Male cat keeps attacking female cat

katie joy

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 5, 2015
Hey all,

About a month ago, I adopted a cat from an animal shelter. He is a ginger Tom 7 years. I originally only wanted one cat, but the cat that I wanted came with another. A gorgeous 6 year old mainecoon girl. Of course I wasn't going to separate friends! They both came from the same household and according to staff they needed/wanted to be kept together. So I took them both home.

Both cats are "fixed" by the shelter and we do not know their entire back grounds. But we understood they both came from a large multi cat household. (We think the owner probably collected ferrals/strays, but this is an assumption.)

First day back home I did the base camp bonding room, so not to overwhelm them. They both immediately wanted out the very next day and they both happily explored and marked the place. They both are very friendly towards me. They both seemed to get a long and even sat together/slept together.

But as the weeks have gone on, I can now see these cats are NOT friends. They tolerate each other at best but now my boy (Jimmy) attacks my girl (Duchess) mainly biting her butt/tail. It would be a rarity if they actually sat on the same bit of sofa together. They will sit and play in the same room, eat, and everything else. They even both sleep on my bed.

From watching and monitoring, it seems Jimmy gets very boisterous and wants to play, but Duchess does not. Plus the play can be quite aggressive. I think Jimmy has been taught at a young age that play rough is a good thing, as he has actually nipped my hands and have tried to pounce my feet/leg as well. I play with him with wand toys and feed him treats when he catches and kills his prey (toy) I praise him all the time for good behaviour. But it's seems he gets a bee in his bonnet and wants to "attack" Duchess.

I have three litter trays scattered throughout the house, they both share them! I have food and water bowls, they even share their food! I have cat trees, scratching posts, low areas and high areas in all the places so they can have their own space when needed. I also have a feliway plug ins.

I have taken them both to the vet, they are both fine.

The cats have never groomed each other. They have had a few occasions of nose to nose sniffing and butt sniffing. But Duchess will get spooked, and meow and run away expecting an "attack". Jimmy likes to pounce on her when she is using a litter tray and he stalks her.

Duchess will hiss and growl, and even swat him. She will get herself into a corner and lay down, Jimmy will stand over her not making any noise waiting to bite or swat. This happens at least once a day, anywhere in the house. This tends to happen when Jimmy is suddenly "playful" I try to play with him and distract him, which works until he is bored of playing. But he will swat/bite Duchesses tail/butt afterwards anyway. (He pulls fur out)

I have had these cats for nearly a month now.

How do I stop Jimmy from attacking Duchess and how do I teach him, rough housing is not acceptable? Any advice is appreciated.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
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katie joy

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 5, 2015
It sounds to me as though you rushed the introduction process.  It can takes weeks to months and even longer for cats to adjust to one another.  You need to step by and redo introductions very slowly.  Here are some articles to help you.
The cats already knew each other. I adopted them both on the same day. Maybe I didn't make that clear? They both came from the same household and they were both in the same kennel area. I originally inquired after the ginger cat, but the worker at the shelter said that they both come together. So of course I adopted them both. 
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Just because the cats know each other, doesn't mean they like each other.  They may have lived together, but possibly not had much interaction together.  Your best bet is to separate them and start introductions from the beginning.  Many people have to do reintroductions with cats over the course of the cats living together. 

It also may be the stress of another move for the cats especially if they were feral/semi feral. 

Do you have any feliway diffusers?  You could also try some Composure calming treats or Composure liquid max.
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katie joy

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 5, 2015
:( I don't think you read my post properly.


I will keep monitoring the situation and try more play time with my boisterous cat.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Sorry you're feeling frustrated @Katie Joy.  I think the point is that cats can behave like this when they move to a new place.  It doesn't matter that they were best buds before, the new environment can create a whole new scenario.  I'd start with trying some feliway to settle him a little, but it may just be that a whole new introduction is the way to go.  I know it sounds odd, but it really can help.

I'm also wondering whether there could be a little bit of redirected aggression on Jimmy's part... he could be unhappy and taking it out on Duchess.   You said they got on for a while and then it changed.  Is there anything at all you can think of that happened at that point?