Lost cat home... what now?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 11, 2012
We have a former feral who we cared, for while he was outside for 4+ years, when he finally decided it was time to become an indoor kitty only. He's been in the house for almost 5 years. And everything has been great. He's skittish around everyone except for me and my husband. With us he's a love bug. He has a rash on the inside of his inner left leg that gets better and then gets worse again. We've been back and forth to the vet and it gets better and then comes back again. Still not sure what it's from, but lately it's been worse and we have a future appointment to see a dermatology vet. In the meantime, we were scheduled to see his regular vet this past Monday. While we were loading him in the car (he was in his carrier), he picked a hole in the netting and escaped into the yard. We couldn't find him anywhere. Long story short, he was missing for 35 hours and showed up at the back door last night. He was apprehensive about coming into the house at first, but once he did, seemed to settle down quickly. And he was hungry, of course. We spoke to the vet this morning and she said to let him get his strength back before bringing him back in. She seemed to think that was more important then the skin rash right now. He seemed a little off this morning, just sort out of sorts. Didn't eat much, but that's normal for him... he picks at his food. But, he's been sleeping just about all day. Literally, almost all day. He did get up and eat when I put out his dinner and sat with us for a short bit, but then when back to sleep. Realize what a trauma he must have gone through, but wondering if this is typical sluggishness after this sort of ordeal? We checked him over and doesn't have any scratches or cuts. Or any obvious bug bites. Is there anything else we should look out for and should we be concerned at this point? Really appreciate any advise or feedback. Thank you so much.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
After reading your post a couple times, I'm thinking you might check with the vet and ask about him sleeping as much as he is. It certainly could be that he had to be on the alert and was unable to sleep the entire time he was gone and now is making up for lost time, but on the other hand if it were me I think I'd want the vet to know. Hang in there, and I'm SO glad he's home!!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so happy he came home! I'm sure he was severely traumatized by being outside again after so many years. He may have ate something that is not agreeing with him, or even scared so bad by a dog he is needing time to recover. Give it two days to see if he recovers, if not then contact your vet. It is not uncommon at all for a cat to sleep almost nonstop after something like this.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
My friend was in a similar situation a while back and when her cat did return he literally collapsed on the sofa and just slept. She did take him to the vet the next morning though for a check up and he was fine...dehydrated, but uninjured or sick. I realize that you were more than willing to take your cat in to see the vet and she discouraged you, but I would want to get him checked out sooner than later.