Limping Kitty


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Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
Hi Everyone. Just wanting to see what everyone's thoughts are about this.

We noticed Bonnie limping early this week. She has walked funny with her legs wide apart before but as she is new to this we thought maybe this was something she did or from being in the cage for too long, (she was at the shelter for over a year) were just going to see what the vet said when they saw her. But then I noticed her not putting her foot all the way down, keeping the weight off it. She has a slight limp. It seems to bother her when she sits, she hovers her foot off the ground and 9/10 will sit with her legs to the side instead of under her.

She doesnt react to touching the top of her leg. She is skittish so I dont think I could tell anything by her flinching away from me touching her paw. It has been VERY difficult to get her to the vet.

We had 3 appointments come and go because we simply could not get her in the carrier. And I am someone people call over their houses to get their cats in the carrier. We need to go in the evening since we work all day. Typically Bonnie comes out about an hour and a half after we are home. Vet attempt one I lured her out with a toy and into the carrier but failed to shut it in time and she got out and the door made a loud clang. She ran under the bed and nothing would get her out. Even if we lifted the bed she would just run somewhere else.

Attempt 2 went similarly, one mess up or thing that seems weird to her and she just wont come out for anything. Both our other cats are stupid I guess, or just not scared of us, they can't resist toys and treats.

Take 3 she wouldnt come out at all, she knows something is fishy about us standing next to the bed and trying to get her to come out right when we get home. After it doesnt matter any more she struts right out for dinner, wants to be pet... so frustrating. She comes out but not on demand. There are way too many hiding places in the apartment to cut off all of them.

She is used to eating food in the carrier (we have it out to get her used to it, but she is so skittish it doesnt really matter if the timing is off) had a talk with the vet and they suggested since she comes out in the morning and is used to eating in the carrier we can bring her Saturday morning, the 28th. When she comes out to eat just lock her in. At the shelter they scruffed her to put her in our carrier and that is what we had to do to give her Revolution so I am thinking we may have to do that to get her in. As long as she knows nothing is up I think I can just grab her while she comes to say hi...

But now I need to go away for 5 days and I will be worrying about my girl :( Is there anything that could be making her limp that could really hurt her while Im gone? Like fester and be dangerous to leave alone? She seems like she is used to it and I could believe she has had this since we had her, so I think it's an old injury but I will just be worrying until we take her in.. I dont even know if the vet will be able to do anything if it's an old injury.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. From the sounds of your post, this issue with Bonnie's leg seems to be escalating - yes? There could be an issue with one of the joints in the leg that she just did something to aggravate it in recent days, or a escalation in a longer term issue with some part of that leg - or a combination of both. An x-ray would probably be your best bet. The only way I know to make it easier to get her into the vet would be something like a small dose of gabapentin, which is likely going to have to be administered to her anyway before an x-ray if she fights the vet the same way she fights you. You can call the vet and ask if they would be willing to let you pick up a dose ahead of the vet visit.

Cats typically don't show that they are in pain until the pain becomes intense, so I am not sure you can really determine what she is feeling with absolute confidence. They will resume 'life as usual' for the most part until the pain overwhelms them.

Are you saying you will be away, but will return before the 28th vet visit? If so, who will be taking care of her - and, are they in a position to take her to the vet for you should her leg get worse in your absence?
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
Hi FeebysOwner. You have always had very useful replies in my threads so I just want to say thank you <3

I think the leg issue has escalated but it's hard to say if I simply didn't notice it before. I think the limp is new but I cant be certain since she has been so hidey. Its possible I didn't notice it since she moves slowly, might have been trying to hide it, and she mostly comes out late at night and in the morning when it's half dark. But I just cant be sure. She's in a weird stage I think, she still flinches and runs away at sudden movements but she also clearly really likes us and enjoys being pet and playing. Cautiously, I should add. I dont think she ever really truly is off her guard completely. We are trying to get her to spend more and more time out of hiding, she currently is not allowed in the bedroom.

She has never fought.... I have no idea how she will be at the vet but the problem is more of her hiding so we cant get her. She hasn't ever shown aggression toward us. Only scared hissing the first week. She is a sweet cat. I am worried about her being in pain as well as I know animals try to hide it and she is hidey/fearful in general as far as I know.

We are going to be gone for 5 nights, and our friend Shane will be coming over to look after them. He could take her to the vet if it was necessary and if not my in laws would also be there to help in an emergency. All the cats know Shane and really like him, even Bonnie since he is at our apartment alot and is a "cat person." So if there is a chance of her coming out to be seen while we're away it would be while he's there because she jumped right up on the couch and sat between us to get pet before. I was very proud of her. He will be coming later at night too which also increases the chance he will see her... she comes out in the morning and after 7:30/8 at night.

I really hate this. I have never not been able to "catch" a cat before. was in tears on Wednesday when I couldnt get her to the emergency appointment we made :/ (The first two were just check up appointments before I noticed her limping) She just plays "cant touch me" and she is very smart and good at it. It's like trying to trap a strange cat outside she just will not come within reach when it's time to go to the vet. Im hoping with the morning appointment she wont be able to see it coming and I can either shut the door while she eats in the carrier or scruff her while I am petting her and put her in the top....


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
You sound like you have the situation under control - and, options should something go awry while you are away (I certainly hope not!). She is certainly a 'smart-little cookie'! :winkcat: Bonnie will be giving you a 'run for your money' for some time to come I am guessing! Keep us posted!!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
Thanks for the support :) Yes i think she will be keeping us on our toes for a long time.

Our friend sent us pictures while we were away, and she did come out to spend some time with him and he said she looked fine. She looked the same when we came home and she was happy to see us.

I took her to the vet this morning- poor Bonnie she was very scared. My other cats are so brave but I had to lift her out of the carrier and she just looked so scared with her tail between her legs :(

The vet did an xray and it turns out she has a congenital defect where her kneecaps are pointy at the end and mineralized where they should be more rounded. They had a hard time getting the xray because she didn't want to extend the more painful leg. It is on both sides. They said that she needs joint supplements and just to watch for arthritis when she is older.

They gave me some tramadol that absorbs through the skin of her ear because it seemed like she had aggravated it. Its a pain reliever. I couldn't beleive it could be so simple to give medicine like that. Really cool honestly.

I feel bad that there is nothing to really be done and she just has"bad" knees at such a young age but at least we know now. I bought a bag of cosequin soft chews online so I will start giving her those daily and hopefully it helps her. They seemed to be the most reccomended joint supplement but if someone has another recommendation feel free to let me know. I got the first bag of 60 chews for $6 (regualrly $10-11) for subscribing to have one sent every 2 months.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Thanks for the update - sorry that Bonnie has a congenital defect. Is some of the pain in that one leg expected to subside a bit over time? I sure hope so.

Feeby (15+yo), who has some arthritis and two nearly fused vertebrae in her upper spine - has been taking Glyco Flex Plus (glucosamine, chondroitin, and green lipped mussels) for over a year now, and she no longer limps. She was never on any other kind of joint supplement before, so I cannot speak to the effectiveness of others compared to this one. I just opted for the one who had all 3 types of supplements for joints in one soft chew - hoping 'more is better' ;)! A bag of 30 costs $10, and they are big so I cut them up into about 5 pieces for Feeby to eat; she gets one a day.

She does need to use some interim steps added to places that she used to be able to jump on easily several years ago, but with the help of those steps and the joint supplements she pretty much goes to all of her perches that she has always used. For a couple of examples: I have footstools that are about 12" high that I place next to items she used to jump on without the additional step - so she can look out windows, or get into the foot section of my recliner. I have a chest at the end of my bed so she can use it as an additional step before jumping on the bed. She took to all of these extra steps very well. In time, you might want to consider getting some interim steps for Bonnie.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
Thanks for the heads up on the supplements and the additional steps. We will probably need to do that as she gets older and gets arthritis. Hopefully it doesn't get worse any time soon. I am disappointing its nothing that can be fixed but Im glad I at least know the problem is there. The shelter and the previous owner must have either never noticed her walking funny and not putting weight on it or they decided not to share. She is a pretty "hidey" cat so Im thinking they just never noticed it because she wasnt prancing around letting them see her..