Might need to give cat away, but who would want it?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 9, 2006
I have had Delia for 3 1/2 years now. I got her when she was just 12 weeks old. However, I am looking at the potential possibility of us needing to part ways for the following reasons:

1.) I am going to grad school in New York and will likely have 1 or more roommates (currently living on my own in Chicago).
2.) I believe I have developed an allergy to the cat (I will be seeing an allergist to verify and help treat this)

Delia is very sweet, but only with me. With any other stranger, she is rather hostile. She hisses and will claw at people if they try to pet her. This poses a real problem, because if I don't know who would ever want this cat... she won't be pleasant with anyone that comes to visit her and check her out! If I do need to part ways with her, how does one deal with a mean cat like this? Advice? Please don't be too hard on me for thinking this way... it's only a possibility I'm considering at this point.

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
I wish you luck, because odds of anyone wanting her are slim to none. I suggest not taking her to a shelter, as she wouldn't do well & probably would be euthanized. Perhaps you can find a foster-based rescue willing to deal with her?

That is the only thing I can think of. Just "giving away" a kitty often results in unscrupulous people taking them for nasty things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2007
Leafs Nation
I would definitely try any way you can not to part with her. I don't really know what advice you expect people to give you, other then to do everything you can to make sure that you keep her with you. She is obviously attached to you and this would be very very difficult for her ,especially if she is afraid of strangers. Try to look around and find roommates that don't mind a cat. I know lots of student houses that had cats, and if it takes a little extra work on your part it's worth it because YOU took on the responsibility of a cat/pet. Also I somehow doubt at the age of a college student that you would randomly get allergies, or atleast untreatable allergies to a pet.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 13, 2008
People can develop allergies in adulthood. My fiance was never allergic to cats or dogs until he moved away for college. Then one Christmas break he went home to discover he was allergic! (The weird thing is that the cat we just got is the only cat he's ever known to NOT be allergic to since developing allergies!!)

I would advise you to try really hard to find roomates that will tolerate (or love!) sharing an apartment with a cat.

Or, do you have parents who can take care of kitty until you finish school?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2005
SE Canada
The cat's not the problem - she's nervous around strangers and that's normal for lots of us (and cats :-). Find her a good home with a very patient person, with no other cats in the place. She'll need to have a room of her own for as long as it takes her to be comfortable, and a person who won't try to force anything, but understands her fears. Cats often act out aggressively when they're scared - that doesn't make them bad or problems, just needy of the right kind of attention.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 28, 2006
Your cat could probably get used to being someone else. You should start looking for a home for her as soon as you know so you have time to find the right home for her. This will also allow
you give the potential new owner time for a trial with you still being there in case you need to find a different home. This will reduce the possibility that someone who isn't a good match for her would just send her to the shelter if it doesn't work out.

Just by way of encouragement so you don't give up the search even before you've started, we have a hands-off, non-lap cat and I really like him that way. I wouldn't have chosen him the first time around but if I were ever looking for another cat I'd consider one just like him. He's very social--follows me around most of the day, sleeps near me but not touching me at night, is good company, and he lets us know when he wants petting (a very little petting, that is). At first we were disappointed that he wasn't a cuddler but I do have allergies that I've sunk a lot of time and money in treating so the fact that he hangs with me but isn't in my face is a big plus.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 10, 2005
As far as allergies go, and it seems that people don't seem to think of this, what about medicine? Or, if that doesn't work, allergy shots? My dad was deathly allergic to all animals, cats especially (we never had one growing up). But he started getting allergy shots for everything he was allergic to. Then when my parents had to take my cat b/c of an emergency, he didn't have any problems. There was a time recently when there were 4 cats in their house (they stayed out of the bedroom) and he was fine. It's like a miracle.

And I, too, would agree with the others who say that you should do everything possible to keep your cat. Adopting a cat is a lifetime commitment and going to graduate school (or even "developing" allergies to a large extent) is not the kind of emergency situation that would merit the need to give up your companion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Definitely attempt to treat your allergies, you'll be doing yourself a big favor!

You can do other things around your apartment to help lesson the cat dander or any other environmental triggers impact on you too. (look for "allergies" on here)

It sounds like you love your kitty or you wouldn't be questioning rehoming her like you are. Is it possible to just keep looking around for a place where you won't have to have a roommate? Or hopefully find one that has no problem with animals?
Delia may never come to adore your future roommate but she could get use to sharing space, provided the person doesn't taunt and tease her. Though I always say this, food works wonders - especially wet food.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have seen people with allergies that post here who use wet wipes on their cat to help with allergies. Some just use a damp washcloth and some use baby wipes or pet wipes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I agree that you should try to keep her if you possibly can. However, if it is not possible, then try and find a family member or close friend who would take her, and let them come round a number of times beforehand so she can get used to them. It might take quite a long introduction period, but the chances are she will adapt. I had to take my mother's cat, Cinders, last September, as my mother at 93 could no longer care for her, and it has taken till now for her to be even moderately happy with me and the other cats. She was an only cat for 9 years, and terrified of strangers as my parents live a very quiet life. I have let her live in my bedroom so she is always with me at night, and have gradually introduced the others one by one. We are getting there, albeit slowly. She is fine with me and comes to be petted, and will purr and rub against me. Wellington, Dushka and Persil are now allowed in the bedroom at night, and though there is some hissing sometimes, things are going OK. It just takes time. Good luck with your decision.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 11, 2008
Highland Park, NJ
i am sorry to hear that you might have to move on without your cat. that's probably very painful. it is possible to find apartments in ny that allow cats, and it is also VERY possible to find room mates who are willing to let you have one. i am not allergic, but i thought i was, so my doctor gave me fexofenadine and told me to take it whenever i feel a reaction coming on. my cat sheds a lot and i get stuffy and my eyes water, but it's just b/c it's too cold to open a window. anyone would have a reaction to it...most people anyway. here's a story that might make you feel better about giving your cat to a shelter...

i adopted angus in mid january after visiting the shelter three times to see another cat named cruella. i found cruella on petfinder and went specifically to see her. cruella was hit by a car and had to have one eye surgically removed. i talked to her and let her come to me, which she did. she tried to bite and scratch, so i left her alone and went back the next day. i hung out with her again and she was definitely curious and slightly more affectionate. then, i was introduced to a few other cats. on the third day, after chilling with cruella for a bit, i let angus out and he chose me. i went back to cruella for a few minutes and angus was meowing and reaching his paws out the entire time i was with cru. i took angus out again and i just couldn't put him back without adopting him. as i was leaving cruella reached her paw out to me. i knelt down and said, "now you're reaching out to me." it brought me to tears. it was so sweet, and having never had a cat before, it was a new experience. the woman in the cattery told me not to worry about cru. she'd been there for two years, she will be there til she's adopted. or she will be there for life. two weeks later i got an email. cruella found a home. any cat can find a home, even feral cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 1, 2007
Cincinnati, OH
I grew up with dogs in the house and never had allergy issues. I would pet/house sit for friends who had two labs as well as a cat and I always had to take benadryl when I was there.

Then I got married, we dont' have a dog and decided to get a cat. It never crossed my mind that I was allergic to my friends cat and not their dogs (the cat stays in their basement and I would spend 15 minutes tops with it when I was there).

The first 2-3 weeks were awful with the cat. I never let on to my husband (he didn't really want a cat, so I needed to sugar coat everything). I was sneezing and had a runny nose--just told him I had a cold.

I refused to take allergy meds as I wanted to immunitize myself. Now the cat sleeps on my pillow and I have no allergy issues at all.

Keep the cat--take care of the allergy issue.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2007
Central Valley,California
I am Allegic to cat and have 4 and refused to give my other Cats up over 20 years ago when the Dr said too. They will kill her if she goes to the pound. I hope you can keep hr somehow. I have Asthma too. I also have a Allergic Cat with Asthma too.