Member on the Spotlight, 27 July to 02 August.....=)


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I am a late arrival to the Spotlight party.
Some of my questions have already been asked, so let's see what else I can come up with.

If you were forced to eat a certain type of cuisine (Italian, Mexican, Thai, etc.) for a month, which would you choose?

Do you have a favorite mug?

How often do you buy food? I'm only asking since it seems like you run in to buy things for dinner on the way home quite often.

Have you ever been to the US?

Any area of the US that you would like to visit?

Is it humid there as well as hot?

How far from the water do you live?

If a few of us were to come over for dinner, what would be be eating?

Would Fawn let my scratch her tummy? How about Suzy?

If you are driving down the road and see a cow, do you have to moo at it?

Have you ever been admitted to the hospital overnight?

How many hours a week do you usually work?

Favorite website other than TCS?

wrapping paper or gift bags?

Wine - red or white? Favorite types of each?

Oldest item in your refrigerator?

Favorite type of cookie?

Favorite kitchen gadget?

Favorite spice or herb?

Any plans for the weekend?

Do you collect anything?

What's in the trunk of your car right now?


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Thanks you for answering my questions my friend, ...The main topic of today would be Cats and also other stuffs...

Good stuff! Off we go...

1.- How many cats have you ever had in your enterely life?


2.- could you tell us the name of the list above?


3.- Do you have any preference about of Breeds of cats?

I prefer cats that have several legs, two fairly pointed ears, whiskers, a tail, and fur. Covers a fair number of breeds.

4.- Do you dream with cats when you sleeps?

I don't remember most of my dreams, but occasionally a cat has come to me in a dream. Gryphon did a couple of times.

5.- Have you ever to give catnip at your kittys to play?

Oh, yeah. Cindy in particular is a niphead. Fawn likes it, too, just not quite as crazily.

6.- Wich brand do you prefer to give at your kitty in Wet and Dry food to eat?

They get kitty crack for their wet, because that's all they'll accept, though I do keep trying others anytime I see a brand I haven't tried before. I don't worry too much about it now, though, because their dry is Orijen, and they love that.

7.- Would you like to work like a volunteer on a Cat shelter?

In theory, yes, but I would be a wreck, so it's unlikely that I will.

another stuffs...
8.- Wich one is your favourite colour to wear?

Well, my general colour preferences (blue/green/grey; not pink) also apply to clothing, but I wear lots of colours, and like black a lot.

9.- Do you have some earrings with shape of cat?

Yes. Little bead earrings that a friend of mine made. They're fun.

10.- do you have some blouse with stamps of cats?

I have a shirt with kittens embroidered across the bust: on one side, they are playing with yarn, and on the other they are in "see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil" posture.

I also have several t-shirts with cats on them: Triplicat, which I mentioned the other day; a TCS shirt; a TCS Mod Squad sweat shirt; and a t-shirt I brought back from Mexico, which has a line of cartoon cats across the front and their backs across the back. It says it's from "Adopt-a Cat San Miguel de Allende", though I never did learn anything about that organization, since we were leaving the next day. I tried to look them up on-line, but came up dry.

11.- do you collect or you have handcraft of kittys?

I don't actively collect, but I do have a few things. One is a papier mache kitty my Dad made. His name is Tom and he's white with black spots and watches over our dining room from the book shelf.

12.- how many purses do you have?

A bazillion, of which I use two. I really should offload the rest.

.....I hope not boring you with my questions my friend.....Cheers chick!...

Not a chance! Cheers to you too!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Ok, Ill throw some in here because unlike most others posting, I actually know nothing of you!

Oh, good!

1. How long is your hair now, and what is the longest/shortest it has ever been? Also, current/previous/preferred colours?

It's very short right now for the summer: a couple of inches on top and sides, buzz cut at the nape I'll let it out a little more when the weather cools. Before I got it cut off in 2005, it was down to my butt, and had been that long or close to it for over 20 years. That was the longest it's been, the current cut is the shortest. I've only ever had my natural colour, which in my youth was mousey brown with a few red highlights. I got my first grey hair in my teens and by 45 it was all white. I take after my Mum in that respect.

2. Have you always lived in Vancouver, or did you "come from somewhere else"?

I'm a transplant. I grew up in Montreal and came west 35 years ago.

3. When is the last time you visited the Capilano Suspension bridge? (I went in May during the Canadian Neuroscience Conference!)

WOW, that's a bunch of years ago! Probably 25 or more.

4. How many kms on Sheba?

At last fueling 309,738. As she's just about due for a fill up, I'd guess she's crossed 310,000 recently.

5. Have you ever visited a University research lab? What were your impressions?

Never have.

5b. Personal feelings on the use of animals in research?

I would rather that it weren't necessary at all, but to some extent, I guess it's a necessary evil, e.g. we can't make advances in medicine without some use of animals in research. So, provided they are treated respectfully, I can live with it. But anything beyond that kind of work, anything whose purpose is commercial rather than for the benefit of society, is just plain wrong.

6. Should I drive from Edmonton to Vancouver for the experience??? Id have to rent a car, and can find flights under $100 all the time...

The Yellowhead is a pretty spectacular drive. I'd say it's worth it. Mind, I haven't actually done the driving, so I can't comment on that aspect of it.

7. What are you doing during the olympics? Going to see any events?

Unlikely. Neither of us is sufficiently into sports to deal with the crowds at such events. We'll catch stuff on TV and that will be the extent of our participation, I expect.

8. Do you like to ride a bike?

I haven't for some years. I don't enjoy riding in traffic, and you can't really avoid that in the city. Many years ago, when I was still working downtown, I had a collapsible bike that I kept in the back of my (then) stationwagon, and after work two or three days a week, I'd run over to Stanley Park and do the Seawall. That I enjoyed. When I left that job and the convenient access to the Park, I got a standard bike so that I'd feel "safer" riding in traffic. That was when I discovered that the bike didn't really have much to do with how safe I felt, and that was when it was hung up, pretty much for good.

9. To whom/what was the last charitable donation you made?

I pledge to my church, that's monthly. Other than that, I think probably it was to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, sponsoring our nephew when he cycled for them earlier this year. There might have been another since then, but I don't think so.

10. How do I make really delicious baked potatoes? I think I use the wrong kind, mine are never as nice and fluffy as my mom's were, and after last months asking her how to make corn on the cob I figure I need someone else to give me this tip!

The best potatoes for baking, IMO, are russets.

I usually cheat and do them in the microwave. Scrub well, poke two or three times with a fork on both sides, arrange in a circle on a paper towl and give them five minutes at high. Check for doneness, turn them over/around, and give them another 2-5 minutes, depending how many you are doing. When the fork goes in without resistance, pull them out, and either wrap them in foil or put them in a large covered dish, and they'll hold nicely for half an hour.

If you want a real treat though, do them in the regular oven. Scrub, do not poke with a fork, but do rub generously with the fat of your choice -- I like bacon fat for this. Arrange on foil in the oven and bake until a fork goes in without resistance. Any heat from about 300 to 450 is OK, depending on what else you are doing, but I think 350 is best. You'll need about an hour at that rate, so adjust accordingly. Bon Appetit!

11. If you were paddling a canoe, and saw a strange person on shore, how many pancakes would fit in a birdcage?

Easy! 42.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
I am a late arrival to the Spotlight party. Some of my questions have already been asked, so let's see what else I can come up with.

I'm ready!

If you were forced to eat a certain type of cuisine (Italian, Mexican, Thai, etc.) for a month, which would you choose?

Oooo, that's hard. They're all sooo good, but I think for sheer durability it would have to be Italian.

Do you have a favorite mug?

I have several that are special in one way or another, and they do get rotated a lot, but the one I use most is my Crazy Cat Lady mug, an SS gift from a few years ago.

How often do you buy food? I'm only asking since it seems like you run in to buy things for dinner on the way home quite often.

Your impression is quite accurate. I use those stops for topping up other stock, as well, because I shop at several different stores for different things. I could blitz one store every two weeks and have it done with, but I wouldn't get the brand selection I want. So one day I do Safeway, and there I get my juice and my eggs and a few other things and whatever is today's particular purchase; and another day I do Stongs, and there I get my milk/cream and my bacon and my ham, and a few other things and whatever is today's particular purchase; and another day I do Granville Island Market, and there I get my Thai Princess sauces, and a lot of produce, and that special meat or seafood item for Friday dinner. That's just off the top of my head. And I can do this with a 20 minute stop on the way home every few days, instead of taking up my Saturday with shopping.

Have you ever been to the US?

Yep. New York state was close by when I was growing up, so we went across from time to time. My mother's aunt lived in Detroit and we visited her when I was 8?9? something like that. Since moving west, I've been into Washington State lots of times, Seattle, Spokane, Ephrata (Rob and his partners used to take their sailplane there), Olympic Peninsula, Oregon Coast. Almost made it to California, but it was dusk and I figured I should turn around and get back to my campsite.

Any area of the US that you would like to visit?

Flying over the Grand Canyon in 2006 gave us a new appreciation for it
I'd like to get up close and personal with that.

Is it humid there as well as hot?

Not as a rule, but it has been lately with this heat wave we're in the midst of -- still not as humid as it gets in Montreal at this time of year, but a bit of a challenge for most of the locals.

How far from the water do you live?

Beach, no more than 20 minutes drive. Water under a bridge, about five minutes drive.

If a few of us were to come over for dinner, what would be be eating?

Today? I hope you'd be up for a Prawn Feed. I'm just waiting for my stepson to call back and let me know whether they're on for tonight, so I know how many pounds to buy. Prawns fresh off the boat, lots of crusty bread and garlic butter, and a token amount of salad. I'll do produce shopping while I'm out, because I need lemons for the Prawn pot, so if I see some suitable berries/fruit, that will be dessert. Otherwise, it'll be something ice cream based.

Now, if you're planning on coming another night, I can plan ahead, and I'll ask you first about your preferences and any allergies or other sensitivities, so that I can avoid them. Then I'll decide what to serve.

Would Fawn let my scratch her tummy? How about Suzy?

Fawn maybe, if she was in the right mood, though she'd probably be watching from a distance for most of the visit. Sooz, if she were currently in residence, would make herself scarce, and would definitely not deign to allow ANY human, let alone one she had just met, to touch her tummy. Cindy would also make herself scarce, but might appear after a while, and though she loves tummy rubs would never let an unfamiliar human that close.

If you are driving down the road and see a cow, do you have to moo at it?

Well of course! It would be impolite not to speak to it.

Have you ever been admitted to the hospital overnight?


How many hours a week do you usually work?

My normal work week is 9-5 Monday to Friday, so 35 hours.

Favorite website other than TCS?


wrapping paper or gift bags?

Depends on the gift, the recipient and the occasion. I love to do gift wrap, so I don't shy away from it, but bags are just better for some things and can make for a very attractive presentation.

Wine - red or white? Favorite types of each?

Both, but more red than white. There's an Argentinian Malbec -- Finca Los Primos -- that we are especially enjoying lately. Quite apart from the fact that it's great for sipping and goes with almost anything you want a red for, it's also really inexpensive. The Chardonnay of the same label is also excellent. Those are always on the rack. As for favourite varietals, it really depends on what it's going with, but in whites I lean toward Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Gewurztraminer; and in reds, Malbec, Merlot, Shiraz, Zinfandel. I like a good Cab Sauv, but it can be heavy.

Oldest item in your refrigerator?

Probably the Miso paste

Favorite type of cookie?

Rob's the Cookie Monster in this family, but I like Chocolate Chip.

Favorite kitchen gadget?

Probably the Braun Multi-quick chopper thingy.

Favorite spice or herb?

Allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger are at the top of the spice list
Thyme, rosemary, tarragon, oregano for herbs
...and then there's GARLIC

Any plans for the weekend?

A few errands, but nothing special

Do you collect anything?


What's in the trunk of your car right now?

A folding box, reusable shopping bags, car emergency stuff, jumper cables, oil, water.

Phew! That was a marathon! Thanks.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2003
Hi Rapunzel47!

I have a few questions for you.

I noticed that you like to spend a lot of time in the arcade.

1)What is your favorite game(s) to play in the arcade?

2)What is your favorite game(s) to play in the tournaments?

Since you used to live in Montreal...

3)What was your favorite thing to do/place to visit in Montreal?

4)Have you ever been to Vermont?

5)What is your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream?

6)Have you ever gone horseback riding? English or Western? Trails or shows?

7)What is your favorite animal?

That's all for now.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Hi Rapunzel47!

Hello Vermontcat!

I have a few questions for you.

I noticed that you like to spend a lot of time in the arcade.

1)What is your favorite game(s) to play in the arcade?

Just for my own arcade pleasure, my favourites are Mahjong Connect and Obversity

2)What is your favorite game(s) to play in the tournaments?

Both of those -- I'd say they are my favourites. But they don't collect players very fast, so I also go for Blocks2, Battleship, Animal Connect, Solitaire Slingo, Umbrella Trick. There may be a couple more.

Since you used to live in Montreal...

3)What was your favorite thing to do/place to visit in Montreal?

Long time ago. I always loved Mount Royal, or as the locals call it, The Mountain.

4)Have you ever been to Vermont?

I may have passed through, but I don't think I ever went there specifically.

5)What is your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream?

Don't know the B&J flavours well enough to say. I seem to recall Cherry Garcia was fun. The Ice Cream in my freezer is Breyers.

6)Have you ever gone horseback riding? English or Western? Trails or shows?

I seem to recall being sat upon a horse as a child, and allowing it to transport me from point A to point B. I don't think it would have qualified as horseback riding.
Horses are lovely people. I just haven't had that relationship with them.

7)What is your favorite animal?

Not surprisingly, cats

That's all for now.

Thanks for the questions.


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
Hi, Fran!
Sorry I'm late. I have had fun this morning going through your thread, but every time I would think of a question, I read some more and someone would ask it

1. Do you ever go to the Spanish Bank at dusk or night? It looks like a fabulous place to see the city all lit up. Why do they call it the Spanish Bank?

2. I heard it was a wee bit hot there this week, do you have air-conditioning at home?

3. The Red Door looks great! What is your favorite dish there?

4. How did you and Rob meet?

5. What is the most annoying thing your "girls" do?

6. What do you like/hate most about your job?

7. Do you have any big dreams when you retire or are you just looking forward to having time to do daily stuff you don't have time for now?

8. Can you sew?

9. Do you and Rob socialize much?

10. When you settle down to watch a movie, do you lay on the sofa, sit in a chair or park your butt on the floor?

Hope you have a great day!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #48


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Nice & interesting Answers my friend...

Originally Posted by rapunzel47

Wine - red or white? Favorite types of each?
Both, but more red than white. There's an Argentinian Malbec -- Finca Los Primos -- that we are especially enjoying lately. Quite apart from the fact that it's great for sipping and goes with almost anything you want a red for, it's also really inexpensive. The Chardonnay of the same label is also excellent. Those are always on the rack. As for favourite varietals, it really depends on what it's going with, but in whites I lean toward Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Gewurztraminer; and in reds, Malbec, Merlot, Shiraz, Zinfandel. I like a good Cab Sauv, but it can be heavy.
Welcome to Chardonay Club!
My favourite too...

This is a delicious tiny set my friend...

- Do you Cook with Wine?..

- Do you Cook with Beer my friend?...

The same questions of up, but now with
- What kind of flesh did you use most to cook, Pork? Steak? Fish?..

How often are you "Tempte" to try new sensations?...
I mean to go to new restaurants and try something new..?...
Are you a good Sibarita?..

What is the most that you Join your food my friend?...I mean Wine?...Pop Soda? Water? Natural drinks? fruits from the season?

Any fruit that you hate my friend?...

I´m hungry...


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Hi, Fran! Sorry I'm late. I have had fun this morning going through your thread, but every time I would think of a question, I read some more and someone would ask it

Hi Chris! No apology necessary -- the event is a whole week!

1. Do you ever go to the Spanish Bank at dusk or night? It looks like a fabulous place to see the city all lit up. Why do they call it the Spanish Bank?

Wikipedia gives a good account of the naming. It's a wonderful vantage point for fireworks displays. The last night of the Celebration of Light 2009 is tonight, and Spanish Banks will be crowded. We won't be there, though, having outgrown crowds of that size.
We don't go down in the evening very much, mostly because we tend to have dinner rather later than most people, and are enjoying the evening in our own back yard, but it is gorgeous.

2. I heard it was a wee bit hot there this week, do you have air-conditioning at home?

A wee bit hot, she says. Yeah, just a mite. I haven't experienced heat like that since I left Montreal. Seriously. We broke records two days in a row. And with it was more humidity than we are accustomed to, as well. It's moderated somewhat yesterday and today, largely due to the breeze, which helps substantially.

We don't have air conditioning, because ordinarily there is just no need for it. We are fortunate, though, that by opening up front and back, we get good cross drafts, and so strategic placement of fans keeps the air quite livable under normal circumstances. It's been a bit more of a challenge the last week or so, but we've done better here than many people have. My stepson and his SO were here for dinner last night and thoroughly enjoying the temp -- their fifth floor condo makes an oven seem cool.

3. The Red Door looks great! What is your favorite dish there?

Everything!! But I cannot go there and not have Shaking Beef. Awesome!!

4. How did you and Rob meet?

We met in the church choir 34 years ago. I had joined about six months before a new director was appointed, 2/3 of whose previous choir followed him. For many people that was a tough choice, but for Rob, having only joined that choir two months previous, it was a no-brainer. We discovered shortly thereafter that we lived fairly close to each other about 10 miles from the church, so we began carpooling to rehearsals and services.

5. What is the most annoying thing your "girls" do?

They're remarkably good girls, actually. The only thing I can think of that's somewhat irritating is when they're milling around waiting for dinner to hit the floor and then decide there's something more important to do outside.

6. What do you like/hate most about your job?

Above everything else, I like the people and the community and the humanity. After working "out in the jungle" for 16 years in a variety of situations, with really very little to complain about, the last 29 have been an awesome experience. One of the most remarkable things has been the last 4 years or so. Without going into a whole bunch of detail, there were some very tough times in there, and some very serious cuts were necessary. We all know horror stories about how these things get done. Well, it was not so here. It still boggles my mind how the realities were faced head on and openly and the hard decisions were made with as much compassion and pastoral care as was possible. This, with a 40-something woman with a family at the helm. You don't have to wonder whether I love this young woman.

On the negative side, unless and until someone drops big money on the school, funds will always be a challenge, and resources will always be stretched. It's a reality we all understand, and can live with, because we're not treated like mushrooms. But there are times when it's difficult.

7. Do you have any big dreams when you retire or are you just looking forward to having time to do daily stuff you don't have time for now?

I have never been an ambitious person, and that won't change with retirement. I see myself doing much the same stuff I do when I'm on vacation, but also doing some of the things that I feel a little guilty about neglecting right now. We might do a little travelling, or we might not.
And I might do some volunteering, just to keep some discipline in my life.

8. Can you sew?

Yes. I used to make some of my clothes and have done a fair bit of stuff entirely by hand. That was born of a need to undertake a particular project, when I didn't have a machine, and it wasn't going to be convenient to borrow one. So, I thought, what the heck, let's see if this will work. It did, and I had a lot of fun, so I did more. I had more endurance in those days, but I might get back to that in my retirement, too.

9. Do you and Rob socialize much?

Big parties, not much. A few friends for dinner, yes, fairly frequently.

10. When you settle down to watch a movie, do you lay on the sofa, sit in a chair or park your butt on the floor?

None of the above. If we're watching at home, we're either on the bed or in it.

Hope you have a great day!

Thanks! You, too. Great set of questions, thanks.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Welcome to Chardonay Club!... My favourite too......

This is a delicious tiny set my friend...


- Do you Cook with Wine?..


- Do you Cook with Beer my friend?...

Less often, but yes.

The same questions of up, but now with
- What kind of flesh did you use most to cook, Pork? Steak? Fish?..

We like our flesh! On balance, I suspect we eat more chicken and pork than others, but beef, lamb, seafood, fish all figure regularly.

How often are you "Tempte" to try new sensations?... I mean to go to new restaurants and try something new..?...Are you a good Sibarita?......

We love to try new things. We go out to eat less than a lot of people who enjoy their food, simply because I love to cook at home, and Rob prefers to eat my cooking.
A benefit of not going out as much is that there's that much more of the budget available for nice things to cook with. Any time my jaw drops too far at a price, I ask myself, "OK, and what would you get for that money in a restaurant you would trust to prepare that food?" That said, going out to nice places always gives me new ideas. Then I go home and play in the kitchen.

What is the most that you Join your food my friend?...I mean Wine?...Pop Soda? Water? Natural drinks? fruits from the season?

With dinner, we almost always have a glass of wine. There's some decent wine in 3-litre kegs that makes it possible to have a glass with dinner, without having to open a bottle, and then either consume more than you want to when tomorrow is a work day, or put it in the fridge.

Friday night -- our special dinner of the week -- there's always a bottle of wine... or two... or three... Last night, with company, was a three-bottle with befores (cheeses that R&A brought), one with the main course (prawns, salad and bread), one with dessert (BC cherries).

With breakfast, it's juice and coffee. Lunch depends a lot on where we are and what we're doing. Lunch doesn't happen very often at home.

Any fruit that you hate my friend?...

Not that I can think of.

I´m hungry...

After all those food questions, I'm not surprised!! Good thing it's not long since we had brunch, or I would be too!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
How do you define TCS my friend?.......

The short answer is "My Internet Home".

I suspect you were looking for something with a little more meat than that, though, a description I might give to someone who was asking about the site. To that I'd say, "It's a rich on-line resource about all things 'cat', including forums which are a community of cat people, come together initially because of their love of their feline companions. They may arrive with some issue they want help with, but they stay to be helpful themselves, and for the community of people with a common interest. And like other communities of people with a common interest, they also talk about other things in their lives and experience, and find a remarkable level of support and caring -- and a lot of fun, too."

And my thanks to Anne for conceiving and giving birth to this wonderful community.


I still owe a couple of answers from a few days ago. I haven't forgotten.

From Chris:
16. Given the choice of anyone in the world (alive or dead), whom would you chose to meet?

I wanted to think on this because there are so many many people who have lived and died in this world who would be candidates for this. After a couple of days of getting nowhere in that decision, I realized I was looking in the wrong place. The person I want to meet is my Uncle Frank, who died the year before I was born and for whom I am named. There is so much love spoken in my family for this man, that I want to know him.

From Rigel:
3.- If you can travel in time and to meet to some historycal person WHO would be and Tell us why?...

This one is harder. I'd like to say Uncle Frank to this one, too, but I think you mean it should be someone who could be found in a history book. Well, that's not Uncle Frank, so I'm back to the consideration of extraordinary people from many centuries. And I'm no farther ahead than I was two days ago, largely because I keep realizing that if I got to meet that person, it wouldn't do any good, because I'd be too tongue-tied to interact with him/her
-- I only blather among people I know or in print -- so what's the point? Some of the candidates under consideration were Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Pierre Trudeau.


And, that, my friends, may well be "it". You have a little more than 10 hours to ask more questions if you want to, and I will answer any posted, but it's been a good run, quite thought-provoking, and a lot of fun. Thank you all.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #54


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Very good my friend!..

Originally Posted by rapunzel47

How do you define TCS my friend?.......

The short answer is "My Internet Home".
Nice answers, I never can define so great this in a really short words my friend!..

WELL my dear friends, the week is over, SO I Ask you again a big CLAP to FRAN our Member on the Spootlight!