Moving an Old Cat into a New Home with a New Cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2013
I’m not sure if this is where I should ask this, and apologize if it’s not, but here’s my dilemma:

I have a senior cat (Jasmine, age 12) and have had her since a kitten, she’s been in the same home around the same people (my parents and I).  She’s territorial and doesn’t like other animals (kittens abandoned by their mom, cats through the window, and our dog Blue); which we’ve had in her space a few times in her life time.  However I’m going to be moving out of my parents’ home soon, and have wondered about adopting another cat and moving both cats in our new home at the same time (that way it’s new territory unclaimed by either cat).

However I’m worried about both cats; Jazz is an old cat and the move itself will probably be stressful on her, as well as familiarizing herself with a new home, and I worry that adding a new cat into her life will be too much stress for her.  Additionally, I don’t know how well the new cat will react to her, I realize there would have to be a period of introduction, and hopefully they would eventually coexist or (better yet) become friends.  Then my next worry is that after Jazz passes, what the effects on the surviving cat will be; she’ll have lost a companion, be left alone, and she could become depressed (although there is a chance she’ll be fine).

My mom made comment of letting Jazz continue to live with them (to reduce the stress on her), and I adopt a new cat after I’ve moved out.  I’m not exactly thrilled at that idea as Jazz is my cat, although she prefers my parents over me, but I planned for her to live with me until the end of her life and then adopt my next cat (possibly 2).

I guess I’m just looking for advice on if adding a new cat and new home to a senior cat’s life would be too much for her, if I should move Jazz in our new home and wait till after her passing to adopt, or just let my parents keep her; or any advice on this would be appreciated.

Let me know if you have and additional questions or comments.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Honestly, given what you describe, I would DEFINITELY leave Jazz with your parents, and if you choose not to do so I would DEFINITELY NOT get another cat.

Since Jazz has lived in the same place her whole life, is now a senior, and also admittedly prefers your parents to you, I would definitely not subject her to the trauma of the move.  I know you will miss her, but you can come visit her.  A 12 year old cat who has only lived in one place is extremely likely to be VERY upset by a move. At a minimum she will be very confused.  No cats like change.  Their territory is very important to them.  Furthermore, you would subject her to living for the first time without your parents, who you yourself admit she prefers to you.  I just would not do this to a senior cat.  I think given all that you say it would be selfish of you.  I am not meaning to be so blunt that it's hurtful and I apologize if I am sounding too harsh, but I just can't recommend that you move her.

If you do decide to move her anyway, there is no reason to subject her to another cat when you already know she dislikes other cats. It will not make it easier because she will be moving to 'neutral territory'.  Instead it will be worse for her as she will have another HUGE change that she has to acclimate to all at once.

If I were you, I would move out without Jazz and get a new cat (or two!) all of your own.  I know you will miss Jazz A LOT but you will be able to understand what is going on and to go see her. 

Good luck whatever you decide.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 17, 2013
i went thru this very thing 2 years ago when I moved out of my parents house and took my senior cat with me. When I brought her to my new place, she would not come out of my room for months and when my parents would visit, she acted as if they were strangers and hid from them. But then I brought in a new kitten, even though my older cat hates other cats, but bringing in the new kitten helped her come out of her shell, and she left my room and finally felt comfortable in the rest of the house. The kitten would demand her attention and they would play and chase eachother which was a surprise since my older cat wasn't very active lol. But after a year my kitten was getting more and more forceful with the play and my older cat was getting less tolerant of her so that's when I knew it was time to bring in another kitten. It gave my older cat a break from my kitten and gave my kitten a new playmate with as much energy as she has so everyone wins. I think your cat will be fine after some adjusting and maybe another cat will help her with that :)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree, I tried to blend some seniors with a territorial cat and it did not work at all. I kept them separated and tried for almost a year and the 'home' cat still would break through the screens from the outside and attacked my poor Chrissy, ripping a huge gash in her leg. There I thought letting the seniors have the run of the house while the home cat went outside was a good idea, to 'mingle' their scents, wrong! I have never seen a cat break through a screen like that. It broke our hearts but we had to rehome her, there was NO getting along. Thank god she ended up the 'only child' of an elderly couple. It's just not worth the stress to your baby.You have to be brave and very unselfish, and think what is better for HER. Good luck and God bless.


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2014
In my opinion I would NOT adopt another cat while you still have Jazz. The move plus her territorial issues could be to much for her to bear. Once in the new home both Jazz and the new cat could display signs of aggression towards each other as well as they might feel that it is necessary to mark their territories in an attempt to claim what is theirs. This would result in them  peeing outside of the box even if you provide them with several litter boxes to try and reduce the territorial behaviour. I would not get another cat, I believe it would have a negative effect on Jazz's behaviour and possibly introduce more behavioural problems. In terms of moving if you wish to take Jazz with you it is important to try and make this as stress free for Jazz as possible. You can do this by creating a room in your new apartment that is just hers keep food, water, toys, scratching post litterbox ect in there for her give her a place to hide in the room to help make her feel more secure example: cat tree, under a bed also use Feliway plug in, in the room because Feliway is pheremones that can help cats adjust to new environments and calm them down. You could also spray some cat nip spray on her toys in the room to help give Jazz some comfort.

However given the age of  Jazz and her behaviour and the fact that she spent her whole life in your parents house with you I think it would be best for Jazz to stay in your parents house and you should get a new cat when you move in your apartment.

Good Luck


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 26, 2014
I think jazz may surprise you and live another 10 years, so it seems best for everybody that you leave her with your parents and kitty-proof the new place and then get a few litter-mates.