Litter Boxes


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 12, 2016
I have two cats, and I have two litter boxes at this time. I was told I should have three. I have the two next to each other and was told by the vet. that they might be considered one since they are right next to each other. Would putting a divider between them, then considered two? I don't have many places/much room to put litter boxes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Do your cats use the litter boxes as they are? If your cats are fine using them as it is then you don't really need to fix it. I at one point had an over sized box (just one) for three cats, and they all used it with no issues. Not all cats are picky about the number of boxes and placement of the boxes. It's just something to consider if your cats don't get along or if there are some territorial behaviors leading to litter avoidance. It's a good rule of thumb to consider (one box per cat plus one - in different locations) but it's not always necessary, as long as they are kept clean.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 12, 2016
Yup, no issues. It's just been that my 5-year old cat has been antagonized by my kitten, who constantly wants to play and wrestle that it is stressing out my older cat. I need to find ways to reduce stress on him, so this was brought up.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Does the kitten antagonize the 5 year old while using the litter box? or try to ambush the 5 year old during or after using the box?

I don't think that putting a divider would do much at keeping the peace and lowering stress levels. Different locations would be your only option IF the brat (;)) is doing ambush attacks while the 5 year old is trying to use the litter box in peace....the kitten can't be in 2 places at once.

I'm sure you know that your kitten is displaying normal kitten behavior (constant playing and wrestling). But if you provide some more details we can help provide you with other things that can help lower stress of your older kitty and "try" to burn off some of your kitten's energy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
And another putting a divider, you would be blocking one of the possible "escape routes" if your 5 year old should need it.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 12, 2016
Thanks for the response, Jem!
He does not ambush him while/after using the litter box.
I actually just ordered a cat tree and a wall climbing furniture.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
If there is no ambushing or stopping him from using the litter box, and they both use the litter box fine then I don't think you have to worry.
That's a great start with the cat tree and wall furniture!
And by all means, we are here if you need more "cat enrichment" ideas.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
We only have 2 boxes for 2 cats, an adult and a kitten. Both right near each other. No issues between them at all. We'd add a third but truly have no decent place to put an extra one. We had the same set up prior to the kitten with another cat (he passed on last year) with no problems either.

Most of the time cats don't use the box at the same time, at least I've never noticed them to do that although one might follow the other in if one of the humans are there for the sake of being nosey lol.

As long as both are not ambushing each other and are not avoiding the boxes I see no reason to change anything.


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
When we got a third cat, we got a third litterbox. It was never used. :dunno:

As long as there aren't any territory issues, two litterboxes should be just fine. The "as many boxes as cats, plus one" doesn't always hold true.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I have 2 litterboxes for 2 cats. Clumping litter is expensive, I couldn't afford more than that. It works fine.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
We have 3 litter boxes for our 6 cats. They are separated, with 2 on one floor and 1 on the other. They get cleaned twice a day, and we have no issues with fighting, although from time to time I will see one of them sitting and watching while another does it's business, but usually from a slight distance.


FERAl born “Pepper”
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2006
CA - Desert
sounds like your issues are not the number of litter boxes, more like where they might be located :) - I currently have 14 - all inside - and 6 litter boxes. My house is large enough to distribute the boxes in different rooms - so if one cat is having an issue with another he/she has other options. I'm sorry I haven't read all the other responses - so this may be redundant - maybe you need to make that cute little stinker tired with some real active play ? 😆 Keeping the boxes as clean as possible will also help. My nose knows immediately, and I go after that stinky solid stuff. I have two that wait for the box to be cleaned out then they use it - usually while I'm still standing there while I'm cleaning it out - so I have to clean the box again. 😏


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 9, 2019
We have 3 litter boxes for our 6 cats. They are separated, with 2 on one floor and 1 on the other. They get cleaned twice a day, and we have no issues with fighting, although from time to time I will see one of them sitting and watching while another does it's business, but usually from a slight distance.
We only have 2 cats, but THis set-up is what we have. I don't think the 3rd box is necessary, but since I do always find a "gift" or two in it, I have left it. I took the advice seriously to have a litter boxfor each cat plus one extra. We have two in bathrooms and one in a spare bedroom (this is the 3rd box I don't think they need, but this was the younger one's safe room as a new kitten and I don't know if he's really attached to that one or not).

Father of furbabies

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 25, 2017
We have one litterbox for two cats. They take turns using the litterbox just like a family living in a one bathroom home. I just have to keep it clean and everything is fine. If it gets to dirty then one of them will come into the living to tell us to clean the litterbox (lots of meowing and pacing back and forth towards the litterbox).


TCS Member
Mar 19, 2019
HI Everyone! & Happy New Year! ok I have read all the inputs. & Like I always will say what works for some homes may not work for others, size, $, age of cats # of people, how people clean, kinds of litter/LB used etc. I have seen MOST OF ALL. What is clean to someone is FILTHY to me. So. Even though the rule of thumb is # of cats plus 1 is what you "should" have for the Litter Boxes. yes/ But that is not always doable for everyone. People that LOVE cats that have smaller pads (get it) pads cat feet... anyway time & $ play a factor sometimes too. But here is something that is a fact. The more Litter Boxes you have THE EASIER THEY ARE TO KEEP CLEAN & CLEAN & you don't always have to do them at the same time which means your covered you just can't ignore all of them. Now Location. You have to get a little creative. If you have a kitten & an older cat try keeping one of the LB up higher until the kitten is a young adult. A 5 yr old is a YOUNG FAST TEENAGER. They can get up higher than a kitten. It's not forever. There are so so many things you can do to "raise" or just put the litter box up on a coffee table that you got for free or 2 bucks with twist & a turn for him to get in the kitten can't follow. There are chairs (or 2 pushed together), there are grates, there are fireplaces that aren't being used get a cheap firescreen make a door, it even has its own "vent", there are locations that you just didn't think were ok. If you don't use your dining room table put a larger table cloth over it & put 1 LB on each end UNDER THE TABLE not on it... The height will help with scatter & the tablecloth gives them their privacy (even though they don't need that). (move them out for when you do use it) Some chairs are high enough for a LB to go under. Move a couch a few feet from the wall allowing yourself to get in to clean by putting the casters under the feet for easy movement. they can have 2 ways in & out. A shower that is not working, if you use it for storage just make a shelf to "lift" the height up you can still keep your crap in there PUT THE LB under the shelf. Your kitchen table that you don't "sit down to eat" under that table. loads of room. In an office the 2nd draw of a filing cabinet from the floor can be used temp. with a chair to get in & out. If your handy, you can create a "pet" door for any room using the "swinging" door from that stupid hooded LB that you don't need. doors are cheap you can buy one make it & put the "real door back on later" if your worried about ruining a door. With the right LB the right Litter the access & good light a good mat it is SO EASY TO HAVE as many as you need. Having not enough or using crappy litter or having a shallow litter box makes cleaning them AWFUL which makes you NOT WANT TO DO IT. so I say bring them front & center so they are "easier" to clean. Keeping them clean is the key to having no Litter issues or very few which means MORE CATS!! YEAHH!!. SO I think you need to play with your kitten more, Pay lots of attention (without the kitten) & with to both. have more Litter Boxes throughout. We all LOVE our cats it takes the effort but it's worth it. OH I have 7 to 10 Litter Boxes they are all over. I have a system & they are always so clean. The Clean Litter Cleans the Litter. I Love it. There is a method to my madness. I haven't "thrown out" Cat Litter & started over in almost 7 years. (no pee on sides or bottom E~V~E~R!! They are all always clean & NO DUST. everything I use has more than one use. OK Just know that when your 5 year old is 8ish they will be about the same age as far as chilling out but they still need to be played with every single day. Buying them toys just doesn't cut it. Don't think that they will play with each other either. a string on a stick & your movement is what they want. I spent a FORTUNE on toys ahh a STUPID STICK UNDER A TOWEL ON THE FLOOR MOVING IT BACK & FORTH STICKING THE TIP OUT MAKES THEM ALL GO NUTS!!! cost of cat toys $$$ a stupid stick PRICELESS!! Good Luck OH & my cats are all indoor outdoor AND THEY ALL STILL COME IN TO USE THEIR POTTY!!! unreal. Nancy