Missing Cat


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. I do hope he comes back soon. :crossfingers:

I need to remind everyone that this is a cat welfare site. We are all animal lovers here. While I can't say I wouldn't want to harm anything that killed my cat, this is not the place to be discussing it. For all you know you cat is alive and will show up soon. You have no proof these dogs killed your cat. Can we please stop with the discussion of killing and harming the dogs?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2016
I'm not going to tell you you should or shouldn't shoot the dogs. That's really up to you, and it sucks that the neighbors are putting you in a position to have to make that decision. Especially if these dogs are a threat to people as well. If you do make that decision, please make sure you do so humanely. Don't let them bleed to death and suffer.

But please, if your cat comes home, keep him inside if possible. These dogs are obviously going to keep coming to your property, and there's other dangers out there. Your cat could have just eaten something poisonous and that's why he hasn't come back. Or hit by a car. Cats are predators, but also prey, so if they can be kept inside, imo, they should be, much like how those dogs should be kept behind a fence or on chains when they aren't in the house. It would be different if this was a semi-feral cat you were taking care of, but if he was an indoor cat before, he should be find indoors. Alternatively, harness and leash train him, and go for walks with him!
I do hope he's okay and gets home soon. It does happen that cats just disappear for a while for seemingly no reason and come back later--sometimes months later--maybe a little worse for wear but otherwise like nothing changed.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
iv already said they wont do a
A coyote or a coydog probably got your cat, since you have woods surrounding your house. If you want to keep your cat safe, keep him inside. Please don't shoot dogs or spray them with pepper spray or cayenne pepper. That is animal cruelty. Please call the proper authorities and have them deal with it in a humane way.
anything they tell me all i can do is shoot them saying if i were u id shoot it they have no animal control here to do anything i would have done that months back if they did trust me
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
I'm not going to tell you you should or shouldn't shoot the dogs. That's really up to you, and it sucks that the neighbors are putting you in a position to have to make that decision. Especially if these dogs are a threat to people as well. If you do make that decision, please make sure you do so humanely. Don't let them bleed to death and suffer.

But please, if your cat comes home, keep him inside if possible. These dogs are obviously going to keep coming to your property, and there's other dangers out there. Your cat could have just eaten something poisonous and that's why he hasn't come back. Or hit by a car. Cats are predators, but also prey, so if they can be kept inside, imo, they should be, much like how those dogs should be kept behind a fence or on chains when they aren't in the house. It would be different if this was a semi-feral cat you were taking care of, but if he was an indoor cat before, he should be find indoors. Alternatively, harness and leash train him, and go for walks with him!
I do hope he's okay and gets home soon. It does happen that cats just disappear for a while for seemingly no reason and come back later--sometimes months later--maybe a little worse for wear but otherwise like nothing changed.

yeah most cats but this cat is solely dependent on me iv had him since he was 1 month old he is 3 now he lived in doors for the first 2 years of his lifethen he got out a couple of times and developed a taste for going outside i tried to keep him in but he always wanted so bad to go outside at times hes been going out everyday for the last year only thing thats happened was he got bit by a snake 8 months ago and i took him to the vet

he doesnt eat animals or hunt he only eats grass from what i have seen outside he eats only dry cat food so fact he hasnt came home to eat in 36 hours shows me something bad happened i wish i at least knew where his body was to have closure on this if he is dead

i know he didnt get ran over anytime he even hears a car he runs far away from the road he is very cautious of other animals and things
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  • #27


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Any update on your special guy?

no :( i went looking again for hours yelling for him drove my car around for 30 minutes looking no a single trace which is worse tbh not having any closure to know if hes safe or in pain and needing me

i llove this cat more than anything i joined this site just for questions about him i just hope he didnt have to xperience any real pain


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
I'm very sorry. I'm sure you are worried sick! You don't have a garage or shred do you? Anything he could have gotten locked in? I'm sure you are beside yourself. Cats are resilient...be strong. You both are in my thoughts.
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  • #29


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
I'm very sorry. I'm sure you are worried sick! You don't have a garage or shred do you? Anything he could have gotten locked in? I'm sure you are beside yourself. Cats are resilient...be strong. You both are in my thoughts.
thank you


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I would keep trying to call somebody different about the dogs. Try animal control or ASPCA. Dogs can be rehabilitated if taken away and given to better owners. My brother sent his dogs to doggie obedience school and they are now little angels. I have gotten hot peppers in my eyes before and it would be cruel to do that to a dog, especially pepper spray which is made from pepper extract.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I have gotten hot peppers in my eyes before and it would be cruel to do that to a dog, especially pepper spray which is made from pepper extract.
Yeah but it's better than killing them, if it comes down to that.

Personally, I'd try to get the dogs to a shelter. This will give the owners a chance to claim them, but I doubt they will, so the dogs would have a chance at being adopted by someone decent, or at least a humane death if the shelter decides they have to be PTS. If that's at all a possibility I'd recommend it. Most dogs enjoy car rides so it should be easy to pack them up. Ask if your county has a contract with any Humane Society in the area---if they do, they have to take the dogs without asking for a surrender fee. If not, see if they have night kennels, turn them in as strays.

I've know housecats who were gone for weeks, and came back like nothing ever happened. I hope your boy will do that. It's really a rough situation.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
I agree about getting the dogs to the shelter if possible. If you kitty comes back, maybe you could build an outdoor enclosure. Even if those dog are dealt with, there may always be more and other dangers for your kitty. I hope your pretty black cat is safe and comes home soon.
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  • #33


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
today ahs been a crazy day my friends wife woke me up this morning telling me she saw my boy in my yard i couldnt believe it i went outside and he was right under my house i grabbed him and put him inside he was all dirty and knotted up i was so happy gave him a little food that he ate and i decided to take him to the vet to make sure everythings good....

i just got home from the vet i took him in they shaved his fur at his belly that was full of dirt and had signs of bites he has a huge swelling on his belly the doctor told me that the dog moved his intentants around thats why theres a huge swelling on his belly he has a massive fever and is to dehydrated to do surgery now

they are gonna try to do it monday if his fever has broke he has a 50-70% survival chance i busted out crying like crazy in there seeing my boy looking at me with watery eyes as they were holding him to shave him and look at his inside

god if only i didnt haveto wait till monday to know


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
Festis is a beautiful boy. I'm sending prayers and visualizing him getting better.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
Wow! Sounds like a long tough day. I've been checking the site hoping for good news from you. I'm so glad Festis is back home. I know you are scared and Monday seems like "forever" but stay strong. Thank you for posting the pics he looks so handsome and sweet. I have too have a black cat and they truly are something special. It looks like you brought him home? If so, spoil him rotten until Monday. Give him all the love. He's a fighter and he came home to you :) Sending positive thoughts your way.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
Forgot...I was going to tell you they make a smaller collar that might make things a bit easier for Festis, my guy had to wear one after he had intenstinal surgery.



Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Poor guy! I'm so glad to hear that he is still alive, but how sad that he got hurt like that.

I suggest you keep all your vet records and receipts. Tell the dog owners that they are responsible for your cats injuries and that you want them to pay for his medical bills. They'll probably refuse, but if you threaten them with medical costs they might be more responsible about keeping their dogs under control from now on.

Please don't do anything to hurt the dogs. They can't help what they do, it's their instinct to chase smaller animals just the same as our cats chase mice and birds.

Please keep your cat indoors from now on. We expect people to keep their dogs under control, but it goes both ways. We have to keep our cats under control too. You wouldn't let him roam around outside if you lived right next to a busy highway or if there were coyotes just outside the door, so you shouldn't let him out in an area where there are dangerous dogs either.

Sending your boy lots of healing vibes, I hope he recovers.
