Male cat masturbation - how often is "normal" ?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 19, 2015
I recently adopted a two year old neutered male cat. He's been with us for two and a half months now but this behaviour started happening only a couple of weeks ago. It generally goes like this: he comes to my lap or to the desk while I'm at the computer and he purrs and wants to be be petted. So I start petting him. That's a well established routine we've had since the start. He quickly falls to his side and reveals his belly, cos he likes belly rubs. In the past I would pet his belly or brush it with a hair brush and he would purr himself to sleep. But now almost every single time we do this - instead of falling asleep he starts kneading my sleeve frantically. And then he starts jerking his pelvis. And of course, he has an erection. When I stop him kneading on my sleeve, he gets up and licks it.

I googled it, yep, male feline masturbation - described as exactly that.

What is puzzling me is that all advice on it seems to say that it's normal behaviour, and you should ignore it, unless - the cat is doing it "too much".

So, here I am wondering - how much is too much?

Is nearly every single time we have a slightly more serious petting session normal? He doesn't seem to do it on his own at all. Only when I pet him for a little longer. And only when I pet him, no one else. It's like he just gets um... too happy. Every time.

I know this is going to sound AWFUL, I just feel so awkward about the whole thing, cos I'm starting to have this feeling that I can't pet my cat without sexually arousing him. It's so wrrrooonggggg. I try not to touch his lower back anymore, or his belly, I try to only pet his head and cheeks, to avoid over-stimulation, and I stop petting him the moment he starts the frantic kneading, but there's no difference. Once he goes into this "mode"...  it's all the way.  

Now, for a broader context, he's been with us for about two and a half months. I have one more cat, a 10 year old spayed female, and their relationship seems okay. By okay I mean they politely tolerate and mostly ignore each other. No fighting, no litterbox issues, no space-stealing... nothing. Everything seems quite idyllic, but could it be that he's stressed out anyway? Or could this sudden onset of masturbation be some kind of late reaction to a change in environment? Or is it just normal boy behaviour...

I don't know... in any case, I am here to ask if there is perhaps someone here with similar experiences, or some advice?

And I'm loving the smilies in this forum


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
And I'm loving the smilies in this forum
Wow this is a new one for me so i googled it too and yes, wow it does exist even in neutered cats and i assume your boy is fixed yes?  One website, suggests that high status cats are more prone to this and that more environmental diversity in their life may decrease this behavior.  

My question is this, perhaps you should pet or brush him in a different way (or for less time) if the only thing that precipitates this behavior is exactly what you describe...?

Spoiler alert: if you google this subject be prepared for some "odd" links. ;-)


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I am wondering if maybe he really is NOT neutered? an extra testicle that the vet might've missed or something? I hear sometimes male cats may have an extra testicle that's hard to find. Have you taken him to the vet to get his privates checked out to make sure what's not supposed to be there isn't there?


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I just Googled this too - like StephenQ, I'd never heard of it before.

From what I can work out, 'too much' is if he's actually causing soreness/hot spots like those seen in over grooming issues.

Adding more interest into his environment could help reduce the behaviour, so opening up more vertical space, puzzle toys, interactive play and even creating a catio if possible could all help him use up some of this energy in other ways.

Try not to stress about it...after all, dogs humping things is well known, and this really isn't any different ;) [article="22426"][/article][article="22537"][/article][article="0"][/article][article="0"][/article]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
My Sammy never stopped dry humping his brother, and they were both neutered at 6 months.  I thought it was simply a habit or maybe he was establishing himself as the alpha cat.  

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
My Midi does this once in a while, like with you, it is when he is kneading me. One day he was purring away and I saw this little pink thing. It initially weirded me out too but at 16 years of age, I am happy he can still get it up. BTW he is fixed too.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 19, 2015
I am wondering if maybe he really is NOT neutered? an extra testicle that the vet might've missed or something? I hear sometimes male cats may have an extra testicle that's hard to find. Have you taken him to the vet to get his privates checked out to make sure what's not supposed to be there isn't there?
Oh yes, I have, he's neutered, vet confirmed. But apparently it makes no difference, male cats do this whether neutered or not.  I was surprised too!
Originally Posted by StephenQ

 My question is this, perhaps you should pet or brush him in a different way (or for less time) if the only thing that precipitates this behavior is exactly what you describe...?
That was my first thought too. I even tried not petting him at all, but it seems when he's set out for it, he goes for it no matter what. He'll come up to my desk while I'm on the computer, lie in front of my keyboard and start kneading my sleeve whether I touch him or not.

I guess it's how some people's cats hump their favourite blanket... he humps my arm.

I just Googled this too - like StephenQ, I'd never heard of it before.

From what I can work out, 'too much' is if he's actually causing soreness/hot spots like those seen in over grooming issues.

Adding more interest into his environment could help reduce the behaviour, so opening up more vertical space, puzzle toys, interactive play and even creating a catio if possible could all help him use up some of this energy in other ways.

Try not to stress about it...after all, dogs humping things is well known, and this really isn't any different
[article="22426"]Beating Boredom What Indoor Cat Owners Need To Know  [/article][article="22537"]Keeping Indoor Only Kitties Happy  [/article][article="0"]Cat Play The Rules Of The Game  [/article][article="0"]Playing With Your Cat Ten Things Every Cat Owner Needs To Know  [/article]
Hmm... you might actually be on to something. That hadn't crossed my mind. I haven't had much free time lately and so I've been playing with the cats much less than before. And the two of them have started playing together recently, they occasionally chase each other like kittens, so I kind of figured they're getting their own fun anyway.

We also have a cat flap and they can go out into the garden normally but the weather has been awful lately so they both choose to stay indoors. He takes a stroll once a day maybe but he literally stays outside for 1 minute and comes right back in. That probably results in heaps of boredom. 

I actually quite like this explanation. Much more than stress or dominance or I don't know what. You gave me an idea now, I'm gonna try getting back to daily play sessions and see if this behaviour stops.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oddly enough, just yesterday I watched a My Cat From Hell Scratch Tracks about this very issue.  The cat was a neutered male.  After checking his hormone levels to make sure than an undescended testicle hadn't been missed at neutering, Jackson realized that the cat was territorially insecure, and asserting his dominance on, well, in his case a stuffed toy (you should be so lucky).  He is the "new guy on the block, and this might just be the issue.  And I can't remember what all they did to make him more secure, but I'll bet any number of people here will have some good suggestions along those lines.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 19, 2015
Oddly enough, just yesterday I watched a My Cat From Hell Scratch Tracks about this very issue.  The cat was a neutered male.  After checking his hormone levels to make sure than an undescended testicle hadn't been missed at neutering, Jackson realized that the cat was territorially insecure, and asserting his dominance on, well, in his case a stuffed toy (you should be so lucky).  He is the "new guy on the block, and this might just be the issue.  And I can't remember what all they did to make him more secure, but I'll bet any number of people here will have some good suggestions along those lines.
Dominance and territorial insecurity, I hope not!
I hope it's boredom, seems easier to solve.

What channel did you see it on? Maybe I can track it down and see which episode it was and get a hold of it online...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
TeaCookie, it's usually on Animal Planet, but they haven't played any new episodes lately that I know of. You can try the Cat from Hell website, and for sure, YouTube. Lots of the episodes are on YouTube.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Dominance and territorial insecurity, I hope not!
I hope it's boredom, seems easier to solve.

What channel did you see it on? Maybe I can track it down and see which episode it was and get a hold of it online...
It's on Animal Planet, and the episode should be there, or will be there soon.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
TeaCookie, it's usually on Animal Planet, but they haven't played any new episodes lately that I know of. You can try the Cat from Hell website, and for sure, YouTube. Lots of the episodes are on YouTube.
They're revamping the old shows with additional comments, and showing them as MCFH Scratch Tracks.  They're on every Saturday morning, 8 & 9 am Eastern time.


TCS Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ugh my cat does this too. He's also neutered but I was never able to notice a visible erection as you said you did with your cat. He kneads blankets, bites them, and makes jerking movements with his hips/lower back. He does it constantly, basically every night before he goes to sleep (he sleeps in my bed). I always try to stop him and just get him to lay down instead.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 19, 2015
Ugh my cat does this too. He's also neutered but I was never able to notice a visible erection as you said you did with your cat. He kneads blankets, bites them, and makes jerking movements with his hips/lower back. He does it constantly, basically every night before he goes to sleep (he sleeps in my bed). I always try to stop him and just get him to lay down instead.
Maybe our cats are just perverts.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 19, 2015
Yeah I mean, I agree with you. I just won't be totally at peace with it until I'm certain it's not a manifestation of some deeper psychological problem. 