Marking Territory Or Poorly?


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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
My tom cat Charlie is just over one years old. He has never had a problem with the litterbox, he had an umbilical hernia when he was very small and it went away over time so we did not have treatment for that (on the advice of the vet). I'm not sure if that is relevant to this particular issue but it's worth considering. He is not yet neutered because he was very small and he does not normally go outside, so we were waiting to see if he would grow a bit more which he has.

Overnight, he has peed in several places and this also included a couple of runny poos. I thought maybe he had a bad tummy. But throughout the day he has continued this behaviour. I'm quite puzzled. He is pooping in the box now, but then pees randomly. ANYWHERE.

We are in two minds as to whether he is sick with a potential UTI or whether he is trying to spray but just peeing because he doesn't know how or hasn't grasped what to do. There's no overly pungent smell. From reading information sites I'm thinking it would smell more if he had blockages or a UTI.

We will be taking him to the vet, of course but it's bank holiday here so they aren't open until Tuesday and he's eating and drinking normally so I'm not overly concerned. That probably sounds bad, of course I'm worried but there's not much I can do and it's not an emergency that he is peeing on the floor he's not crying when squatting or anything like that. I've been cleaing with an RSPCA housing and litter cleaner which has the enzyme ingredient to make sure the smell is not encouraging him.

I guess my question is, is there anything behavioural that would cause this? We're a bit puzzled just because he's not off his food, he's not "spraying" and he's never done this before. There's no additions to the house hold, no new pets, no changes in routine recently. Can anyone shed any light, maybe something I haven't considered?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
Runny poo concerns me. He actually could be having an upset stomach, possibly from his food. Have you opened a new bag of food or purchased a new supply of food just prior to the urinating episodes?
It can happen even if it is a trusted brand.
It could also be parasites so going to the vet when you can is a good idea.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
hello , yes I have just bought a new food. opened it the day before this started. My other cat is not peeing /pooing abnormally but I know they are all different. The food I have got is a new flavour but the same brand they have been eating for the past couple of months. perhaps it is too rich for him. I will feed something else today and tomorrow and see if that helps until I can get him to the vet. Thankyou.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
If you can, feed him something that is the same as what he was eating.
I live with over 20 cats and indeed they all digest differently. Sometimes it is a matter of the cat body adjusting to a new ingredients and sometimes it is that the ingredients for the food aren't quite right. Changing their meat supplier can upset an animal's stomach. Worst reaction I have seen; 30 cats all stopped eating a food all at the same time. Flat rejected it. Rough week.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
Oh man 30 cats! I'm not sure I could scoop that much! Charlie seems much better today following his change in food today and I also bleached all the floors and used neutralisers. *TOUCH WOOD* no more accidents since about 10am. It also occurred to me he did go outside briefly. Sometimes we walk around outside with them a bit so they can get some air and we can air the house but they're not free-roaming outdoors. Maybe there was a new male or something that had made him feel insecure about the garden. I have noticed the normal male hasn't been around for a while, so it's a possibility there could be a newbie hanging out in the area. I know from Jackson Galaxy MCFH that new animals can make cats mark. come to think of it he did pee in my shoe once before, and that was after a walk.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I'm glad his stomach is better. If he is a year old in my mind he is 6 months over due to be neutered. You may not have issues from it. However the moment a local cat goes into heat he will become an escape artist extraordinaire.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
I'm glad his stomach is better. If he is a year old in my mind he is 6 months over due to be neutered. You may not have issues from it. However the moment a local cat goes into heat he will become an escape artist extraordinaire.
Oh I completely understand the need to have him neutered and we will be doing so now he's looking a bit bigger before he was just very small. I definately do not want to add to any population problems. We recently rescued a stray mum and two kittens and took them to our local shelter (all adopted to loving homes now). They had over 200 cats that weekend :(. He actually isn't that bothered about being outside, he gets to go out supervised, as I mentioned above but he never cries to go out and never strays further than the gravel surrounding the front door and we have a large large garden. Like you say though it only takes him to get a smell of a female in heat and he might be off into the sunset as it were.

But for the topic in question I am once again very glad to have had a place to talk things out and get input from others as it really does help relieve the anxiety in the situation.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
Oh I completely understand the need to have him neutered and we will be doing so now he's looking a bit bigger before he was just very small. I definately do not want to add to any population problems. We recently rescued a stray mum and two kittens and took them to our local shelter (all adopted to loving homes now). They had over 200 cats that weekend :(. He actually isn't that bothered about being outside, he gets to go out supervised, as I mentioned above but he never cries to go out and never strays further than the gravel surrounding the front door and we have a large large garden. Like you say though it only takes him to get a smell of a female in heat and he might be off into the sunset as it were.

But for the topic in question I am once again very glad to have had a place to talk things out and get input from others as it really does help relieve the anxiety in the situation.
My experience with food trouble is that once the food causing the issue is replaced the problems remedy themselves.
I am glad his tummy is feeling better.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
Sadly Charlie had a blockage and had to be taken to the e-vet this evening. He was straining to pee and nothing was coming out. The vet looked him over and confirmed it was a blockage. I feel guilty for not taking him sooner, but he has been using the box like normal up until today since I last posted. He still would have needed the surgery they need to remove the crystals and put in a catheter. The vet said that he's likely to need a special diet from now on and that she doesn't normally see this in cats so young. She asked a few questions about his diet, and said we'd done nothing wrong and that he was just very unlucky given his age. She remarked that he was a very sweet temperement and had a great body shape. She probably says that about all her patients but a vet's bedside manner goes a long way. I can't speak highly enough of the help we were given.

Unfortunately I'm a moron and did not add Charlie to our insurance yet. I don't care how much it costs though I just want my baby boy to be better.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
thankyou. He is now at the normal vets. They have to wait for him to pee and he hasn't yet. fingers crossed he does in the next two hours so that we can bring him home tonight!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
Little update Charlie came home late on the saturday, He was in alot of pain, he had two strong painkillers, and a tablet which is a diuretic. He was still peeing pretty much everywhere. which is probably par for the course given how out of it he was. He has since had two check ups and is doing well. I am approximately £1300 out of pocket. Buy insurance people. He has to have a 6month low magnesium and urinary SO diet wet, but urinary kibble is acceptable apparently. He also needs to be neutered, (obviously) but he needs to recover fully from his blockage op first. We're back to relative normality, but there's a persistent pee smell from a spot I haven't found yet and Charlie has an appetite like a starved tasmanian devil. I have been working so I'm not at the vets during these appointments. So I haven't been able to ask the questions, when I'm in a better financial position ( I've had to take all of that on credit) I will be getting urinary analysis done and find out what kind of crystals he had/ predisposed to. Then we can hopefully get a vet approved diet on the go to stop this issue from re-occurring.