Litterbox issues


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 4, 2022
I am back , I really thought the poo problems where solved. She is sometimes pooing in the box sometimes not. I have narrowed it down to 2 possible issues, but then I could be completely wrong.
1. She wants the box PRESTINE when she has to go. Problem with this we work and are gone 9 hrs a day. I scoop morning and when I come home. Do I spend $500 on a automatic box? i feel like it may scare her.
2. Other kitten will not leave her alone in the box, if she goes Rosie has to bolt in there to cover her waste.

We have 3 boxes, I think she likes the grass seed litter the best. We have 3 style boxes .

We are opening 1 of the rooms that is on our main floor to them, it is currently occupied by our birds. They will be moving upstairs. So I was going to move 2 boxes in that room as our house is very small and they do not have much privacy. This room will only have our treadmill in it , so other than when we are using that it will be there room.

I was going to try just a pee pad on the floor but I don't think that will work. She is normally pooping while walking or running. She will look at me after , I can tell she knows not to do it. I don't yell at her , if i can get her without scaring her and put her in the box she will finish.

If i just pick her up and tell her to poop she does , this is why I think her sister bothering her while she is in there could be part of the issue. She likes it when i am with her while she goes.

Am i missing anything? Do i just have to accept it. I really don't want her to start peeing outside the box


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I don't think you're missing anything.

See how the treadmill room works, I'm thinking that's a great plan. Maybe have those two boxes with the grass seed? I don't have any good ideas about keeping the other kitten from bothering her, unfortunately :(


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Keep at training the other kitten when you can (physically stopping it from nearing the room when the other cat is at the litter)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2021
I feel your pain. I have 3 litter robots. I have a cat that won't pee in the robot if the poop is still in there. I had the it scheduled to rotate after 7 minutes of the cat leaving the robot. If she goes before the 7 minutes and sees that there's poop. She turns around and pees on the steps. So I've changed it to rotate after 3 minutes. We'll see if that helps at all. The problem is, she pees a huge amount at once because she only pees 1x a day and 3 minutes isn't enough time for the pee to clump because 1. It's a large amount and 2. She doesn't cover her pee.
All this to say. That a robot may help your cat , but it may not . The good thing is. You get 90 days to test drive it and can return it if it's not working. You'll have to pay for shipping which is around $60.
If you order on chewy. You can just return and they pay for everything. My other 2 cats use the robots perfectly and it's been a life changing product for me. If only my little weirdo would get over her bathroom issues. Also. She was like this with regular, open litter boxes too. Sometimes, there's no winning