Maine Coon & Bobcat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 16, 2016
Houston, TX
Hi All -

4 years ago I adopted a beautiful 3.5-yr-old girl from the local shelter. Her name is Darla and she was surrendered to a shelter 2 days after Christmas. They had had her for 3 weeks and they were getting ready to put her down.

I found her online and I was looking to adopt a shelter Maine Coon. Darla was listed online as a Maine Coon but when I filled out the paperwork to adopt her, the previous owner had filled out some info on her, including that she was a 'Desert Lynx' which she got from a friend who was a breeder.

When I got Darla home I looked up 'Desert Lynx' up online and it seed at the time like it was a new breed, including a Bobcat but also bred with Maine Coons and a couple other breeds.

4 years later when I now look it up there is some confusion with the 'Highland Lynx'.

She is 100 lbs of personality in a 10.5-lb bag - she loves to walk on a leash like a dog, has a lot of affinity with strangers' dogs but is not scared of them, even Great Danes, loves to be brushed, initiates games of fetch, and, unfortunately, HATES most other cats. She attacks 3 of my cats who are senior to her in the household and only gets along with a large orange 14-lb stray male who has adopted me and waits for me to get home to let him in. Darla sniffs him and attempts to play with him. She has to live in a separate room from all my other cats.

Any ideas on the Desert Lynx as a breed distinct from Maine Coon? Looking at her she does not look like photos ' have seen online of Desert Lynxes


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I dont know nothing about Desert lynx - apparently I must look them up.

But the pic(s) taken as it is, I would without hesitation guess on  a look alike of a Siberian cat.

google on the natural breed  siberian  Masha from Obninsk - whom made herself renown by rescuing an abandoned human child

btw, siberians are renown for behaving in much alike dogs.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 16, 2016
Houston, TX
Thanks Stefan - I looked up Masha - what a beautiful kitty! And deserving of the love her community is giving her.


TCS Member
Nov 26, 2023
Hi All -

4 years ago I adopted a beautiful 3.5-yr-old girl from the local shelter. Her name is Darla and she was surrendered to a shelter 2 days after Christmas. They had had her for 3 weeks and they were getting ready to put her down.

I found her online and I was looking to adopt a shelter Maine Coon. Darla was listed online as a Maine Coon but when I filled out the paperwork to adopt her, the previous owner had filled out some info on her, including that she was a 'Desert Lynx' which she got from a friend who was a breeder.

When I got Darla home I looked up 'Desert Lynx' up online and it seed at the time like it was a new breed, including a Bobcat but also bred with Maine Coons and a couple other breeds.

4 years later when I now look it up there is some confusion with the 'Highland Lynx'.

She is 100 lbs of personality in a 10.5-lb bag - she loves to walk on a leash like a dog, has a lot of affinity with strangers' dogs but is not scared of them, even Great Danes, loves to be brushed, initiates games of fetch, and, unfortunately, HATES most other cats. She attacks 3 of my cats who are senior to her in the household and only gets along with a large orange 14-lb stray male who has adopted me and waits for me to get home to let him in. Darla sniffs him and attempts to play with him. She has to live in a separate room from all my other cats.

Any ideas on the Desert Lynx as a breed distinct from Maine Coon? Looking at her she does not look like photos ' have seen online of Desert Lynxes
what are these cats temperments like in general? Or can anyone recommend a purebred? (with pictures hopefully ;)):) I've only ever had moggies...normally I'd adopt from a home, but I quite like the idea of showing :eek: It's not for now because a) I'm skint and b) I'm not in a position to show yet, but I like planning ;)

I'm more drawn to the Norwegian Forest Cats/Maine Coons because they look *slightly* less distinctive than some of the other purebreds....I don't like the idea of having a house cat if I can help it, and having such expensive cats I don't want any future mog to be nicked!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
I don't think actual bobcat cat matings are possible. she's not maine coon. have you asked the vet about gaba for her? we've found it to be a wonder drug for cats that are too tense like that. it is a kind of anti anxiety thing. it might help her have a better life in a house hold full of cats. shes very gorgeous


Purring is my therapy!
Adult Cat
Jan 6, 2024
Good ol’ Canada eh!
Hey! I’m relatively new, but I do own a purebred Siberian kitten. She has the markings (the telltale Siberian face markings), and the length of fur and size looks like a Siberian. Oh, the personality. My kitty is like a dog. He greets me when I come home, and plays fetch. Mine is only a kitten, but still has the physical features…



TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 20, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
Hey! I’m relatively new, but I do own a purebred Siberian kitten. She has the markings (the telltale Siberian face markings), and the length of fur and size looks like a Siberian. Oh, the personality. My kitty is like a dog. He greets me when I come home, and plays fetch. Mine is only a kitten, but still has the physical features…
the markings are just tabby markings with white :) many kinds of cats can have that.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
All of the lynx cats I've seen all have bobbed tails or very short tails. Your cat has a normal length tail.

As to the markings, lynx all seem to have spots or broken stripes. Yours has tabby markings on the head and legs and ticked fur on the body. I'd say "Mixed Tabby."

Lynx cats all have longer hind legs while yours has beefier, more muscular legs.

If nobody gave you papers, it's just a regular cat. There are a lot of people, well-meaning though they may be, who just have a tendency to describe their cats as some kind of exotic type even when it's just a regular, old, normal cat. Yeah, I've met a lot of people who will just fire off an excuse like, "Somebody told me that..."

I'm willing to bet that's the reason why your cat's former owner wrote "Desert Lynx" on the papers when they surrendered her. They say, "My friend is a breeder so it must be true." How do we even know the other person is actually a breeder? It could have, simply, been a person whose cat got pregnant and had kittens. Suddenly, the person becomes a breeder... as if that makes them an expert of some kind.

I'm not trying to be negative about anybody. I'm just trying to point out that there are many people who say things that aren't true, even if they don't mean to lie. Some people just don't know.

A while back, I met a person who showed me a rabbit (a "pet bunny") and claimed it was a crossbreed between a rabbit and a chinchilla. I said, "Nuh-uh! Not possible! Rabbits are lagomorphs and chinchilla are rodents. They can't interbreed." All I got in reply was, "Well... 'Somebody' told me..."

Okay... Now... There IS such a thing as a "Rex Chinchilla" rabbit but it's not a crossbreed. It's just a specially-bred bunny with gray and black fur. It has very soft and dense fur, similar to a chinchilla but chinchilla, it is NOT. My gosh! How would the two species even do the deed? A male rabbit would kill a female chinchilla if it tried to breed! How would a male chinchilla be physically able to breed with a much larger female rabbit? Besides, rabbits and chinchilla don't even have the same number of chromosomes. Even if you could, somehow, use artificial insemination, it wouldn't even work.

All I was trying to say was, "You have a very nice rabbit with soft, gray fur and I'm sure you love it, very much, but I'm sorry. It is NOT a crossbreed between a rabbit and a chinchilla."

The person remained adamant. They just NEEDED to believe that the rabbit was some rare and special kind. It sounded like they wouldn't have loved it unless it was something special. It was a really cute, little bunny! It made me feel sad that some people think that way!

Now... Your cat? I couldn't say that she's a lynx cat of any kind. Neither Desert Lynx nor Highland Lynx. She DOES bear a resemblance to a Main Coon cat. If I had to pigeon hole her, I'd say that Main Coon is most likely. However, as I said, without papers, she's just a good, old kitty cat.

Still, I wouldn't have a problem if you said, "She's probably got some Main Coon in her ancestry, somewhere."
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