Member Spotlight of the week (10/3 - 10/9) ~** Miss Mew **~

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  • #61


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
You still missed soem of my previous questions

favorite vegetable?
favorite type of soup?
chicken - bones or no bones?
favorite type of pasta? shape?
do you take vitamins every day?
What is the first thing Reilly does in the morning?

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

You still missed soem of my previous questions
Oh yes I did!!

favorite vegetable?'s so versatile!

favorite type of soup?Clam Chowder
chicken - bones or no bones?No bones
favorite type of pasta? shape?boring old spaghetti
do you take vitamins every day?I try to
What is the first thing Reilly does in the morning?He wakes me up!
Have a great Saturday Karen!
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  • #63


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
taking a break from putting painter's tape all over my bedroom - so here I am again!

Are you participating in the TCS Secret Santa?
Who is the last person you talked to?
umbrella, or jsut get wet?
Favorite breakfast?
shoe size?
what do you have on write now?
right or left handed?
what is in your purse right now?
lake or ocean?
water or mountains?
Have you selected next week's member in the "spotlight"
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  • #64


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Are you avoiding these?

Originally Posted by AbbysMom

Ever fly passengers as part of your job?
Any desire to fly for one of the large commercial airlines?
How much training would that entail?
Describe your scariest flight
What room of your house needs the most decorating help right now?
What's your dream home?
Dream wedding dress?
Do you still have a lot of snow, or did it melt?

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

taking a break from putting painter's tape all over my bedroom - so here I am again!
sounds like fun!!, can't wait to see what it looks like

Are you participating in the TCS Secret Santa?Yes I am

Who is the last person you talked to?Jeff, he just called me
umbrella, or jsut get wet?just get wet
Favorite breakfast?French Toast
shoe size?7
what do you have on write now?a brown turtleneck and a pair of dark blue jeans
right or left handed?Right
what is in your purse right now?Cell phone & wallet
lake or ocean?lake
water or mountains?Mountains
Have you selected next week's member in the "spotlight"Yes I have!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Hey Tracy!

Sorry I missed yesterday! So now you get twice as many! Hope none of them are repeats!
1. Have you ever eaten at a piggly wiggly's?
2. Ever eaten at a Steak n Shake?
3. Favorite time of day?
4. Favorite day of the week?
5. Ever ridden in a Limo?
6. Where did you go?
7. Do you have any quilts that you or someone else in your family has made?
8. Can you use a sewing machine?
9. Describe the best birthday party you have ever had? How old were you?
10. If you had to relocate to any another planet, because of overcrowding on this one, which would you choose and why?
11. What is your stance on abortion? If you are against it, do you have any exceptions?
12. Have you ever given anything to a homeless person on the street?
13. Who did you get for Secret Santa?
14. Name something that makes you jealous?
15. Highest level of education?
16. Do you plan on or would you ever consider going back to school?
17. Do you have names for your future children picked out?
18. What are they(if you dont mind sharing)?
19. Do you prefer floor lamps or table lamps?
20. Do you have decorating skills?
21. Last hotel you stayed in? Why?
22. Name something you are extremely proud of someone else in your family for?
23. What is on your desktop?
24. Do you keep cards(like birthday, anniversary) that you get from other people:
a. for a week or two
b. a month
c. years
d. forever
e. or until you get around to cleaning
f. other
25. Have any tatoos? What of?
26. If no to the above, would you ever get one? What of?
27. Are you crafty?
28. Favorite meal when it is cold?
29. Favorite meal when it is hot?
30. Can you work on cars? Basic knowledge or Advanced?
31. What are you getting your Secret Santa person?
32. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
33. If you had to evacuate your home because of a fire, what is the first (nonliving) thing you would grab?
34. How many phones in your home?
35. Who is the first person who welcomed you to TCS?
36. Who was the first person you PMed?
37. Do you have a shower curtain or shower door?
38. Name a chore you secretly enjoy doing?
39. If you could learn how to do one thing, right now, what would it be and why?
40. Can you yodel?
41. Do you have XM radio? If yes, what is your favorite channel?
42. What is on your mousepad?
43. After you carve a pumpkin, do you bake the seeds or throw them out?
44. Have you ever gone cow-tippin'?
45. Do you own any boots(like with fringe and scroll, maybe even spurs)
46. Favorite holiday?
47. Do you have a curio cabinent? What is in it?
48. Do you enjoy popping bubble paper?
49. Wheat bread or white bread? Why?
50. Can you wiggle your ears? Do you know anyone else who can?

Thats all for now!!
Have a good evening!

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally Posted by mferr84

Hey Tracy!
Sorry I missed yesterday! So now you get twice as many! Hope none of them are repeats!
1. Have you ever eaten at a piggly wiggly's?Nope
2. Ever eaten at a Steak n Shake?No....ahh I'm so sheltered!
3. Favorite time of day?morning
4. Favorite day of the week?anyday I have off
5. Ever ridden in a Limo?yes
6. Where did you go?prom
7. Do you have any quilts that you or someone else in your family has made?I used to
8. Can you use a sewing machine?No
9. Describe the best birthday party you have ever had? How old were you?My 9th. All my friends came over and we had a doll shaped cake
10. If you had to relocate to any another planet, because of overcrowding on this one, which would you choose and why?Saturn, beautiful view of all the rings
11. What is your stance on abortion? If you are against it, do you have any exceptions?I don't promote it
12. Have you ever given anything to a homeless person on the street?yes money
13. Who did you get for Secret Santa?ha ha!!, not telling!
14. Name something that makes you jealous?when girls hit on my bf
15. Highest level of education?college
16. Do you plan on or would you ever consider going back to school?For sure!!, I loved it
17. Do you have names for your future children picked out?yah I have a couple
18. What are they(if you dont mind sharing)?I love these names Tristan, Jordan, Lauryn, Kiera, Shayla, Shay Lynn and a few others
19. Do you prefer floor lamps or table lamps?table
20. Do you have decorating skills?I'd like to think so
21. Last hotel you stayed in? Why?The Best Western, went to pick my mom up in Thunder Bay
22. Name something you are extremely proud of someone else in your family for?My late grandma..she raised 4 kids alone
23. What is on your desktop?A picture taken from the top of Sioux Mountain
24. Do you keep cards(like birthday, anniversary) that you get from other people:always
a. for a week or two
b. a month
c. years
d. forever

e. or until you get around to cleaning
f. other
25. Have any tatoos? What of? yes, of a cross on my left inner ankle
26. If no to the above, would you ever get one? What of?
27. Are you crafty?at some things
28. Favorite meal when it is cold?KFC
29. Favorite meal when it is hot?Spaghetti
30. Can you work on cars? Basic knowledge or Advanced?basic knowledge
31. What are you getting your Secret Santa person?not sure yet
32. Do you consider yourself materialistic?More than I want to admit
33. If you had to evacuate your home because of a fire, what is the first (nonliving) thing you would grab?my pictures
34. How many phones in your home?3
35. Who is the first person who welcomed you to TCS?Rigel (coolcat)
36. Who was the first person you PMed?I think it was Sunnicat
37. Do you have a shower curtain or shower door?curtain
38. Name a chore you secretly enjoy doing?laundry
39. If you could learn how to do one thing, right now, what would it be and why?play the guitar, because I love music
40. Can you yodel?No
41. Do you have XM radio? If yes, what is your favorite channel?No
42. What is on your mousepad?don't have one
43. After you carve a pumpkin, do you bake the seeds or throw them out?throw them out
44. Have you ever gone cow-tippin'?No, I was a good girl

45. Do you own any boots(like with fringe and scroll, maybe even spurs)
?No, just huge winter boots
46. Favorite holiday?Christmas
47. Do you have a curio cabinent? What is in it?Nope
48. Do you enjoy popping bubble paper?I love to!!
49. Wheat bread or white bread? Why?'s better for me
50. Can you wiggle your ears? Do you know anyone else who can?No, my boyfriend can!

Thats all for now!!
Have a good evening!
Good night to you too!!
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  • #69


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005

Last vacation?
favorite vacation?
please post your favorite pic of you and Jeff
favorite TCS cats?
You said you collect postcards - is it only of places you have been, or from anywhere?
Celebrity crushes?
favorite gift you have ever received?
What are your worst habits?
Celebrity you would most like to meet?
When was your life most out of control?
Are you glad that tomorrow is the last day you have to answer questions?

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally Posted by AbbysMom


Last vacation?Jamaica in 1996...has it been that long??

favorite vacation?Florida
please post your favorite pic of you and JeffThis was taken this summer at our beach
favorite TCS cats?So many I won't be able to name them all!!
You said you collect postcards - is it only of places you have been, or from anywhere? Anywhere I go I grab a postcard
Celebrity crushes?I think the guys from CSI are pretty cute (Nick and Warack sp??)
favorite gift you have ever received?it's a tie..either my cabbage patch kid when I was 5 or my dollhouse when I was 8
What are your worst habits?picking at my nails
Celebrity you would most like to meet?Right now I'd say Shania Twain..I'd ask her what her beauty secrets are
When was your life most out of control?When I was 14-17..I was a nightmare to my parents. I was skipping school, getting suspended and just being bad
Are you glad that tomorrow is the last day you have to answer questions?It's always fun!! and hey...I'm getting lots of good ideas for questions to ask the next victim!!
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  • #71


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Welcome to your last day in the Spotlight!

Would you rather sleep in the same bed with someone with poison ivy or sleep in the bottom bunk of creaking bunk beds with a 400-pound man in the top bunk?

What is harder to get out of: bed or shower/bath?

Which is worse: A guy next to you on a plane that won't stop snoring, or a baby on the plane that won't stop crying?

Which is worse: A) a bad picture on your passport or B) a bad picture on your yearbook?

Do you feel naked for the rest of the day if you forget to put your watch on in the morning?

Do you cut your sandwiches or just eat them whole?

Do you break things when you are angry?

Do ants invade your house every summer?

If you see a spider near you, but lose track of where it goes, do you start to feel itchy?

Would you rather have your own private jet or your own private yacht?

Do you prefer answering or asking questions?

Favorite Beauty product?

Favorite cleaning product?

favorite thing hanging on your wall right now? and please post a pic

How many blankets do you have on your bed right now?

Favorite room in your house/apartment?

Favorite magazine?

I'll be back with more later!

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
The yearbook
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

Welcome to your last day in the Spotlight!

Would you rather sleep in the same bed with someone with poison ivy or sleep in the bottom bunk of creaking bunk beds with a 400-pound man in the top bunk?
Hmmm..I'll have to go with the bunk bed...posion ivy freaks me out!

What is harder to get out of: bed or shower/bath?Bed

Which is worse: A guy next to you on a plane that won't stop snoring, or a baby on the plane that won't stop crying?The baby is worse for sure

Which is worse: A) a bad picture on your passport or B) a bad picture on your yearbook?the yearbook

Do you feel naked for the rest of the day if you forget to put your watch on in the morning?No, I only wear it when I have to work

Do you cut your sandwiches or just eat them whole?whole

Do you break things when you are angry?No

Do ants invade your house every summer?In my old place they used to

If you see a spider near you, but lose track of where it goes, do you start to feel itchy?oh yes!

Would you rather have your own private jet or your own private yacht?The jet for sure

Do you prefer answering or asking questions?Asking

Favorite Beauty product?lipstick

Favorite cleaning product?Mr. Clean

favorite thing hanging on your wall right now? and please post a picMy walls are still very bare, seeing we are fairly new here, but my friend drew this picture for me before I left

How many blankets do you have on your bed right now?2

Favorite room in your house/apartment?living room

Favorite magazine?Cosmo

I'll be back with more later!
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  • #73


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I am back - as promised!

What was the worst thing about being in the spotlight this week?
The best?
Do yuo ahve a favorite coffee mug? please post a pic.
What color towels do have in your bathroom - are they all matched ?
Are you a member of any club, organization?
Any charities that you support?
Did you get me for Secret Santa?
What are you getting me?
Do you recycle?
What's at the end of the rainbow?

I think I am done with you! I hope you enjoyed your week, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and good luck with your meal!

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

I am back - as promised!

What was the worst thing about being in the spotlight this week?
The best?I just had a great time chatting with people I might not have had the chance to chat with before. Some of the questions were really a challenge to answer..all in all I had a blast!
Do yuo ahve a favorite coffee mug? please post a pic.Yes, I do...and I use it no matter what time of year it is!
What color towels do have in your bathroom - are they all matched ?They are all mixmatched..I tried to put up the nice decorative ones but Jeff just doesn't understand the concept!!, he was wiping his hands on them and making them gross!
Are you a member of any club, organization?I have a membership with Curves
Any charities that you support?Yes, I always give to the Toronto Humane Society
Did you get me for Secret Santa?Never know???
What are you getting me? ????
Do you recycle?Yes
What's at the end of the rainbow?a happy ending

I think I am done with you! I hope you enjoyed your week, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and good luck with your meal!
I sure did enjoy my week, thanks so much!!, I am in the process of making some of my Thanksgiving dinner right now..Pumpkin pie and the potato casserole receipe you gave me!