Multiple Confusing Cat Behavior - Advice Appreciated


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 18, 2020

Making this post about strange cat habits that I need help with – I do have a vet appointment this Tuesday… New vet since my last vet wasn’t in tune with cats (told me to “yell” or “flick” the forehead if they cause problems). So, we’ll see – but in the meantime appreciate any advice if this visit turns out to be a dud

The Criminals:
-Male Maine Coon – 1.5 years old + neutered at 4 months
-Male Siamese – 0.5 years old + neutered at 4 months
-I’ve had the Maine Coon for 1.1 years and the Siamese about 2 months

My Questions
1-Whenever my Siamese decides to cause trouble and “cat fight” – I’ve noticed a NEW and strange behavior happening…. My Maine Coon goes on top of the Siamese cat and bites his neck from the back. Now I’m freaking now! That looks like “cat humping”… BUT – it’s done very gently o______O and my Maine Coon even “talks” to the Siamese while doing it instead of angry attitude/hissing/loud mews. Now I move them apart and carry the Siamese with me… only for him to jump and chase the Maine Coon again. What is going on here? Can this turn into a problem/dangerous situation?

2- Occasionally my Maine Coon has poop stuck in his butt. Normally he’s very gentle – but when I reach out to cut the pieces near his butt – he turns violent. Biting/clawing etc… I have had cats before – but this has never happened. Any idea why? What can I do to stop this?

3-Back to the Siamese… Occasionally I have noticed the spots he sits on smell like ammonia? (that strong smell from urine)… But… there is no urine? I’m confused. He will sit on my comforter (which is white – so ANY tiny bit of fluid will stain) – there are ZERO stains but the occasional smell of ammonia… Happens on some of my cloths too. He is neutered – so it can’t be spraying? Could there be remnants that are just leaking out??

Any advice/thoughts are appreciated!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 23, 2017
metro Detroit
Can't help with No. 2, but I can offer some suggestions for Nos. 1 and 3.

The mounting and biting on the neck looks suggestive, but I think it's just a dominance behavior. As long as your Siamese boy doesn't start making a fuss, it shouldn't be troublesome.

Your Siamese boy might still have some hormones and semen in his system, even a couple months after his neutering. The smell should decrease with time. Urine does have some nitrogen-based compounds though, and that may be what you are smelling. Perhaps his hygiene isn't the best. Spayed males can continue spraying after neutering too.


Mom to an inappropriate urinator
Alpha Cat
Apr 25, 2017
Sound like the poop is stuck in the Maine Coon's fur? You might need to keep him trimmed up down there. Perhaps he'll be less sensitive in that area when there isn't something stuck there.

I would guess that you would definitely be sure if spraying was happening, so maybe it is just a hygiene issue?

I think the play fighting is just play fighting.

Why do vets suggest such things?!?!?!?!?!