Momma cat leaving kittens to sleep


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
My cat who is only around 40 weeks old now snuck out before i had a chance to get her spayed 60 days ago and now we have a litter of 6. I am concerned because momma is leaving babies for more than just litter box/eating visits..she will leave the nest and try to sleep or come down stairs away from the nest.. at first i thought she just wanted to be closer to us but when i was out i came home and found her outside the nest.. ive been putting her back if shes out longer than 15 mins or tries to fall asleep and she looks very shell shocked when i do Her eyes are wide and she does not look comfortable.. the kittens are 1 day old. what should i do? Is this normal? Ive read momma cats will sometimes leave kittens if they sense there is something wrong and im very worried. Is she just stressed or is she sensing a problem?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Mom can leave kittens for up to an hour. Be sure to let her have her space, but she should respond if the kittens start to cry. The best way to tell if kittens are thriving is to weigh them every day.

Mom can already get pregnant again, so must stay inside and away from intact males until she is spayed.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Thats what i was keeping an eye out for her responding to the kittens, im bringing her back when they cry because she is not returning when awake and trying to fall asleep outside the nest which is worrying me. I just observed her run away in fear when then kittens began fighting each other for a nipple during feed so im very concerned. Yes the plan is to spay her as soon as kittens are weaned she is strictly indoor as i stated her getting out was a one time occurrence, shes not around any other cats at home indoors.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
I wouldn't worry as long as they're all OK that's allot of babies! not much to do after feeding/cleaning, she will return to check on them stay for feedings. As they get older she can play interact with them much more. *adding changing refreshing the bedding every second day works placing litter onto one common blankie easy to transport while changing nest bedding. Even if it doesn't look soiled a fussy mother can just decide to up and relocate entire litter do to soiled bedding.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
Thats what i was keeping an eye out for her responding to the kittens, im bringing her back when they cry because she is not returning when awake and trying to fall asleep outside the nest which is worrying me. I just observed her run away in fear when then kittens began fighting each other for a nipple during feed so im very concerned. Yes the plan is to spay her as soon as kittens she is strictly indoor as i stated her getting out was a one time occurrence, shes not around any other cats at home indoors.
   You can also purchase some KMR (kitten food) from the Vets she needs allot of milk for 6 babies and she's running a tight ship. You may need to supplement here and there a tub is most economical. Make sure the 'nest' has ample room for all. Everything is new it takes a little while for everyone to get settled on schedule.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Thank you for your comments!! i ran out before midnight to try to get kitten formula but all i could at our latenight grocer was goats milk, its powered though.. i was thinking maybe if needed mixing kitten gulp? I have given mom nondairy milk and eye yolk twice since she had the kittens maybe i could give her the goats milk if its not needed for the kittens? I was able to find a kittem nursing bottle as well, no scale unfortunately. She seems to be acting pretty distant she is laying on my bed right now and the kittens are meowing for her with no response. Do you have any advice as to when the appropriate time (if necessary) to intervene and began supplementing would be? Im also wondering if they will be able to stay warm without her sleeping with them?
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Moms using my room as a litter box which is very strange behavior for her, shes not had an accident since the first week she was here. I have a litter box upstairs for her now as well as the one we've always had down stairs but she just pooped twice in my room in the last 3 hours even after i moved the litter box in here.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2013
Are the kittens in your room? Mom is probably still a little shaken up and getting used to being a mom. Good that you put a litterbox upstairs too. It's best to place a litterbox near the kittens (not too near, but near enough so mom doesn't need to stray far from them) and also food and fresh water.

I have a mom cat that is seriously always away from her kittens and only returns if they have been screaming for 5 full minutes. If yours doesn't respond to the kittens screaming for 15 minutes, then it's time to step in and put her near the kittens (not on them, let her be the one reacting if possible). If she still doesn't respond if she's near them and they scream, then her mom instinct isn't fully developed yet. Usually the kittens drinking from mom will make the mom instinct more powerful, but new moms are sometimes confused and just don't understand what they should do. Make sure to look at her carefully and if you see any mom instinct active. Kittens won't die if they scream 15 minutes, but mom should eventually return to give them milk. If she goes there, lays down for long enough for them to drink, and if she leaves the kittens are quiet, then she's doing fine and I wouldn't worry one bit.

Also, as you have 6 kittens please make sure to weight them daily (same time) to make sure they grow properly :D You need to know whether mom is giving enough milk to all of them.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Thank you guys!! Yes the kittens are in my room, the nest was under the bottom drawer of my dresser that was pulled out halfway.. Because i didnt want them to accidentally get bumped i took the drawer out and put up a blanket covering for privacy instead. I have her water and food dishes for wet food and dry just outside for her and the litterbox is now returned to the upstairs bathroom which is near my bedroom. I think the accident happened because she may have been confused about the placement. She has diarrhea and just vomited i think her being distant may have something to do with her not feeling well. No fever. I was reading that roundworm and parasites sometimes come out after a pregnancy so im looking in to roundworm treatment that is safe for nursing cats. i did notice before she came out of the nest this last time she made sure all the kittens were asleep and after she vommited (which i think made her feel a bit better) she was perking her ears at the tiniest sound of meowing. Right now she is asleep by me and kittens are a asleep in their nest. Im going to try and stay up and make sure she goes back if they need her but i think you guys are all right she probably is just a little overwhelmed and needs a break. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to nurse 6 babies!!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
If they are not nursing or not getting enough, you'll definitely need to supplement the kittens. Goat's milk is fine (full fat), but you should get a can of powdered PetAg KMR. You'll probably need to use a small needleless syringe to feed. Have you weighed the kittens yet? That's the best way to know if they are gaining the recommended 6-10 grams per day. Weigh daily at the same time.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
I ended up giving mom the kitten glop (goats milk, egg yolk, yogurt mix) and she felt better and has been staying with the kittens. Yesterday i found fleas, i have no idea how they happened my cats indoors and treated with advantage.. anyway i bathed each kitten with baby soap and picked the fleas off of each one with tweezers and a flea comb and removed bedding salt and baking soda treated the carpets and washed mom with flea shampoo. I also ordered capstar for mom and babys when they reach 4 weeks but now im worried about worms which i know go hand in hand with fleas.

(Im thinking the fleas, and her not feeling well may have both played part in her being distant)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
First, you should never bathe a kitten this young. They can't tolerate being wet because they can't regulate their body temperature. In the future, you can comb them with dish soap mixed with water and a flea comb. You should also not trust baby soap for cats. It is gentle for humans, but can still contain toxic ingredients for cats.

Mom can be treated with capstar now. Advantage II is also safe for nursing moms, but you do need to be sure not to double dose her with the regular Advantage. Speak to your vet.

All of the kittens and mom will need to be dewormed, for tapeworms and roundworms. You can wait until they are a bit older.

For now, kittens should be combed daily and all bedding should be changed daily. Treat mom as soon as the vet says you can.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Kittens can be de-wormed at 8 weeks when they go for their first vaccines. If you put a tube of Advantage on mom's neck it will kill the fleas on the kittens. The babies need to be 2 pounds for direct flea treatment. No more baths as they should not get cold.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
I called our local vet for advice before i bathed them and in this case im certain i did the right thing. It was an infestation and they NEEDED the fleas removed. I bathed them twice and both times before i used the capstar on mom i picked fleas off. Kittens this young CAN safety be bathed as long as they are kept warm. I heated a sock with rice and put it under their bedding and made sure mom was their when they were put back to keep them warm. I would advise anyone in the same situation as me to do the same as flea anemia can happen so quickly. Using just the comb you cant safety remove ALL fleas and just one is enough to lay eggs and cause infestation.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Hopefully, you've solved the problem now! [emoji]128522[/emoji]