Lost our Knight (Hearts and Tuna)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 1, 2018
Rural North Missouri
The night before last I noticed my Knight, who we also called Hearts and Tuna due to the meme with the black kitten who looked a little like him,was really thin had lost weight recently as if he'd only been eating enough to live so yesterday I went and cooked up some venison I was given by my brother (he thinks I eat it doesn't realize I make cat food with it lol) with egg, coconut oil, and just a lil cheese, well Knight didn't show up yesterday for breakfast didn't think much of it unlike his four brothers he was almost entirely nocturnal, well last night while his brothers chowed down on venison I noticed he hadn't shown up and got concerned looked under my bed in his fav hidey-holes and no sign of him well I heard a meow I thought from our basement so I decided he must have gotten down their yesterday when I was taking things down, but no light down stairs meant it had to wait till today so I checked earlier no sign of him, so I walked the five house two block radius looking and calling for him no luck, so I decided to look in one last spot about an hour ago under an old rocker/recliner in my room wedged between my bed and the wall well I found him he was laying their not moving and when I picked him up he was moaning in pain so we called our vet and he was put to sleep. I don't know what happened exactly the vet didn't give me any opinions on what caused it, I do know he had an older half brother who died of urinary crystals we didn't catch in time, another who had a seizure and fell off a built in hitting the toilet on the way breaking his back a couple years ago Knight was 8 months old and well out of the five in his litter the most independent the one who would rather be chasing a fly wasp spider ect than snuggling people...I'm gonna miss him I would post a picture of my panther who crossed the bridge today but sadly their all on my phone which is currently in rice thanks to his brother knocking it into the water bowl yesterday.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentIe, Knight, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

It is so hard to Iose a beIoved friend, especiaIIy one who is so young. But this I know, to the depths of my being, Knight knew he was Ioved, and deepIy. And now, from his Home in That PIace Where AII Things Are Known, he bIesses you, and sends his Iove back to you to waIk with you down through aII of your days. Because Iove abides, aIways, forever, Iove abides.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It hurts so bad when they leave us, and painful when we don't know why. my heart goes out to you......
Beautiful Knight died surrounded by your love, you tried to help him and he knows it. The love that you shared will forever connect your two hearts, love is spiritual, so eternal. Try to move forward and live your life as you would have wanted for him to go on if you were the first to go, he wants no less. His tiny soul is at peace because of the wonderful home you gave him and the love you all shared.
Guilt always accompanies grieving, but know you tried and you did everything you could with what you had. It sounds like there may have been some genetic problems in his family.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, come back here anytime you need to talk, we will be here and understand how deep this pain goes.
RIP precious Knight, you will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
It hurts so bad when they leave us, and painful when we don't know why. my heart goes out to you......
Beautiful Knight died surrounded by your love, you tried to help him and he knows it. The love that you shared will forever connect your two hearts, love is spiritual, so eternal. Try to move forward and live your life as you would have wanted for him to go on if you were the first to go, he wants no less. His tiny soul is at peace because of the wonderful home you gave him and the love you all shared.
Guilt always accompanies grieving, but know you tried and you did everything you could with what you had. It sounds like there may have been some genetic problems in his family.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, come back here anytime you need to talk, we will be here and understand how deep this pain goes.
RIP precious Knight, you will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
That's beautiful ... I'm praying with you for C CarmiesMom