Moving A Pregnant Barn Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
I started taming a very feral cat, who I’ve named Sally. I discovered that she was pregnant and managed to get her into my barn so she can’t run away during this important time. The barn is a really good place for her right now, I have 2 other barn cats (both fixed!), and they get along just fine. Sally loves running around exploring the barn.
However, I don’t think the barn is the best place for the kittens to be born. I have chickens, and other animals, that go in the barn every night. My hens like to go after small animals (mice, frogs) I don’t want them somehow getting to the tiny kittens. My barn also has a lot of small dark places that Sally could go into to have her babies. I want to make sure she has a nest where I can get to her is anything goes wrong.

My mother and I are going to fix up a milk house (it’s basically a shed) we have on our property. It needs a lot of repairs, but I’m hoping we can get it fixed up in time for little Sally cake. The only problem with using the milk house for Sally is that I will have to put her in a carrier to get from the barn to the milk house. I’m pretty sure she’s never been in a carrier before, I don’t know how she will react. Since she is still kind of feral, I’m thinking she might go crazy. Any tips on handling a pregnant cat, specifically, getting one into a carrier?

As of right now, the milk house isn’t done being fixed, so it’s not happening just yet, I want to be prepared though. If she does freak out in the carrier, could she hurt herself/ her kittens badly? Could it induce labor early if she gets extremely stressed? I don’t know exactly how far along she is, but she seems kind of big. (I’ll try to post pics of her later)

My biggest concern is taking her to the vet if things go wrong. Sally is terrified of other people, she acts completely feral. I am the only person she is okay with, she runs up to me and lets me rub her belly all the time. I’m guessing she’s like that because I’m the only person who tamed her. I know that she will lose her mind going to the vet, I don’t even know how they would handle such a wild cat.

Sally is very healthy (compared to my other cats I’ve rescued from my neglectful neighbor). Her fur is silky smooth, her eyes are clear, her ears are perfectly clean and don’t smell at all, and I don’t see any fleas in her fur. This is her first litter, since she looks really young, I’m guessing that she is about a year old. I read somewhere that young first time mother cats have a high chance for rejecting their litter, is that very true? I bought some basic kitten care supplies just in case.

I went out to give her food and snuggles last night, Sally cake laid down for some tummy rubs and I felt a very strong firm kitten leg kick! Then I felt a body or head move after that! Kitten movement usually marks 2 weeks to go right? We are planning on getting the milk house fixed up next week end (Sep 1-2). At that point she would be 1 week from delivery, is that too late to move her? I do have a large dog crate in the barn I can put her in, I just don't want to contain her in a crate. But I can't have her have full run of the barn when she goes into labor.

Sorry for the long post. Thank you so so much for any advice you guys have, Sally and I really appreciate it! :)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Before answering, you cant take her into the house? it will be easier to foster the kittens, and also, to watch over the birthing...

SHE will surely copy.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
Before answering, you cant take her into the house? it will be easier to foster the kittens, and also, to watch over the birthing...

SHE will surely copy.
StefanZ, yes, I really want to bring her into my house, but I don't know how she will react. I have 2 cats and a dog, who get into everything, they spend most of their time in my room with me. My dog wants to be with me 24/7 so there's no way for me to keep him out of my room, he will bark and scratch at the door.
If I were to bring Sally into my house, I would have to put her into a large dog crate, I'm worried she will get scared and hide under my bed.
I do agree that it will easier for the kittens and her. I could try, but I don't want to stress her out too much, if it doesn't work out.
Thanks for the response!
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
I tried taking some pics of Sally this morning, but she was scared of my phone and kept running away from it. :(
Sorry that they are so blurry-

When she's standing up, her tummy really sticks out on both sides, I couldn't get any pics of that angle though.

- So I found this 62"x 62"x 36" octagon shaped mesh puppy playpen on amazon that I could put in my room and it would be perfect for Sally! As of right now, I do plan on getting her in my room, since I doubt the milk house will be fixed in time.
I just need to know if moving her into my house could induce labor early? I know it will be very stressful for her. Just tiny things like my phone scared her really bad.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I would move her as soon as you can, so she has time to settle before giving birth. Thank you for taking care of her!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Cats can somewhat steer when to deliver. She will hold off till things calmed down and she feels reasonably safe.
Still better move earlier than later.

M monochromatic = black and white :)
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Jul 25, 2018
Okay, I ordered the pen and it should be here on Tuesday, I'll move her in then. Yes, I hope she gets enough time to get comfortable, I plan on making a little 'cave' nest that is fully enclosed so she can feel safe hiding in there if need be.
And that's good to hear that cats can somewhat wait till things have calmed down.
Thanks guys! :)
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
The pen arrived yesterday and I have it all set up for Sally. Now I just have to get her into the cat carrier to bring her into my house... I set the carrier on the barn floor, next to her food/water dishes, its been there for a few weeks now and she will still not go in it.

I've been putting her food dish closer and closer to the opening, and it's kind of been working. This morning, I put the dish inside the carrier and she leaned her head in very cautiously, but she didn't put any of her paws in.

I don't want to attempt to push her in there, have her slip out of my grasp, and be afraid of me. I'm pretty sure she's never been in a crate before, and she hates being in small spaces, I know she will completely flip out.
I just don't want to hurt her, or have her become afraid of me.
I'll keep going out this morning and give her treats when she comes over to the carrier. Hopefully I can get it to work, I know the sooner I get her in, the better.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Jul 25, 2018
I tried to gently push her in when she walked towards the opening, I got her all the way in, but when I was closing the door she slipped out and ran away. Now she will barely let me pet her, I feel terrible.
I have 2 live traps and I set them both up with her favorite canned food. I really hope she will go in one, at this point I think it is the only way to catch her.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
It has been around 7 hours since I set the 2 live traps in my barn. I put one against the wall I know Sally likes to sit by, and the other against a fence where her food/water are. I put a little bit of canned food + tuna in both and she hasn't gone in either one yet. :(
I don't have either of the traps covered, should I probably cover them? I don't know if the covered traps would be even more scary for her.

I only have food set out in the traps, because I want her to become hungry enough to go in one. But I did set out a spoonful of food by one trap around lunch time (4 hours ago) and she went over and ate it. I don't know if she will ever go in them because she is just so scared, and I don't want her to go without food for too long.

She is still scared of me, I can walk up to her but if I try to pet her she will run away. I feel terrible, like I undid all the training I did with her to trust me.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
I had to put the traps away overnight because I don't want my 2 other barn cats going in them.
Last night when I went out Sally seemed friendly again and let me give her tummy rubs! This morning Sally walked up to me and let me pet her more, it seems like she has already forgiven me.
I set the 2 traps up again this morning and I covered both of them this time.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
Have you ever picked her up or sat on the ground and had her sit in your lap? How far is it from the barn to your house?
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
Have you ever picked her up or sat on the ground and had her sit in your lap? How far is it from the barn to your house?
I've never picked her up or had her in my lap before. I tried sitting on the ground with my legs out so she could sit in my lap, but she doesn't come near me because I look bigger to her apparently. I crouch on the ground with my knees against my chest and then she come up and lets me pet her. She likes to rub her face on my body while I pet her sometimes.

Our barn is really close to our house, its just in our backyard. I've been going out every 2 hours to check on her.
I've noticed she sometimes hides in a space between the hay bales so I wedged one of the live traps in there, covered it with hay and put some in it so it looks the same. I hope she falls for it and goes in there, the food doesn't seem to draw her attention.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
I was just wondering what would happen if you picked her up and brought her into the house, but I guess that's not a good solution if she hasn't let you hold her yet.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
I was just wondering what would happen if you picked her up and brought her into the house, but I guess that's not a good solution if she hasn't let you hold her yet.
Yeah I wish I could do that :(
She is a very sweet girl, but she just gets scared really easily.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Jul 25, 2018
Day 3, no luck still. I put one trap in her hay 'cave', it looks just the same as before (I put hay all around and inside the trap) but she somehow can tell a cage is in there because she won't go near the hay bales!

I'm feeling really discouraged and I'm just accepting that I will not be able to catch her in time. I really wanted to her her in my room so I could be with her as much as possible to help with the birth, especially since I think she's a first time mama.

My biggest concern about her staying in the barn is that she likes to climb up into the rafters! They are 16 feet up on the ceiling of the barn and there is a very long narrow space that she hides in up there. She only goes up there when she hears another person coming. I've told my whole family to not go out to the barn, but they still like to go outside by the barn, which is extremely frustrating.

I am very worried that Sally will climb up in the rafters to have her kittens.
There is absolutely no way I can get up there to help her if anything goes wrong. She has shown no signs of nesting, so I don't know if she's just late on that, or if she plans on having them up in the rafters.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
Since my last update, I've had both live traps set all weekend, covered and with yummy smelly tuna inside (Sally loves tuna), but no luck.

I am assuming she is 62 days along today, I felt the first kitten movement Aug 22nd. I'm going out to the barn every hour to check on her when I am home.
She finally showed signs of nesting on Saturday (Sep 1st), after she had her lunch she ran back behind an empty chicken cage. I went over to see where she went and she made a little nest in the hay back there. It is a very good place for her to have the kittens, there's enough space for me to get back there and sit with her if she wants. However, she hasn't shown anymore signs of nesting and hasn't gone back there since.

Since yesterday, there has been clear discharge coming out of her vulva, I don't know if she lost her mucus plug yet.
She also hasn't produced any milk yet, when do mother cats usually start producing milk?
Her stomach has not dropped yet either.
I tried giving her plain KMR, but she didn't like it, so I'm putting a little bit in with her canned food.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
I am by no means an expert, but from what I have read here in other threads, I'm going to put her date of delivery as this Friday. Thanks for keeping us updated.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2018
I am by no means an expert, but from what I have read here in other threads, I'm going to put her date of delivery as this Friday. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Thank you for the reply! Yes, I really hope she has them before the weekend.

I recently went out to the barn to check on Sally and she started panting when I was petting her. She also didn't really want me to pet her, she just wanted to lick my hand (I had nothing on them, I washed my hands before going out to the barn). She was also sitting really weird, in the sphinx position but raising her but up in the air a little bit.
It's not really warm out, not enough for her to be panting from the heat. Could she be losing her mucus plug now?
I'm going to be checking her a lot more and staying out longer with her.