Magadoses of Vitamin C (Ascorbate)


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 26, 2009
Sunnyvale, CA
I'm submitting these comments as food for thought, nothing more. At the risk of being ostrazised for life from TCS, let me first say that I am not a vet and this does not constitute veterinarian advice. What I'm about to write represent my own personal observations only.

I used to raise and show collies for over 15 years and on the advice of an older and very experienced breeder, I was able to save over 3 litters of collie puppies from distemper and various other viruses by tube feeding them mega doses of powered Vitamin C tablets. We used 100-500 mg dissolved in water every few hours and feed until their tolerance was at diarrhea level and we kept it at such a level until we had normal temperatures and other symptoms under control. I've also been amazed at the prevalence of bottle feeding over tube feeding for cats, especially in emergency situations. When it is vital to get nourishment into a sick animal, tube feeding has no equal. Yes, I know that vets warn about the dangers of getting the tube into the lungs instead of the stomach and perhaps this may be easier to do with cats vs. dogs. I don't know. However, and I can only speak for myself, I never had a problem and the breeder in question, who became my mentor, actually produced a video of her 5 year old daughter tube feeding a litter of collie puppies for weeks without incident.

Per Dr. Cathcart's website, "This article should be of great interest to those who think that the effects of megascorbic treatments are all psychological. It works well in animals. If you love your dog or cat, you should read this. Warning, the vets will not listen to these facts any more than most MDs."


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
This is a very interesting article but the sodium ascorbic acid is delivered intravenously so requires a vet's cooperation. Most of the case histories were about dogs but a few cats were mentioned. I would love to find out more about the results in cats.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 27, 2015
This also works on humans. When I was the manager of a healing spa in Thailand we used to give our clients up to 40,00 mg per day of pure scorbutic acid mixed with buffers to bring it to a ph level of 7.2. Yes it did make people have diarrhea. Every person reacted differently. We found that is you maintained 12,000 mg per day after our treatments were finished they could maintain good health. What many people do not know is that VItamin C as it is named has nothing to do with vitamins, the people who found out in the 20's how this worked had to get recognition so at that time vitamin naming was very big and got lots of attention. We would also put 60,000 mg of this mixture at the end of a colonic to further clean up the bodies elimination system. 