Most Ridiculous Injury You Have Had In Your Life?


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Walking back to bed one night after getting up to visit the foot banged the edge of the door trim. It hurt but I just settled into bed and tried to go back to sleep. It really started to throb and I told my self to quit worrying about a little bump and go back to sleep. It began to throb so I turned on the light and was surprised to see my little toe off to the side and bent backwards.

There was no way I was going to the Emergency room at three AM. I pushed all the little bones back into place, which greatly lessened the pain, and went back to sleep.

Went to the hospital the next morning and they had an orthopedic physician look at it. He asked "who set this? Was it one of the doctors in the emergency department? I explained that I put everything back. He then asked "how did you know how to position the bones?" I told him "Uh, I have another toe just like it on the other foot... I just pushed them around till it felt the same as that one." He looked a bit surprised, but then told me that everything was back in the right place.

Apparently there were 5 bones broken, which was hard to believe because it seemed like I just barely bumped the door trim.

Then there was the time back in college when a guy thought it would be funny to grab my shoulder and scream in my ear to make me jump.

Turned out that I tend to "react" more than "jump." Sending my fist into his open mouth earned me 17 stitches. Still, I fared better then him: one tooth broken off and one knocked out and a huge bruise on the side of his face from hitting a doorknob on his way to the floor.

I could write a book about my motorbike induced injuries....
We’ll all be sure not to startle you! :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
As I read these stories and look back on my injuries over the years, I realize ALL of them were ridiculous. Not once did I injure myself while heroically saving a child or something...No, for me it's she was walking in a field and fell in a hole or reaching for something on a high shelf in the grocery store and knocking over a can of corned beef that chipped a tooth as it fell. :paperbag: I have absurd accidents. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
I had to pair of curtains that needed to be hemmed. I went the easy route using the fusing tape you iron on. I don’t iron anything. So I borrowed my MIL’s iron and set to work. I wasn’t sure if the iron was hot enough so I checked the temperature by placing iron on outside of my thigh. The fleece pants I was wearing melted to my skin. I ended up with a 2nd degree burn. My dr. shook her head at my stupidity.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
OK, here comes the comedy hour!!!:flail:

1) Got run down by a kid in a wheelchair, dislocated my knee.
2) got a concussion from my cousin who threw a mitten full of rocks at my head.
Schoolbag strap hooked onto my boot while running for the school bus and I face planted and skinned the knee that I was unable to straighten because of the strap. Still have the scars.
First time ,Bus driver - was very concerned and asked if I was OK
Second time, Bus driver -:crackup:
4) Got a black eye running into a tree (playing tag)
5) Broke my toe on a coffee table.
I've got a few more but I have to get ready for work, wish me luck that I don't hurt myself!


NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
OK, here comes the comedy hour!!!:flail:

1) Got run down by a kid in a wheelchair, dislocated my knee.
2) got a concussion from my cousin who threw a mitten full of rocks at my head.
Schoolbag strap hooked onto my boot while running for the school bus and I face planted and skinned the knee that I was unable to straighten because of the strap. Still have the scars.
First time ,Bus driver - was very concerned and asked if I was OK
Second time, Bus driver -:crackup:
4) Got a black eye running into a tree (playing tag)
5) Broke my toe on a coffee table.
I've got a few more but I have to get ready for work, wish me luck that I don't hurt myself!

Remind me to stay far, far away from you!
  • Purraise
Reactions: Jem


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I ran into the corner of a door at a doctor’s office when I was a kid. I wanted to play outside and my mom ran after me but I ran into the corner of the open door as someone else was walking in. I had to get stitches and still have a scar on my forehead.

I tripped over an uneven spot on the side walk across the street from Wrigley Field walking around before a baseball game walking around with my dad as an adult. I was completely sober when this happened. An usher in the ball park saw me fall and brought me an ice pack. Some complete strangers helped me get up and get to a chair on the patio of a bar. The usher that brought me an ice pack told my dad to ask for a wheel chair when we were ready to enter the ball park. I was taken to first aid when we got into the ball park. My ankle was wrapped and I was given portable ice packs to use during the game. A 2nd usher got me more ice packs during the game. A security officer wheeled me out of the stadium and got the Chicago Police Department to let my dad park in front of the stadium to get me in the car without walking anywhere. I found out years later that I actually damaged a ligament in my ankle. I thought it was just a bad sprain when it happened. I was unemployed and never sought medical treatment. We went out for a nice meal after the game. The restaurant brought an office chair outside and my brother rolled me into the restaurant. My dad and my hubby carried me into the house after the game. My hubby almost had to cut my gym shoe off my foot when I got home from the game. I was going to watch my Braves play the cubs and hell would have to freeze over for me to miss that game. One of my friend’s who was a neighbor was off work for a week after he hubby had surgery. She was nice enough to check on me to make sure I could eat while hubby was at work. After a week I could hobble around enough to make easy meals.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
Another it’s maybe not ridiculous but..
I was 6 or so and had a Q-tip I was cleaning my ear. My mom didn’t see me and the huge laundry hamper she was carrying bumped my arm and I perforated my ear drum. Ouch.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I was reupholstering a chair and using a hammer with a magnetic head. This allows you to place your tack or nail on the hammer head and it will stay in place so you can use one hand to hold your fabric in place and the other to swing the hammer. Except my aim was off and when the hammer came down I ended up nailing a finger to the chair. It was painful but relatively easy to get my finger off the chair because it wasn’t stuck very deep but I had to use a plier to remove the tack from my finger. I did okay until I got the tack out and then the room started spinning and I had to sit on the floor for a long while.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
I'm clumsy, so there too many to remember, but here are four. All happened in bed, except #4.

1. I sprained my knee and tore cartilage while being "romantic" with DH. And we weren't doing anything weird. :blush: I spent a few months in a knee brace.

2. Many years ago, a had a female cat, Ming. The head of my bed was up against the wall, under a high-up window, which was open (with a screen in it). The outside had a deep ledge. I was lying on my stomach, with my arms outstretched, sleeping. There must have been a male cat on the outside ledge, and Ming was on the inside sill, freaking out. I awoke to her savagely attacking my upper left arm, putting a 3" gash in it. (She fell off the sill.) It was 2:30 AM, and no way was I going to the ER for that, even though it needed stitches. I just put iodine and some bandages on the wound and went back to bed. I still have a scar.

3. Again, in my current bed, #1, I re-sprained the knee, I think because of a cat. I woke up several times during the night to find myself pushing Loki (who was very heavy) off my ankles.

4. #1 was my left knee. Five months later, I sprained my RIGHT knee. I went to a bridal expo at a country club for my friend, as I was her matron of honor. As we were descending the dramatic spiral staircase, I turned and said to her fiance, "I always fall down these kind of stairs." I missed the last two stairs. :sigh:

This has been a learning experience. I should avoid stairs, stay of out bed, and never have cats. :flail:

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
I had an iron fall on my head.

In our small apartment, we had a cheap plastic shelving unit where we kept laundry soaps, trash bags, the iron, starch spray... you get the idea. We had put the kitty box on the bottom base "shelf". I was cleaning out the box one day and bumped the shelving unit, not unusual in itself, except that the iron had inexplicably been set close enough to the edge to topple off. I glanced up, and it landed smack into my forehead... just at the top of my brow.
Nobody was home, it was just me. Usually, I tend to pass out when I get injured (it's a vagus nerve thing). So I sat down for a while, letting the dizzy take it's course, then I drove myself to the local clinic. Once they got me into a room, I was finally able to relax enough for the dizzies to come back. I just remember saying to the doc, "Please do a good job, I'm getting married in 6 weeks!" lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
You are unique and a little scary. I've never heard of any one getting run over by a wheel chair before. I mean I'm sure it happens, I just never 'met' anyone it happened to before.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
You are unique and a little scary. I've never heard of any one getting run over by a wheel chair before. I mean I'm sure it happens, I just never 'met' anyone it happened to before.
I was working at a camp for children with disabilities. This particular kid, also had mental disabilities but loved speed. He though it was hilarious to have his counselors chase him. He would sometimes just GO and unfortunately I was in his path. He was not paying attention, and I did not see him until I turned around when someone yelled out. When you are surrounded by children that need your focus and hear the sounds of motorized wheelchairs all the time, you don't look up every time you hear one coming. Anyway, the kid rammed into me, the focus of the pressure was on my knee, I fell over and twisted but my lower leg stayed put as it was trapped by the chair. my knee cap got pushed to the side and I heard a small pop. Thankfully it was not a total dislocation, more a separation, although I've had issues with that knee ever since. I wasn't completely run OVER, just run down.:lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Speed is what it's all about at that age. You gave him a story he probably never forgot.