Meet my handsome new man


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I may have gone to the SPCA on Friday and I may have brought a crate just incase and I may have come home with a handsome little kitty the same day that I had seen online and wanted to meet because I thought he was such a cutie.

He doesn’t have an official name yet (suggestions are welcome) but I’ve been calling him Munchkin, though I’m not sure if I want that to be his proper name yet.

He came from a pretty bad situation that has been in the news internationally recently, so some of you may actually be familiar with his backstory already. He’s part of a group of about 300 cats that were/are currently being rescued from a single property in Houston, BC, Canada, which is a super rural town without many people/resources. People started dumping their cats on this one man’s property a few years ago and he tried to care for them all but they just kept breeding and multiplying until the situation got really out of hand. The cats from there are receiving care and, when ready, are being transferred to the different SPCA branches across the province for adoption. So he’s one of them.

He was kept in the back of the shelter separate from the cats that are available for regular visiting and the SPCA workers told me he was the most shy and scared of the group they got in from there. He was hiding in a cat cave and seemed very shut down at first so I just sat there with him for awhile and spoke to him, and eventually felt it would be safe to try petting him. He responded to head pets and rubs right away and started leaning into my hand and rolling around immediately. It took me all of a minute after that to decide that he was a sweet little baby who just needed love and patience and that I wanted to take him home. The shelter workers were shocked when I told them, apparently they had tried (and failed) to get him to open up over the past few weeks that he’d been there and were concerned he’d have trouble getting adopted.

He’s been here for a few days now (only in my bedroom for now) and is adjusting surprisingly well given all that he’s been through and his history. He spends a good amount of time hanging out in the two places that he’s deemed completely safe, his crate and a space between the bed and the wall, but he is not scared, just shy and a bit unsure of everything. He will come out and up on to the bed and stuff with some encouragement and coaxing, and when he does he loves to cuddle! He is so sweet and gentle. It is so surprising how affectionate he is given the fact that, up until a few weeks ago, he had only ever known one human and probably spent little to no time with them at all. Tiny things do make him nervous and cause him to retreat to a safe space though, like turning on the space heater or the ceiling fan, or opening the blinds completely, so we have lots of work to do on building his confidence.

I haven’t started any form of introductions yet to my resident cats (Bitsy and Moose), I want him to feel super confident in his space before any of that, and we have a vet appointment on Monday to get him cleared health wise before any of that begins just to be safe.

Anyways, he is such a sweet baby, some of his little mannerisms in the way he cuddles and shows affection and looks at me reminds me so much of my boy Bentley who passed in January that it’s legitimately healing my soul. And he’s so sweet and gentle (and apparently loves other cats) that I can’t see him not getting along with my resident kitties after proper introductions. My biggest concern personality wise is just that he may be too sweet and therefore may not be super interested in playing with Moose (who would love a friend to play with, and was my motivation behind getting another kitty). Hopefully as he becomes more confident he will become more active and enjoy playing more though, when I first showed him what a wand toy was he seemed to have no clue what to do with it (I don’t think he’d ever seen one before), but he’s becoming more and more interested in it over the past couple days and seems to enjoy a few of the toys I’ve given him, though he doesn’t really play with them and only cuddles/holds them. He really is so sweet and I love him so much already.


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  • #3


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Congratulations! What a handsome cat and he seems very much at ease with you so quickly. I wish the best for you both and the integration with your other cats when everyone is ready.
Thank you! My photos are all a bit biased though as they’re all taken when he’s feeling confident enough to come out and cuddle/hang out. He still spends probably 80%+ of his time in one of his two hidey spots lol. There have been a few times where I’ve left the room while he’s on the bed, and I’ve come back and he’s still there, so we are definitely making progress.
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  • #6


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Thank you Margot Lane Margot Lane and neely neely

I am absolutely obsessed with his sweet little face and expressive eyes. His cheeks are so dang chonky too, I just love them. He was only fixed about two weeks ago and is just over a year old so he’s got that proper Tom Cat face lol, this picture really shows how big they are.


I was worried about him possibly having a spraying habit due to the late neuter but he hasn’t at all.
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  • #7


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I’m so sorry if this becomes a spam thread but lol, he’s been hanging out on the scratcher for the past ten minutes or so and he just attacked a toy I’ve left out (first time he’s ever attempted anything resembling play on his own) and proceeded to leap in the air to try to catch a little moth that’s been buzzing around the room, and then he trilled for maybe the second time ever (the first time I heard it was after he finished some wet food he really liked lol) 😭❤

And while typing this my resident cat Bitsy was on the other side of the door meowing a little (she wants mom and dinner lol) and he made cute little trill/meows in response to her and walked over closer to the door!!
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  • #9


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
He's gorgeous! A distant brother to Daisy (who's just been rolling around on the bed like that). I love his big beard patch.
Don't see him as a Munchkin. Do you have any preference for type of name (ie human name, description, etc)?
Thanks! I don’t see him as a Munchkin either! It’s just all my few brain cells will come up with right now, and the longer I don’t think of anything better the harder it sticks lol. It’s fine as a term of endearment but as his name name, I don’t think so…

No thematic name preference. I have flirted with a few Game Of Thrones related names like Hodor and Ser Pounce but I’m not sure I really like those either. People names are fine too! Or even animal names so he can match with Moose. And yes I totally already considered “Goose” but then their names would be too similar and they’d get confused lol.
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  • #12


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Muttonchops seems too cutesy, obvious & meaty. Charles. Gregory. A dignified name he can grow into? …Henry? It will come to you—-sit with it for awhile. He’ll tell you his name. :)
I do quite like the dignified gentleman names lol, the right one just hasn’t come to me yet. I will definitely take your advice and just sit with it for awhile until it comes to me/he tells me his name. It took me something crazy like two months to name Bitsy, and her nickname up until I settled on that was Stinky. It took fighting every bone in my body not to just name her Stinky (she WAS very stinky because she was extremely sick and had sores in her mouth that made her breath smell like death) but she was such a sweet little girl, she didn’t deserve that name even if it was out of love. Anyways, she’s almost 13 now and I haven’t called her stinky since she was a kitten lol.
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  • #17


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Ahaha thank you for all the suggestions, I am mulling them all over and also trying to think of other candidates!! Milton, Norman, Hans, Humphrey, and Carlisle (Carl for short) are a few that have caught my eye and been added to the list of candidates.

Wellington is really quite cute but all my brain imagines when I think of it is Chef Gordon Ramsay yelling “THE WELLINGTON IS RAW!!” because Beef Wellington was one of the super difficult dishes he always made contestants on his show back in the day cook :flail:

I am very happy to report that the handsome man woke me up at 4 AND 5 AM because he was vigorously playing with one of his toys. So he does play!! And I’m pretty sure he spent the majority of the night hanging out on the scratcher instead of in one of his usual hidey spots :cheerleader: It technically has a covered “hidey” area too but it’s in the centre of the room (so more confidence required) and he has been choosing to go there a lot lately.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
This is such a wonderful story! I did hear about the rescue in BC and it is amazing that you were able to give one of those poor cats a home. He is adorable and looks to be in great condition despite his very rocky start. I always imagine what cats like this think when they find out that there is a whole other side to life which is safe and happy as opposed to what they were living.

I did Alice and Elise for my avatar and her look alike sister and it did not work. They are now Lily and Chiquita.

I wonder how often he trilled before he got to your house and if he will be like my Graycie, whom I should have named Scarlett since her motto is "as God is my witness, I will never be hungry again."
I may have gone to the SPCA on Friday and I may have brought a crate just incase and I may have come home with a handsome little kitty the same day that I had seen online and wanted to meet because I thought he was such a cutie.
I have been there. The "I might have to rescue someone, so just in case I will bring a carrier."
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  • #19


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Thank you fionasmom fionasmom !! He does look good despite all he’s been through, I have such a hard time imagining him living in that place with all those other cats and possibly fighting other Toms over females :sniffle:

I have been there. The "I might have to rescue someone, so just in case I will bring a carrier."
I was actually sooo apprehensive and conflicted about doing this because I had applied for another kitty through a different rescue about ten days earlier (long story) but was really starting to lose hope on him due to their lack of communication. I also felt like they were annoyed with me because his info sheet said he had gingivitis but it looked much worse than that to me when I met him in person and took a peek at his gums, so I emailed them asking if a vet had confirmed it wasn’t stomatitis and I got a pretty generic/somewhat annoyed sounding response back that didn’t really answer my question at all… plus the PetSmart manager who apparently approves the apps for them was pretty rude when I asked if he knew anything more about it, he just said “they don’t just send us sick cats, you know”…. so yeah I had to make the decision to give up on potentially getting that kitty (who was also an absolute sweetheart too) when I decided to bring this guy home. Murphy’s Law they emailed me back on Monday saying he had seen a vet and DOES indeed have stomatitis, and that they’d hold onto my application for after he gets some treatment if I was still interested…. And suddenly they were being really nice lol. But of course I had to say no sorry but I can’t because I had just gotten another kitty and four is probably too many for me right now. So lots of mixed emotions there but I don’t regret my decision at all, but I of course feel so bad for that little dude. But he’s a really sweet and confident kitty so he hopefully won’t have any trouble finding a good home even with his diagnosis.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
If they are willing to treat the other cat, he has a very good chance of getting a home. Most people would express doubt about taking in a pet who might have a serious medical issue that was going to be left up to them to solve. If this is a PetSmart, they have the ability to handle this for their adoptees.

This also goes under the heading of "what did they expect?" That there were no other cats in the world who needed a home and that you could not find one? I don't mean to sound harsh about the other little boy, but rescues back themselves very often into these corners with their attitudes .