolls, but you would have to tape these on or arrange them to cover the wire all the way through.

There are also cat toys, which you fill with her dry kibble and then she may want to try to occupy her time in removing the kibble.  

I am thinking that you have to find creative ways to keep all the cords away from her,  inaccessible with boxes or obstacles in her way, so she cannot reach them.

keep posting and reading on TCS so that you can find new ideas.  Good luck.
I never thought to insist to get her teeth checked. I've taken her to several vets and said something about it and they always kind of just blow it off. But I will definitely insist on it and keep insisting until they do it. Lol.
I think even if the bitter apple does work, I'm still going to get cord protectors. I didn't know those existed. Thank you for that!

The cat toys; I've tried . 
. She doesn't like playing with most toys. She only likes the cheap little mice and the feathers that are on the long string with a stick/handle. Everything else either makes too much noise for her or just isn't interesting. 

The obstacles don't stop her. I keep my phone cord under my pillow when I'm sleeping and when I wake up, I find that she had lifted my pillow with my head on it to pull the cord out. I had to record it to see for sure. Even things in drawers she ends up getting to. 

She's just difficult. She's the only cat I've ever had that I didn't know how to work around. She's too smart.

Thank you for the advice though, I really appreciate it!
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
Good advice from cat nap - go get those cord protectors pronto!!  Worst case scenario is an electrocuted cat, and this will stop that.

You also need to keep up the play - I know you said it made it 'worse', but if you are playing sufficiently, she will be too worn out to get into (as much) mischief at night time (when it sounds as if she is bored)..  For some cats, it literally is 4-6hrs a day, so you will also need to look into 'catification' to help make that enviornment stimulating for when you can't play the 'needed' amount or are alseep.  Try to get into a play routine so she knows when it is time and has something to look forward to (don't laugh, they do!), and play that cat until she flops, then flops again.  As a single cat, our boy was a 3 flop cat (he now has a playmate adn things are SO much easier).

On the 'catification' front, have you tried giving her  HER things that she is allowed to chew?  This can be very helpful.  I used jewellery tubing to give something that was like my phone charger cord.  We also encourage box ripping in our house, which they both seem to love to do (they spit out the bits they rip off).  And they also enjoy 'pruning' the herbs (cat safe of course).  Literally, there is a neat circle of pruned bits.  

On that front, have a look into diet.  Could it be she needs something and is trying to get that something by chewing various things?  Give her a pot of cat grass.  Then look at the food - avoid kibble.  Give her wet food, grain free, and add in raw boney food 2-3xweek for her chewiness and dental health (dental check up first of course).  Something like a chicken neck cut into pieces would be ideal.  Raw rabbit in chunks, or quail, are also good bones for cats.

Lastly, do cover off ALL of the above, as you will only end up with a healthier and happier cat, but there is one final thought if things don't improve.  There is a thing called PICA - you might ask your vet about this at her next visit.

I'll leave you with a show about a cat that was literally chewing the apartment to bits, and what was done to help that cat: 'My cat from Hell' Season 3 episode 7
I had tried to reply, but forgot to take the link out of the quote. 

I play with her for hours on end. It takes her 3 hours of constant jumping, sprinting, and flipping to get her panting. I've attempted to give her things she can play with on her own, but after lots and LOTS of toys, she only likes the toys with feathers attached with the string and all of that, and cheap mice toys. I gave her an automatic feather toy before, but she doesn't like the noise. Any toy that makes any sort of noise, she doesn't like. I have a play routine with her, and it's always right before I'm about to go to bed. She never feels like she had enough play time no matter how hard she's breathing or how hard her heart beats. She lays down for literally 10 seconds and gets back up to play, or to sprint around my room chirping and meowing. She even jumps on my dresser, reaches as high up my wall as she can and just meows, and then sprints all over again. Believe me, I won't laugh! She definitely looks forward to play time, but there aren't as many hours in the day as she wants to be playing. I'm not even sure if it's boredom, rather than just trying to keep me in one place longer. She chews her metal brush when I try to brush her, too. I think maybe it might be separation anxiety, as I've had her and her brother since they were 8 days old and took care of them like their mommy would have. I've given her things she CAN chew, but she wants nothing to do with it. She's picky with what she wants, but not at the same time. I haven't found a pattern other than cords and corners. 

As with her diet, that's something I've had issues with her since she was a few months old. She's very specific about what she wants to eat, and takes hours upon hours to eat it. At one point when she was a few months old she stopped eating completely and I had to put her on medication to start her appetite back up. I had been feeding her only wet food, and she gets excited when I feed her wet food. The problem is, she only eats/drinks the juice out of it and leaves the rest to eat slowly over a period of a few hours.. at one point she would wait so long to eat it I would have to just throw it all out. So now for the last year or so she's been on dry food so she can actually eat even if it's only a little bit or it takes her the whole day to eat half of a handful. She doesn't enjoy meat, either. I've given her chicken, tuna, beef, pork and just regular fish too. Our other cat loves it, but neither her or her brother like it at all. They don't even bother to smell it. 
On the subject of plants, every year my boyfriend gets me anniversary daisies. For my birthday this year, he gave me some. They had these long wooden sticks with glitter all over it around the back of the bouquet, in the vase. She smelled the flowers and the leaves and everything, and then picked out the wooden sticks and chewed on them. I found them all broken on my floor when I came home one night :/

She's so picky.. She's the only cat I've met/had that I can't figure out. :/



TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 28, 2012
Ahh. these cats that make us wiser!!  I empathise - before we got a playmate for Kato, we were doing 6 hrs of play/walking outdoors per day with him.  

When she eats wet food, does she leave behind the 'chunks'?  If so, do the ingredients have grains in there (soy, maize, wheat, gluten, hydrolized protein, rice etc)?  If so, then they are making the 'chunks' out of stuff that doesn't do a cat much good - ours sensibly leave them behind too, licking off the gravy and juice.  You could try a pate style, and you could really hunt for better wet food...if you are in USA, then you have a lot of offerings (we are super limited to mostly crap over here in Australia).  THere are also lots of tips to transition a stubborn cat, although I understand how frustrating it can be (have a search onthis sit efor those tips).

Also, it sounds like she needs to have her own chewing things.. that are the same as the ones she wants to chew on.  You have to get the right texture/whatever for a substitute to work.  You could even use an old phone charger that you don't use anymore.  Then lock away ones you don't want her to chew on.  I know she is clever...but we can be cleverer...we have thumbs...there are baby locks for cabinets etc...THe cord protectors will also help out.  Keep remembering this is a recipe of solutions - no one will magically do it, you have to have lots of things in play.

On the play thing, yes she probably is wanting you up for longer if it si bedtime - she knows you disappear to sleep land.  SO put in some other play sessions into the day eg: wehn you get up, when you get home, before you sleep, leaving at least 30mins before you actually get into bed, in which time you can give her her last meal.  THis will settle her into a 'hunt, eat, sleep' cycle (eventually).

Good luck!
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
Ahh. these cats that make us wiser!!  I empathise - before we got a playmate for Kato, we were doing 6 hrs of play/walking outdoors per day with him.  

When she eats wet food, does she leave behind the 'chunks'?  If so, do the ingredients have grains in there (soy, maize, wheat, gluten, hydrolized protein, rice etc)?  If so, then they are making the 'chunks' out of stuff that doesn't do a cat much good - ours sensibly leave them behind too, licking off the gravy and juice.  You could try a pate style, and you could really hunt for better wet food...if you are in USA, then you have a lot of offerings (we are super limited to mostly crap over here in Australia).  THere are also lots of tips to transition a stubborn cat, although I understand how frustrating it can be (have a search onthis sit efor those tips).

Also, it sounds like she needs to have her own chewing things.. that are the same as the ones she wants to chew on.  You have to get the right texture/whatever for a substitute to work.  You could even use an old phone charger that you don't use anymore.  Then lock away ones you don't want her to chew on.  I know she is clever...but we can be cleverer...we have thumbs...there are baby locks for cabinets etc...THe cord protectors will also help out.  Keep remembering this is a recipe of solutions - no one will magically do it, you have to have lots of things in play.

On the play thing, yes she probably is wanting you up for longer if it si bedtime - she knows you disappear to sleep land.  SO put in some other play sessions into the day eg: wehn you get up, when you get home, before you sleep, leaving at least 30mins before you actually get into bed, in which time you can give her her last meal.  THis will settle her into a 'hunt, eat, sleep' cycle (eventually).

Good luck!
Haha great advice. Yes, she does leave the chunks behind. I'm not sure if the food we used to feed her had grains in it, but I will definitely be on the lookout for grain free wet food and at least attempt it again with her. 

I really appreciate it.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Originally Posted by PinkxCheetah  


The obstacles don't stop her. I keep my phone cord under my pillow when I'm sleeping and when I wake up, I find that she had lifted my pillow with my head on it to pull the cord out. I had to record it to see for sure. Even things in drawers she ends up getting to. 

She's just difficult. She's the only cat I've ever had that I didn't know how to work around. She's too smart.

Thank you for the advice though, I really appreciate it!
Hi @PinkxCheetah....I just had to laugh at the part that you said your Missy lifts the cord from under your pillow, while your head is on it..

Thankfully, she does not go after your money, in your wallet, and starts chewing on that.  (She sounds like she works for some undercover cat organization, and has the skills to steal cords......she must have been a "tech support" person in a previous life)

Okay, so back to serious....The thing you mention about the vets not really looking at the teeth or mouth, is so true.  They tend to do a quick exam, and only if you mention something in particular, then they look a little more thoroughly.  (I just got my 14 yr old cat a dental and he needed six teeth I now go around telling everyone that they should brush their cats teeth with that enzymatic toothpaste for cats, just as a preventative for future dental work)

Did you mention you have another cat?  Do you still have this cat, as a playmate to Missy?
On the 'catification' front, have you tried giving her  HER things that she is allowed to chew?  This can be very helpful.  I used jewellery tubing to give something that was like my phone charger cord.  We also encourage box ripping in our house, which they both seem to love to do (they spit out the bits they rip off).  And they also enjoy 'pruning' the herbs (cat safe of course).  Literally, there is a neat circle of pruned bits.  

.......  Something like a chicken neck cut into pieces would be ideal.  Raw rabbit in chunks, or quail, are also good bones for cats.
On the subject of plants, every year my boyfriend gets me anniversary daisies. For my birthday this year, he gave me some. They had these long wooden sticks with glitter all over it around the back of the bouquet, in the vase. She smelled the flowers and the leaves and everything, and then picked out the wooden sticks and chewed on them. I found them all broken on my floor when I came home one night :/

She's so picky.. She's the only cat I've met/had that I can't figure out. :/
I really have to try those chicken necks that @tammyp mentioned, since others here have said they are really good for cats.  And  the box idea seems the easiest to try.

I am not sure if I would use old cords as substitutes, but I do know you are trying to give her options that won't cause electrocution.

There has to be something about the taste, or feel of the plastic that she really likes, or maybe she just sees it as a game. 

(my one previous cat would literally chew the back of the t.v. cord, while I was in the room, and I started flipping out, and chasing he thought of it as a game.  I had to cover all cords, spray them with the bitter apple, and also remove or channel the remaining cords behind furniture, duct tape, and conduit.  yes....the place looked weird, but he was safe, and eventually lost interest in the cords.)

Oh....@PinkxCheetah....I am the last person to ask about flowers and plants, but here is a link that you may have to print out for your boyfriend, only because I am not sure if Missy was trying to tell you that certain daisies may not be good to have around.—finally-some-cat-safe-choices/

Or she was angry, that he did not bring her an anniversary present, too. 
Yup, the things we have to learn for our cats....I sure hope it makes us "wiser" and not just grey.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 18, 2014
Did you mention you have another cat?  Do you still have this cat, as a playmate to Missy?
Sorry for the late reply!

Yes we have 2 other cats, one is her brother, and the other is a cat who is pretty laid back and just sleeps and eats and stays fat. 
The Kitten is 10 years old, and we've had her since she was a kitten. We never really could find a name for her because her personality changed so much, so it stayed The Kitten.

Missy doesn't like other cats very much. Missy is extremely territorial, when it comes to me especially. The fat cat, who is named "The Kitten" (lol) likes to sleep next to my face, and that's when Missy pays attention to her, and just starts stalking her and causing fights. :(
Missy's brother Chowder loves just smelling Missy and The Kitten, but then gets bored and just wanders off. Ha! 

Missy's just a super mischievous, energetic Mommy's girl. 
Last edited:

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Sorry for the late reply!

Yes we have 2 other cats, one is her brother, and the other is a cat who is pretty laid back and just sleeps and eats and stays fat. 
The Kitten is 10 years old, and we've had her since she was a kitten. We never really could find a name for her because her personality changed so much, so it stayed The Kitten.

Missy doesn't like other cats very much. Missy is extremely territorial, when it comes to me especially. The fat cat, who is named "The Kitten" (lol) likes to sleep next to my face, and that's when Missy pays attention to her, and just starts stalking her and causing fights. :(
Missy's brother Chowder loves just smelling Missy and The Kitten, but then gets bored and just wanders off. Ha! 

Missy's just a super mischievous, energetic Mommy's girl. 
I think your crew is fantastic.  I thought that maybe Missy was bored or lonely for another cat, but I guessed wrong.  She has cats in her life, but for whatever reason she wants more attention from you.

So both the Kitten (I love that for a chubby 10 year old...just adorable) and Chowder (also, cute name, and makes me think of food) are totally Zen cats and relaxed.

So I'm thinking, some TCS members use double-sided-sticky-tape for counters, to prevent cats from climbing, so maybe using it on the wires you cannot hide such as headphones, might work.

(I would get it at the dollar store....just to try ...but you have to make sure she does not eat it.)

Its like you have to "kitten proof" your home, as you would a child, to prevent Missy from eating anything dangerous.

I think @tammyp also mentioned "cat grass" but I don't know how that works.

   Yeah, @PinkxCheetah   you have a diverse team of cats there.  (definitely undercover FBI or Mi6..

Good Luck and post back if any of this stuff works, or if you run across some more tips.