Litter box obsession?? I don't get it!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2015
Hi All,

I have two cats, both 9 years old and in good health. They get high quality can food in the mornings and

free offering high quality dry food during the day. They always have fresh water offered and lots on entertainment.

Last night my female cat was acting like she had a UTI. She would use the litter box over and over only getting a little bit

of urine out. She was not crying or anything, just obsessed with the litter box.

I called the vet, they can not get her in till tomorrow, so I was advised to encourage her to drink today.

I did that and now she is acting fine. She is back to her old self, urine elimination is back to normal and she is back

to normal. 

I guess my question now is, what was that? Has anyone else had a cat who exhibited signs of a UTI only to just get over it??

I don't want to take her in unless I have to. My cats fight when one is taken to the vet then brought home to the other one who

was not seen for an apt. I don't want to mess with paradise unless I have to. 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I would keep a close eye on her.  It could be stress pee.  If she seems fine now and vet visits are hard, watch her closely and see how she does.  I had a cat who last year had some stress pee issues.  He would go into the box over and over and pee just a tiny bit.  Then the next day he was fine.  This went on for awhile.  I did take him to the vet and he was diagnosed with stress pee.  My DS had just left for college and the poor cat was having a hard time.  So there can be other reasons besides just a UTI.  The key is to watch the kitty closely and notice changes that certainly would warrant a vet visit.

Also how many litter boxes do you have?  Are there any issues with the cats and the litter boxes? 

A tip for taking a cat to the vet when the other one stays home is to rub the cat who is staying home down with a clean wash cloth.  Get under the chin and on the pads of the feet where the scent glands are located.  Place the wash cloth in a zip lock bag.  Once home, take the cat inside and place him in a room and rub him down with the wash cloth with the scent of the other cat.  Then take that wash cloth and use it on the cat that stayed home.  The key is to get the cats smelling the same again. 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 13, 2015
I would keep a close eye on her.  It could be stress pee.  If she seems fine now and vet visits are hard, watch her closely and see how she does.  I had a cat who last year had some stress pee issues.  He would go into the box over and over and pee just a tiny bit.  Then the next day he was fine.  This went on for awhile.  I did take him to the vet and he was diagnosed with stress pee.  My DS had just left for college and the poor cat was having a hard time.  So there can be other reasons besides just a UTI.  The key is to watch the kitty closely and notice changes that certainly would warrant a vet visit.

Also how many litter boxes do you have?  Are there any issues with the cats and the litter boxes? 

A tip for taking a cat to the vet when the other one stays home is to rub the cat who is staying home down with a clean wash cloth.  Get under the chin and on the pads of the feet where the scent glands are located.  Place the wash cloth in a zip lock bag.  Once home, take the cat inside and place him in a room and rub him down with the wash cloth with the scent of the other cat.  Then take that wash cloth and use it on the cat that stayed home.  The key is to get the cats smelling the same again. 
Thanks so much!!! I have been doing some reproach I too think it is stress related. We have been gone for the past few days, I normally stay home so I think this change in daily routine made her upset. She is fine now that I have been home all day. I will keep a close eye on her. If I notice any changes I will take her to the vet. you are correct, vet visits are hard, if she is already stressed a vet visit will only make her more stressed. 

I will remember the wash cloth idea. that is a good way to approach the scent issue.