My 6 month old female cat died from heart attack probably yesterday (too youg... RIP our beloved lilika❤)

Alexandros Psiloritis

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 16, 2021
First of all i am very depressed because my six month old cat died yesterday in the morning braking my family's heart. She was only six months old and we found her just 6 months ago in our street in Athens,greece. She was basically a stray kitten when we found her and we immediately fell in love with her. She was a very social cat that communicated with us a lot when we talked to her and she was also very demanding when she wanted something and she meowed for a while untill she took what she wanted (mostly attention and playing when we humans were busy warking but it nevertheless was cute and boy i will miss that). The fact that she was a bit demanding didn't bother me at all because i thought it was a sign of good health.We loved her a lot, we had toys for her some things to put her claws on and we really cared for her, she had her schedules with the vet and we bought expensive food including food that was given by the vet as medicine when the vet recommended it. She was loved by everyone in the house and we usually slept with her near us , and we huged her and let her sleep in our bed and things like that we really loved.We had to sterilize her since this is the greek law for adopting stray cats and we were a bit anxious about that. I didn't notice enything in her health neither me nor the doctor afterwards but she died around 2 weeks after the sterilization occured. For that time we literally tried our best so we bought a cat collar cone to stop her from licking the wound( which she did before we buy it) . We didnt let her play too much from fear that she might injure her wound and i tried to keep my distance as much as i could for that while because i felt a bit sick and didn't want to get her sick after the surgery. So she was sleeping for the most part of the day for those 2 weeks (which is not healthy for a young cat i know but i thought it was okay untill her fully recovery ).The day she died we had decided to take her collar away and let her play in the beautiful sunny morning for the first time in our balcony after a long time and we brought an other cat to play with ours (this other cat was a life long friend of our cat that lives with my grandparents). They played for a while and then when the other cat left our beloved cat still had a lot of energy and literaly jumped on my mothers bed. My mother then accompanied my grandparents(and their cat ) out and talked with them for about 4 or 5 minutes and when she returned our beautiful angel was lying dead in the carpet near the window the spot she sow much loved.She was so energetic and so happy but she fall dead in the carpet where she was just playing. My mother cried for my dad. Then i woke up it was a bit late morning but i had trouble sleeping the previous night and it took some time for me to realise what had actually happend and when i did it was like someone had stubbed me with a knife, i couldn't comprehend what had just happend! She was so young and for the first damn time i had stopped worrying for her health. When we asked the vet he tolled us that it was probably a heart attack since she didnt have lack of appetite and she was playing happily for god's shake so she was no ill cat. I CANT BELIEVE IT WE TRIED OUR BEST AND IT'S THE THIRD TIME I LOSE MY FAVORITE PET BUT THIS TIME WE TRULLY TRIED OUR BEST. I don't know if we did any mistake guys, i dont know if the fact that we didn't let her play a lot for those 2 weeks made her heart vulnerable and she got so exhausted for palying like a normal cat that she collapsed. The only thing i know is that i lost my darling with out even the ability to say goodbye to her and she was so damn young and she can't come back now. Thank you for reading this ❤i hope nothing like that to happen to anyone.
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Alexandros Psiloritis

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 16, 2021
Thank you i appreciate that you read it it was my 3rd time that i lost a pet


TCS Member
Oct 15, 2021
It never gets any easier! However I'm sure your kitty lived a happy life and was very loved, and she loved you as well! I hope you find comfort in that.. ❤


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I am so very sorry for your loss.

Mia:hugs: :rbheart::grouphug:


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry for your loss. Your vet may be right; she possibly did have an undiagnosed heart condition and passed from a blood clot related to that. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it, and certainly nothing that you or your family did which caused your little girl to pass on. Heart conditions do not necessarily affect only older cats; I lost a cat once this way and it is very hard to reconcile.
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Alexandros Psiloritis

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 16, 2021
indeed it is difficult to deal with for all of us thank you all for your help i am greatful ❤❤

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Losing a pet NEVER gets easier, no matter how much time passes by or how many we lose.......
You did absolutely nothing wrong, I'm spaying outside cats right now, and having to let them go back to the outside after only a day and no one to be right there and taking care of them is extremely stressful.
It was a horrible experience to have this happen, you were trying to make her life better. Please don't put any blame on you or your family, you have to have the intent to do harm to be guilty, and all you wanted was to make her life better and to love her. She had a wonderful life for those 6 months, you gave her everything she wanted, a home and someone to love. Sometimes bad things happen and there is not a thing we can do about it, or any way to explain it.
Her love, and the love of the others you have lost, will be tied to your soul forever. Love is spiritual, so eternal. They all live on through you now, so go forward into your future living life and seeking all its beauty and happiness like it is meant to be lived. Like you would want for them if you were the first to go. They want no less because that is love. She did not die alone, she was at home, surrounded by the love of her family. That love would never be absent from her.
Sure it hurts, it hurts just as strongly as the happiness was when they were with you. The more you let them into your heart and your life, the more it hurts when they are gone. But life is meant to be full of love and happiness so some pain will happen because life is not perfect, just as we are not perfect either. So don't let this stop you from opening your heart again, any new loves will reside right beside theirs, helping that love to grow even stronger with the sunshine of happiness and receiving love in return. You can never replace that love, you add it to your own that exists deep inside you, keeping it safe and protected.
Your little girl is at peace, she has your love to keep with her, just as she left her own with you. For you to cherish and to remember her by over the years. To be remembered and loved after death is a great honor, and that is what you gift her with now. My heart breaks for your pain, I know how hard this is. And because love is so personal, so precious, you travel this road alone. But we are here for you if you need us, we are proof there is a life after the death of a loved one. You are stronger than you think, you will survive. Even though it doesn't feel like it right now. You will be blessed for hurting so bad from loving so much. Time is the only thing that helps, just get through the next hour, the next day. One day at a time....RIP beautiful little girl. You will always be missed, you will have secure places in loving hearts for eternity. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sweet Little Friend, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

I am so, so very sorry. What was your baby's name? This is what I know, that love never dies, it only changes form and continues on, still Love. And your little one now blesses you for your love, and sends her own, translated and purified into Love, to walk with you down through all your days. Because Love abides, always, forever, Love abides. Only their physical form leaves us, Love remains.
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Alexandros Psiloritis

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 16, 2021
thank you .Her name was lilika it might not mean anything if you are not a greek but that's how we named her . Our little girl was sweet and a great real friend