Monday's Question Of The Day - March 26, 2018


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Good morning TCSers!
I can't believe it's almost April! I'm sure ready for April showers bringing May flowers! :please: Yesterday it was in the 40s here but all of a sudden it got dark and started to sleet then snow before turning back to rain. It only came down for maybe 15 minutes but wow! It felt like it came out of nowhere! :paranoid:

My cousin was just saying she spent a small fortune on toys for her new dog (an adult rescue) and he's spending most of his playtime chasing his tail. :lol: Cats aren't much different are they? :lol:

What is your cat's current favorite toy?

I bought a good size kicker from Kong for Noodles the other day. I wanted one wider and longer than the ones I found in store so I got it off Chewy. It has a crinkly tail she loves! But she seems to love it most in combination with the packing paper that came with my chewy order. So maybe the packing paper is really her favorite? :crazy: :lol:

Mooch would rather snuggle than play most of the time but she had a furry mouse that can entice her sometimes. Otherwise it's the cat nip chili pepper from Cosmic Catnip. It used to be milk rings and mylar balls but she just doesn't want to chase as much these days. She's been cheeky; stealing Noodles' favorite sleeping spots! Maybe that's her new, low-key way to play.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
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And he likes fuzzy caterpillar toys as a more comfort toy to carry around the house.

Rockets favorite toy is a feather wand with these plasticy streamers. I can get her really going with that.

Fury loves hair elastics much to our dismay. Luckily, none of the cats eat them. We keep a small bowl of them on a table and he pushes them around the bowl mostly. Sometimes the bowl will have elastics scattered around it. But the bowl is out of reach of the other two so just Fury messes with it. We do count them and make sure none of have gone missing


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...

our DeeDee's favorite toys are toy mice...all kinds of mice! last Christmas i gave all three cats some Skineez brand mice, and got a pack of 3 assorted Skineez (we received a skunk, a goose or mallard duck :dunno:, and a squirrel) too -- in their Christmas stockings. well, DeeDee absolutely adores these, especially the mice ones. :purr:

for our Punky, it's always been her 'baby' -- a purple hedgehog looking cat toy with a long braided purple tail that has a little bell at the end of it. she has an on-and-off love affair with this toy. :redheartpump:

our Dude...he enjoys playing with all sorts of cat toys...but i think his favorites are the Yeowww catnip filled cat toys. :cloud9:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Lily loves her squeaky toys. She always goes to them when she's sad or lonely. Mingo loves to play with Lily. He's thrilled to have a playmate. He used to love crinkly balls and would even bring them back. He also loves Da Bird, but ours needs new feathers.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Appleton, WI
Snickers doesn't like any toys. He'll play with a laser pointer for about 30 sec - and by "play" I mean he'll reach out to it if it's nearby but he won't bother to get up and chase it. He does love to play with Toothless - they chase each other all over the house.

Laelia is so busy being on guard against the other cats she rarely plays, but occasionally I catch her chasing a toy mouse or ball. She loves the laser pointer until one of the other cats shows up.

Cinder's favorite toy is Laelia. :rolleyes2: She tries to play with her, but Laelia won't have anything to do with her. Cinder loves the laser pointer and will sometimes play with a toy mouse or ball. She and Toothless chase each other all over the house too.

Toothless likes to play with trash: milk carton rings, Q-tips, balled up paper, twisties, etc. He also likes big pom pons. His favorite toy cracks me up - it's a big pom pon with craft feathers stuck in, tied with yarn to a paper towel tube. Jonah made it and is super proud that it's the favorite. :lol:

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Conrad's favorite toy is a little stuffed heart that fell off of a stuffed bear. Lol He bats it around my room all the time. Mittens on the other hand plays with mice. I hate it when he gets a mouse because I have a soft spot for mice. Probably from having dwarf hamsters, they look a lot alike. It seems like I'm always rescuing mice. They are the few sad times when they were too far gone and I have had to shoot them. Shooting things makes me feel so bad but for some situations it's the right and fair thing to do for the animal. I try to give them as much of a chance as possible though.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
Velcro used to love Q-tips. He would bat them around and toss them into the air. He even learned to get into the little container and get his own. The container got low, so I bought a box of 500, which should last the rest of our lives. I took a few out to take upstairs and left the rest on the bathroom counter. When I came back down, that box was completely empty. There were swabs everywhere. In the bathtub, in the bed, in my shoes, all over the den, on the stairs, in the upstairs bathroom. He even managed to sneak a bunch into the computer room where I was working. They were in the toilet, the food dish, the water bowl, the kitchen sink, on top of the fridge. I found some behind the cushions of the living room sofa. There were about 450 of those things all over the house. We still occasionally find one. I bought a new box, but it immediately went into the cabinet.

They love those wrapped peppermint or spearmint Life Savers, too. But the toy they like best is whatever one of the other cats has.