Mollipop is home! (Pic heavy)


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
She is a cutie all right. But I love the tux in the picture with her. What is his name?
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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Originally Posted by blueyedgirl5946

She is a cutie all right. But I love the tux in the picture with her. What is his name?
The tux is our BooBoo, who just turned 14 years old back in February. He's a very handsome fellow and he's our resident male; the other five cats are all female. DH calls them Boo's Harem, although technically he's related to three of the five other cats. Pepe is his sister, Whisper is his mother, and Bootser is his aunt (she and Whisper are sisters). We know we're lucky that they all live together so well.

After several days of a hunger strike, I guess to make sure we know the other cats aren't happy about the new addition to the family, everybody ate a good breakfast this morning. While I was preparing Mollipop's breakfast, she swooped in on Boo's plate while he was eating. She ran to the plate, going right beneath Boo and started to eat his food. And he let her! The two of them were eating together from the same plate; with her standing under him! (Honestly, it was adorable and if I could have gotten the camera, I would have tried for a picture. But I thought it more important to get her out of sense making things potentially worse.) That's progress! I think. Anyway, I immediately picked her up and put her at her own breakfast.

Still some hissing going on, particularly from Whisper who mothers everybody. I really thought she'd take Mollipop, but that didn't happen. Man, talk about hissy fits. Interestingly, our Amber (aka the Red Tornado) seems to be very intrigued with Miss Pop. I spend about an hour or so every night playing with them with Da Bird and other dangly toys. They both play together, although Amber makes sure to hiss at Mollipop to make sure she keeps her distance. And for the last two days, BooBoo has even joined the play.

Mollipop stays in the computer room while we're both working. It's OK, she has plenty of toys, plenty of comfy pillows and her fleece blankie for napping, two litter boxes, plenty of dry food and some water. I spray bitter apple on all electrical cords in that room first thing in the morning, while she's eating breakfast in the kitchen. Her boxes are thoroughly cleaned and there have been no accidents whatsoever.....not from any of the cats either. So that's good.

She has been sleeping in my arms in bed at night and seems very content to do so. Last night, though, I awakened around 2:00 and she was pressed up tight against DH; he had his hand cupped around her. So cute!

Mollipop has the run of the house when we're home and she runs all over the place. When she starts to get tired, though, she comes searching for me. I'll pick her up and coo to her and her little eyes will close. She'll start to purr and she'll sleep for quite a while in my arms. She's quite the good little girl. And I'm sure her brofur and sisfurs will come around eventually.

One of my GFs lost her heart kitty about a month before I lost Banshee. We were both a mess for quite awhile. She seems to think that both my Banshee and her Toast (who was also an absolute sweetheart) played a huge part in finding Mollipop, that the Paw works in strange ways sometimes. She told me that there were a lot of "high-fives" happening at the Bridge the day we brought Mollipop home. I believe her.

Thanks for your kindness with our Miss Pop....we think she's pretty special.