Mass in brain


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 2, 2013
The worst has happened. I had to rush my baby to Er yesterday he couldnt move. Vet suspected a neurological issue we did mri today and found a mass in the lower part of brain. Biopsy is risky prognosis is poor im devastated.

my cat was lethargic for over a month. Appetite up and down and mostly down for the past couple weeks. He presents strange behaviors like hissing at me when he never had before, scaredy and jumpy, cries when i pick him up, twitching of the snout.

All the vets i have been to point to digestive issues. I wish one of them has mentioned something about a neurological issue.

If your pet presents strange behaviors, ask for a neuro exam, dont be like me it is too late and my heart breaks. i feel like we could have a better prognosis and he wouldnt have to suffer so much.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Thank you S silent meowlook

i have read your post about cryptococcus and sounds like you are a vet or at least work in the vet office?

Do you know if i will be able to send mri images to other neurologists to confirm the prognosis? Basically what i was told was the mass is in the lower brain where the brainstem is. He also has two other suspicious spots on each side of the brain near the left and right eardrums.

Neurologist said there is still a slight chance this might be infection and so we have decided to try antibiotics to see if any improvements. If no improvement basically there is nothing we can do for my baby.

in my head i am just thinking we can’t determine if the mass is cancerous, is it really the end of the road. I am crying as i write this hopefully i am writing senses.

thank you!

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
I am so sorry.

I am not a vet and do not have any license.I have worked in vet hospitals for decades including specialty medicine and surgery, feline only and emergency.

Your vet can send MRI images to other specialists. I is usually the vet that gets the other opinions instead of the client.

I have seen Prednisolone prescribed to cats with brain tumors before with varying results. Usually some improvement for a month or so. You might want to discuss that with your vet.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
So sorry to hear you got this diagnosis for your baby. I don't think I can offer much other than my condolences. Be kind to yourself - it's a lot to process when you get news like this. Keep us updated on the antibiotics and anything else you try. If he's not in immediate peril then it gives you time to make good, thoughtful plans and decisions.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Hi fionasmom fionasmom ,

Yes my 6 year old baby. We have been going the wrong direction this whole time, it is not a digestive issue, it is neurological. I cant help thinking what if one of the many vets I have been to has told me earlier this could be a neurological issue. I am not trying to blame anyone but who knows 3 weeks ago the prognosis might be much better.

He is now having problem using his front legs, because the mass fluids went down his spine and his cervical segment is inflamed, causing issues with his front legs.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Vets, and even human doctors, don't usually start with the most dire condition for a lot of reasons. Investigating symptoms, making attempts at more regular treatment, even keeping cost down are a few. As you now know, although I also recall that you posted about having pet insurance, MRIs are expensive and most doctors do not jump right into that particular diagnostic.

When a boy of mine a few years ago had cryptococcus, which had gone to and affected his neurological system, it took about 3 weeks for them to make that determination.

In retrospect, this is all going to sound like it was very logical in the "it was so obvious, why didn't they see it" sense of the word. To me, before we knew this, the only red flag was the personality change; however, I have a 2 year old who would be having an MRI a month if we only looked at personality changes as he is very unpredictable and hard to read and so far healthy. Cats get upset and they hiss and swat even at people they love.

Any responses or were you given any directions from the original vet for moving forward with this?


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
Cats present with signs of disease and since they can't tell us, they can be quite generalized. Loss of appetite can apply to SO many end diagnoses. I had one who stopped eating due to asthma. One cancer. Change in behaviors can also be a sign that something is wrong, but hard to know WHAT. Since you know and love your baby, you did exactly what you should have - you started the investigation process because you knew something was off. When one of my babies was diagnosed with a bad cancer, I also thought about catching it earlier - would it have changed outcomes? Maybe, but also maybe NOT. Even if it had been smaller or something else, I still might not have chosen to try a risky surgery or other invasive attempts. Sorry for the ramble... Like I said, it's a lot to process all of a sudden. I'm sorry to hear your baby is going through this.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Thank you fionasmom fionasmom and K Kris107 .

I have had quite a few cats in my life and I am no stranger to having a sick cat and eventually losing them. It doesnt ever get easier. I guess I really wasnt expecting this outcome yesterday. Before the MRI I was told there were 3 possibilities, infection, cancer or herniation. In my mind infection would be the best outcome, herniation and then cancer, those are bad but not necessarily a death sentence.

The diagnosis I got yesterday was way worse than what i have anticipated, we basically are saying yes there is something wrong but no, there is nothing much we can do.

Neurologist did give him antibiotics since we cant do biopsy and infection is still a possibility. The impression I get from the neurologist is he thinks it is more like a tumor. But I am hopeful, maybe a miracle can happen.

Thank you all for the kind words and support.