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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'd quit work. If that sounds crass, so be it. I'd quit my job. We'd work with a financial advisor/planner.

But the first thing? I'd set up a local cat shelter. Around here, I think that cats tend to get the short end of the stick and, if we had the money, we'd do what we could to help. That would be first and foremost.

We'd help my sister and brother and their families, our son and his family, trusts for the grands, and Rick's sister and her family. I know Rick would want to make a donation to his church and we would make a donation to our vet.

Other than some work on our house, though, I don't know that we'd do much. We really don't need new cars. We might do a bit traveling (with the cats.....we can't travel without them, now can we??).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
The song Big Dreams in a small town by Restless heart kind of goes with this theme. I love everyone's ideas.

And telling family to KMA would be liberating. Oh to wake up and not worry about my future. And of course cats!!!

Seems lots of help for dogs but not cats it seems. I would sponsor a few rescues that pull from NYC pounds-to cut down on cats that die simply because of no room or money. That's what I would do with the rest of the money. Trust fund for the vet to give proper vet care to these strangers who get dropped off from well meaning people who don't realize a shelter can be a death sentence.

Oh one more thing=set up a trust fund to help seniors keep their pets-set up care givers to come a few times a week to help care for the animals-buy food-clean boxes-things that we take for granted in our younger years but I know this would make the world of difference in our seniors who may have to give up their animals because they can't care for them anymore=so I guess a traveling pet sitter for seniors is what I would set up in my area/states.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Oh I didn't add this. I would set up a scholarship type program for service animals for children and veterans with disabilities. It would cover vet costs and things like flea/tick control products. Maybe food for qualifying families. Some of the most successful rescues in our area are in homes; not brick and mortar based. I'd like to support those groups.

There are other charities I already support that I would send more to; but still I wouldn't tell anyone. I would enjoy doing things in secret much more. I think the hardest part would be explaining DH's change in employment. ;)


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ MoochNNoodles has the right idea. Don't tell anyone. Invest to create income is a good idea of course. I would become a 'silent philanthropist' and help people who need a little good luck . Funding several cat rescue sanctuary locations would be a must . I think most people would travel the world as well and just enjoy .


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 23, 2017
I'd buy several properties on the commuter line to Oslo, rent them out, buy myself a bigger house by the river, and another back in England. Buy my parents a holiday home in the south of France, my in-laws one in Italy, take myself and the man type on holiday, pay myself through my vets degree and put the rest into a high interest account.

Oh, and turn my current house into a rescue centre. (There's a lack of them in my area)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
I'd buy several properties on the commuter line to Oslo, rent them out, buy myself a bigger house by the river, and another back in England. Buy my parents a holiday home in the south of France, my in-laws one in Italy, take myself and the man type on holiday, pay myself through my vets degree and put the rest into a high interest account.

Oh, and turn my current house into a rescue centre. (There's a lack of them in my area)
You training to become a vet? Good, that means free treatment for Ruby, Honey, Chase, Oliver, Betty, Chubchub, Hop and the two mice. You can afford it with 758 million in the bank.

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain
I would pay my parents' house mortage and then hire some people to improve the house, to do everything my mother wants to have done. I would then pay for having a propper internet conection, even if I have to buy an entire tower or however those things are called (I don't know the name in Spanish, so I can't look for it in English).
Then, I would buy a house for my parents wherever they want it. Right after that, I would go to private doctors and tell them to find out what is causing my health problems.
Next thing? Some silly travelling with Raistlin, Freya and my partner, if he wants to come. From Italy, Greece, UK and Norway to the USA. I would go and watch Wicked in Broadway. I would visit as many of you as possible, that is, as many of you who would want to meet me.
I would buy some bengals (golden, silver and blue) in all these countries for my breeding program and then go back to Spain and buy a house with the huggest library room I can find. If I can't find one I love, I would have it built. I would have a colosal catio with actual trees and lots of toys for playing, a smaller one for moms with young kittens and a really cozy mating one for those especial momments. And, of course, another "girls only" enclosure so that my cats can have at least a year of rest between litters, or even longer, as there is no rush.
I would donate to charity and to shelters in Asturias, and get in contact with Patrick Rothfuss to see how can I help his Worldbuilders.
After all this, I would probably marry my partner. Maybe a themed celebration, like The Lord of the Rings or something in that line, we could buy costumes for all our guests to the wedding.
And then I would simply be happy, knowing that my parents are ok, being sourrounded by cats (and, therefore, love) and having as many books one can dream of. I would keep writing novels, and help my friend's publishing house with some funds so they can actually hire people for editing labours.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 22, 2017
go back to Spain and buy a house with the huggest library room I can find. If I can't find one I love, I would have it built.
I love this...I have a similar dream. I want a big library room with one of those sliding ladders like in Beauty and the Beast. Hardwood floors, a fireplace, and a giant Persian rug. A gliding rocking chair draped in sheepskin. Tall windows with burgundy, draped valances. Maybe a roomy, pewter birdcage with a pair of canaries. A heavy wooden door with a knocker from The Labyrinth on the outside, but a cutout door just the right size for an Irish wolfhound to be able to stroll through...and any size cat, obviously.

And books. So, so many books.

Alejandra Rico

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Asturias, Spain


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
The first thing I'd do is nothing. That is what people recommend. Don't buy anything extravagant and squander it all at once. Then I would hire a financial advisor after A LOT of research. I would invest it, so I could live off the interest. I would let the banks compete for my money. Much of it would have to be saved and invested so that I could live off of the interest.

With that money, I would like to pay off my student loans-currently exceeding $100, 000. I want to pay off my Nana's and my parent's mortgages. Pay off our car loans, pay off our cell phones, pay off any other outstanding debt that I or my family may have.

Then I would build my own house closer to my family, and at least work a part time job (because I should be able to live off the interest) But man is made for work, and I have to be able to work in order to feel fulfilled. Even if it's fulltime volunteer work, I have to stay busy.

I would prepare my will for when I die, and create a trust fund. I'm hoping to just live off interest, and not really touch any of the money. So when I die, I want to donate some to my university, some will go to a scholarship fund, and I will think of other charities for it to go to, and maybe some to family.