Munchkin Kitty And Vomiting


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 12, 2016
Georgia, USA
Hey there,
So my 2 year old siamese munchkin cat got really sick yesterday afternoon. She was fine in the morning, and around 1pm she started vomiting her food and continued to vomit the rest of the afternoon and night. I rushed her to the Animal Hospital and they did many X-rays and blood work and all came back normal. The X-rays showed no obstruction as well.
The vet gave her 2 shots, one for nausea and a broad spectrum antibiotic as well as some fluids for dehydration. He said its possible that she ate something that didn't agree with her and took awhile for her body to work it out or she has a stomach bug. She has no diarrhea and since she's been home from the vet she has ate a little and drank some water. She's still not acting normal though and I'm worried that when the nauseous medicine wears off she will get sick again! Is there anything that I can do to ensure that she has a good recovery?

Im sure I sound silly with how stressed out that I am about my baby, but i think its odd that she could have a stomach flu? Could that really be the culprit?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
My Starbuck had kitty stomach flu. She is also a munchkin. She was given nausea meds and an antibiotic. She was not dehydrated yet and did not get fluids. It is good that your baby is eating and drinking a little already. Has she gone to the bathroom yet? When you mention she is not acting normal yet do you mean she is sleeping more than normal? My baby did this too the day after treatment. She is probably just tired from being sick. She did not throw-up anymore after treatment. If you worried about her not acting normal you can always call your vet’s office with questions.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 12, 2016
Georgia, USA
Thank you for your reply! Im so relieved that you had a similar experience.
She's just not herself still, she slept a little when we got home but she still seems out of it. I assume its from the medications or she's a bit weak from being sick. However, she's up and around and following me around the house and seems to be okay...Im just a worry wort i guess.
She has used the bathroom, only to pee.
The Vet told me that if she continues to throw-up then to come back.

Do you know whats best to feed her? She currently has Science Diet dry kibble and ate a bit of that, but she can be a picky eater...


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
A lot of people suggest Fancy Feast canned, although I'm not a fan of the menadione additive. Here is a thread that talks about wet food brands, and then a few articles that might help you decide;
Also, at the bottom of this post are a couple of cat food review/databases

Wet Food For Sensitive Stomachs

How To Choose The Right Food For Your Cat
18 Awesome Cat Feeding Tips By Thecatsite Staff Members
How To Get Your Cat To Start Eating Again
Raw Feeding Cats: Types Of Raw Diets & Feeding Options
Homemade Food For Cats: Consider Your Recipe!
Top 5 Brands Of Wet Cat Food Our Members Love The Most
Transitioning Your Cat From Kibble To A New Type Of Food (canned, Raw, Or Homemade)

The last update of this one was Nov 2017, so reading labels for ingredients is still necessary. Pet Food Guide

CatFoodDB - Cat Food Reviews to help you find the best cat food for your cat


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
For a finicky cat, you could try toppers such as
  • boiled unseasoned chicken or turkey,
  • sardines,
  • tuna,
  • tuna juice from the tuna can,
  • canned kitten food,
  • kitten replacement milk powder or liquid as an add-in,
  • bonito flakes,
  • heating the wet food slightly,
  • parmeson or shredded cheddar cheese,
  • fortiflora
  • mackerel
There are also commercial toppers, Applaws is a brand that can work well as a topper, you could crumble her kibble onto the wet food, Tiki Cat has a mousse topper, etc.

Regarding additives that people typically do not like;
these are agar agar, carrageenan, the various glutens(such as wheat gluten, etc), menadione bisulfate which is a synthetic vitamin K, and some people find that their cats don't do well with the starches (pea starch, potato etc), or they try to avoid grains, or some vegetables.

Other ingredients that aren't liked but can be found in cat foods are artificial colors, sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, BHT, BHA, Ethoxyquin, sodium selenite - selenium, sodium, glucose, sucrose, corn syrup, propylene gycol, propyl gallate.

Rendering products are a challenging additive/ingredient since the consumer has no real way of knowing by looking at a label - I'm hoping that someone else creates a database we can use since I heard back from the people at Cornucopia regarding the Pet Food Guide, and they're not going to continue maintaining it. Reviews . com has a cat food page that might be of use.

It is up to you as to what you can afford, what concerns you the most versus the least but if you have a finicky cat, and even if not, the VERY most important thing is what will your cat eat - that is the best food.

Many members try and offset bad additives by rotating foods, some expensive with some that is not, some with one bad ingredient, then the next day or two feeding something that doesn't have that bad thing but might have something else.

The idea is to give the cat's system a better chance to deal with bad stuff. Also, a variety can help if the manufacturer discontinues a favorite brand, which happens more frequently than it should.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 12, 2016
Georgia, USA
Thank you so much!
For a finicky cat, you could try toppers such as
  • boiled unseasoned chicken or turkey,
  • sardines,
  • tuna,
  • tuna juice from the tuna can,
  • canned kitten food,
  • kitten replacement milk powder or liquid as an add-in,
  • bonito flakes,
  • heating the wet food slightly,
  • parmeson or shredded cheddar cheese,
  • fortiflora
  • mackerel
There are also commercial toppers, Applaws is a brand that can work well as a topper, you could crumble her kibble onto the wet food, Tiki Cat has a mousse topper, etc.

Regarding additives that people typically do not like;
these are agar agar, carrageenan, the various glutens(such as wheat gluten, etc), menadione bisulfate which is a synthetic vitamin K, and some people find that their cats don't do well with the starches (pea starch, potato etc), or they try to avoid grains, or some vegetables.

Other ingredients that aren't liked but can be found in cat foods are artificial colors, sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, BHT, BHA, Ethoxyquin, sodium selenite - selenium, sodium, glucose, sucrose, corn syrup, propylene gycol, propyl gallate.

Rendering products are a challenging additive/ingredient since the consumer has no real way of knowing by looking at a label - I'm hoping that someone else creates a database we can use since I heard back from the people at Cornucopia regarding the Pet Food Guide, and they're not going to continue maintaining it. Reviews . com has a cat food page that might be of use.

It is up to you as to what you can afford, what concerns you the most versus the least but if you have a finicky cat, and even if not, the VERY most important thing is what will your cat eat - that is the best food.

Many members try and offset bad additives by rotating foods, some expensive with some that is not, some with one bad ingredient, then the next day or two feeding something that doesn't have that bad thing but might have something else.

The idea is to give the cat's system a better chance to deal with bad stuff. Also, a variety can help if the manufacturer discontinues a favorite brand, which happens more frequently than it should.