missing my babygirl


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2016
st. catharines
I lost my baby girl cat at the age of 4, she had liquids around her heart and could not be reversed from what the vet had said, I am hurting still to this day I miss her faint meow I miss her cuddling with me I miss her following me around the house I miss her snuggling into the blanket with me . Hell I miss everything about my sweetheart. So the question is how do I get over my baby girl. I hurt

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You will never 'get over it', you learn to live with it. Time is the only thing that helps, it fades the acute pain of a broken heart, but the scar that is left behind reminds us of our loss. Your little girl would never want you to be so sad because she left your life, think of how you would want her to live if you were the first to leave, you would not want her to be sad and never happy again. She shared your life for a while, try to celebrate having her there, she was in that life for a reason, she brought so much joy and happiness.You formed a bond with that little girl that can never be taken from you, use it and your precious memories to bring you comfort. Instead now of a physical presence, her love has turned spiritual. Love is not physical, thus it is eternal, and you will always have her held tenderly in a special place in your heart.

 I found that doing good things in my little one's name helped bring a little of that happiness back. Donate your time at the local shelter, donate cat food to your local food pantry, it would be much appreciated. I paid for the adoption of the cat at my shelter that was there the longest, so he would be more adoptable if there was not a fee, I do this every year on that anniversary that brings so much sorrow. Offer to leave money at the local vet to pay for the vaccinations/neutering of a cat that needs it, or donate to a local TNR service, they are around hopefully if you check.  It definitely helps to bring a little sunshine back into your heart by knowing you are giving to a little soul who so desperately needs help. Do not dwell on the sadness and pain, try to distract yourself by keeping busy and surround yourself with those who understand. 

It may be time, if you find it in your heart,to open that heart again to a new love. It will never replace the love you have for your baby, but it is a welcome distraction for your heart, and like a mother with many children, you learn to love that new baby with a different love, you have proven you have a big heart that can give this love.

My heart goes out to you, I know the pain you are feeling. My little girl has been gone for 4 years next month and I still grieve, but life is for the living and I know she will be waiting at the end of that long road that is life, her journey is now on a new path that parallels mine. Take care........  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I'm so very sorry for your loss.  They definitely take a piece of our heart when they leave.  I lost my girl Sandra in the summer at almost 19 years old.  She was with us since 3 months old.  I also lost my other cat Thomas the summer prior at the age of 17.  When they first passed, I was so depressed and crying constantly, to the point where is was unbearable.  I felt such an emptiness.  The only thing that helps is time.  Eventually you will be able to look at her picture and think of the good times and all the joys you experienced together.  

RIP little angel.  

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I am so sorry you lost your sweet girl. I wish there were magic words that will take away the pain, sadly there isn't. Please know that you are not alone we understand the pain you are in. 


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Very sorry for your painful loss, they really do claw their way into our hearts and when they leave it is unbearable, feels like you yourself will die, but we somehow, always eventually heal. You didn't say how long it has been since she passed; perhaps, it might be time to think of giving another cat in need a good home and love like you gave her? Your heart will tell you what to do and when.

God Bless.....