Monday's Question Of The Day - June 26, 2017


TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I can't believe it's the last week of June already!! This month has flown by!

Tell me about your cats getting into mischief or up to something naughty!

A couple months ago Noodles was following me around wanting attention. When you don't give her attention; in whatever way she currently demands it, she's either going to bop you or nip you. So this time I was putting things away and she followed me into the bathroom and hopped up on the closed toilet lid. I bent over to put something in the cabinet under the sink and in the mirror I saw her closing in to nip my rear! :eek2: :lol: I was like "Don't eeeeeven think about it!' :nono: :lol:

Mooch doesn't get into much mischief at this age. As a kitten I found her in the waste paper basket in our study at our old house. A friend caught her one handed as she fell off the bathroom counter at about the same age. Nowadays if Mooch is usually for trying to chew the plastic wrapping around a case of water. Or attacking the curtains when the birds are making shadows in the morning. She doesn't do that as often anymore. She's too chunky. ;)

I found these pictures from when the girls were kittens; 12 years ago. I did manage to get a picture of Noodles when she was sitting there waiting to nip my rear; but I'm not sharing that one! Sorry! :p



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
the absolute naughtiest thing was when the girls were still kittens, maybe in the 7-8 months old range. they were running through the house, aka kitty version of the Indianapolis 500, and DeeDee knocked over a 12 pack of soda pop. the cardboard box popped open and several cans of pop crashed into other things and onto the floor, which caused them to start spraying soda pop all over the room -- walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and etc......:jawdrop: so i go to investigate what has happened, and our Punky is running out of that room, turning to look back with eyes wide and with a look on her face that said, 'OMGosh...that's just crazy..." after i made sure the girls were out of that room and closed the door, i just stood there for a few minutes and cried. then i cleaned everything thoroughly. :sigh:


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Lily is really not naughty. She doesn't get into things but if she gets annoyed, she starts slapping. The dog has gotten slapped as has her sister and Henry.

Sophie on the other hand, is very naughty. She gets into EVERYTHING. She jumped into the chest freezer over the weekend. It's full to the top so she just stood on the boxes of stuff and looked around. I guess the naughtiest thing she has ever done is break a lamp. It was sitting on the stereo cabinet in the bedroom and was in her way so she pushed it off. It landed on the TV stand and broke. When I went in the room so see what the crashing noise was, she was sitting on the cabinet trying to look innocent. "It jumped. Honest!"

Here she is singing along with Bon Jovi's "Living on a prayer."

Not really. I was being scolded. :cringe: :lol:


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Compared with his predecessor, Jamie, who got into everything, Mowgli isn't particularly naughty. Until I discovered Beastie Bands and slide-on tags, he used to remove his collars and chew them. He chewed up a number of tablecloths before we decided to get a sheet of glass for our oak table, and wrecked a kitchen cabinet by clawing at it to get it open and steal food. We put a child-proof lock on it, but he'll still bang the door when he's hungry. He's probably never going to stop trying to steal "people food".

Two things he still likes to do is knock knick knacks onto my head from the bookcase headboard and hide in dark corners and jump out at us (hence his nickname "Mowgli Monster").


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Honeybee brings things that are alive and let's it go.

One night she clawed at the back door to get it open-there's now teeth and claw marks on the corner of the door where she's laid down on her back prying the door open to get outside. Luckily it's often bolted shut.

Another time she chewed plastic tape off a box and I found shredded box pieces all over the place-it was Jon's boot box :lol::lol2:


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Nightfury just got in HUGE trouble yesterday. He was walking on my Moms computer desk and wanted her attention. The way out house is set up the kitchen has a breakfast nook but that is where my Mom has her mini-office set up. She was cooking at the time and couldn't give him attention. Normally, he will sit on the edge of the desk and meow. Yesterday, he decided to pace and somehow ended up knocking over her desert rose rock. It hit the ground and shattered. It was a nice big piece of desert rose too (probably 6 inches tall and 9 inches side).

I could hear it her reaction from across the house.

When I got into the kitchen Fury was looking extremely anxious; air kneading and swaying like he does when he is anxious. I grabbed him up and took him outside to get him out of the war path.

This morning he was cuddled up on her lap as she played a game on her computer as I left for work. I asked if he was forgiven the answer? .....

"Bad kitty but he's too cute to stay mad at." :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
She is adorable.

My cats were pretty good. Buddy used to scratch the wall paper when he got mad at me. That's all I can think of except for the time Robbie knocked my radio off the counter.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 12, 2017
My kittens love unravelling things.

We (used to!) have a roll of kitchen paper that hung off the door of the cupboard under the sink and I came down one morning to a whole roll all over the kitchen!

They've also done it with toilet roll as well.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
All of our cats have gotten into mischief at one time or another, some more than others. But Neely was without a doubt the most mischievous cat we have ever had as well as the smartest, must be a connection.:wink: We should have known this since she was an owner surrender when we adopter her from the shelter and her previous name was Precocious.:flail:
She literally would jump up to the peep hole of our front door when someone knocked. If that wasn't enough she would jump in the bathtub, pull out the stopper with her paw and run around the house batting it like a toy. She gnawed the cord of the blinds to our patio door in half and I had to tie the cord in a knot to open the blinds. She kept us on our toes to say the least. :D
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TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Ilove these stories!! :redheartpump::lol:

My kittens love unravelling things.

We (used to!) have a roll of kitchen paper that hung off the door of the cupboard under the sink and I came down one morning to a whole roll all over the kitchen!

They've also done it with toilet roll as well.
You reminded me! I caught Mooch with her mouth around the roll of TP earlier this year. :lol: Every so often one of the girls gets locked in the bathroom and they (more likely Noodles than Mooch) spend the time turning the TP into swiss cheese. :rolleyes2:

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
We've had quite a few character cats over the years.

Armstrong Stormalong Puddytat, A.K.A. Stormy, was a huge part Persian that was the clumsiest cat that ever lived. He could be sound asleep and things would fall down all around him. He loved the cabinets and we would miss him, only to find him nesting among the pots and pans. Or he would pop out of a cabinet and scare the bejabbers out of us.

Our daughter was about 8 at the time. She was in the upstairs bathroom with Stormy. There is a little door behind the tub for access. She showed it to Stormy and firmly told him, "You must never open this door." Cats are like teenagers in their interpretation of what they hear. Stormy heard, "Open this door as soon as you're alone." So he did.

We heard some off thumping and bumping upstairs but thought it was squirrels, which sound like elephants when they jump on the roof. Eventually, when we did our cat count, Stormy was MIA. We did the "Kitty, kitty, kitty!" call all over the house but he wasn't to be found. We searched all the cabinets, but still no big gunmetal gray cat. Finally my husband went into the upstairs bathroom. There he found the little trap door wide open. Stormy was having a terrific time wandering in the walls. I was worried that he'd snag his collar on something and not get loose. We'd have to demolish entire walls to free him. He finally came when called, but dodged away when any attempt was made to retrieve him. Maybe a snack would lure him. He would snatch the treat and run back out of reach.

This went on for over an hour and we were all tired of being on hands and knees trying to capture him. Stormy had three weaknesses - milk, cheese, and chicken. Milk as a lure was out of the question and we already knew cheese was soft and would vanish like the treats. I had a chicken leg in the fridge, so we tied it securely to a string and tossed it in Stormy's direction. It didn't take him long to grab that chicken leg. My husband very slowly reeled him in. By the time Stormy realized what had happened, Robert had nabbed him. Since he was busted, he decided to minimize his losses and firmly dug his teeth and claws into the chicken leg. He was going to get at least that out of his adventure.

Mephistopholes was a jet black guy with huge yellow eyes who loved to run out the front door when we were leaving for work at night. He would run into the yard and close his eyes so we couldn't spot him, making us almost late for work before we located him. I solved that by putting a reflective collar on him. Back then we weren't allowing the cats on the bed (or so we thought). Meph would jump on the bed and close his eyes. He couldn't figure out how we could find a black cat on a brown comforter.

Two-Stroke's game was to race from the far corners of the house and out the door, where he would dash behind the hedge that runs the full length of the house. My husband would start at one end of the hedge and I at the other. As we closed within a few feet of the cat, he would dash out through the middle. We'd work our way out, too, by which time he was back behind the hedge. This would go on for about 20 minutes before he would run into the neighbor's flower bed where he knew we wouldn't tread. We'd eventually catch him on their porch. We'd pick him up and he would be happy to be returned inside. His game was to GET out, not BE out.

The all-time mischief-maker was Megabyte. At least that's the way we spelled it. He spelled it MegabIte. He didn't bite people; he ate electric cords. He demolished my husband's 100' extension cord. He ate the vacuum cleaner cord. And I can honestly say my cat ate my mouse. I had a corded mouse. I booted my Mac but the mouse didn't work. I did this and that. I rebooted. Nothing. Finally I called my husband, the guru, for help. He picked up the mouse and the cord was severed and dangling about 6".

We have a bookcase headboard on our bed and we heard a cat fight break out behind it. We looked up and the other cats were observing in mild alarm. My husband reached behind the bed and pulled a squalling Megabyte out, the half-chewed lamp cord still in his mouth. He was being electrocuted. We got him loose and took him to the vet. He wasn't harmed, but the vet said he wouldn't learn. And he didn't. We tried Tabasco, bitter apple, anything that might deter him. Nothing worked. We had to put corrugated wrap on every cord in the house.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Oh my goodness those are some mischievous kitties!! :eek2:

I'm laughing at the "fishing" for Stormy with a chicken leg though! :lol: