Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I can't say I ever had ears ringing. I have had my sinuses mess up bad from the altitude.

I woke up to a fuzzy kitty on my chest with my face against her back-Honeybee! She was waiting for me to wake up to let her out. It wasn't light out yet either so we had to wait a bit.

The hawk is still flying around and they set a trap with some mice but I think if they shut the lights out and send everyone home with the doors open he will fly out on his own. I hope he doesn't pass away stuck in here. It would be a crime. The fish and game folks didn't really seem to know what they are doing as the trap they have set up is not that big and honestly it looks like it would injure him anyways. Hoping the bird decides to fly out soon. I don't want him to starve to death. I told them I would go buy some mice and rabbits and set up a pen where he could fly down and have a snack. I hate the thought of any animal starving.
Have they ever dealt with a hawk before? Who knows; it might be there long enough that it becomes your company's new mascot! 
 Good luck with that! 

Sometimes the older ones just don't have the energy of the younger ones--or Ruby is unbearably excited to finally be home. Hard to say. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
So its been about 7 hours since I got off my last flight and got home. My ears are still ringing from the sounds of the jet engines. I'm actually debating sleeping with earplugs tonight because my ears are ringing so bad. Anyone else ever have this issue after flying in a plane? I have flown before and I think this is the first time this has happened to me.
I haven't had that problem with planes, but back when I had in-laws I did. They had loud voices, and they loved to argue and chatter endlessly, and after a visit of a few days my ears started ringing. It took several days away from them for the ringing to go away. I don't think the earplugs will help, in fact, make it worse.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Lily is a delightful little kitty! I hope the adoption goes well.

I have been thinking about adopting another cat as well. Floey was honybees buddy and now she is trying to hang out with Pumps but pumps hisses and ears back. Honeybee misses her buddy and I wonder if a young kitten would keep Honeybee away from Pumpkin. Maybe this fall we will see if there is a foster who I can try out for a few weeks. It's hard to tell if we really want another cat but Honeybee seems lonely outside now. Floey used to hang by her and they would walk around together. Maybe a young boy cat who likes to chase and play without hurting would be in the cards. I would have to get my cats on wet as any male cat I would own would be forbidden to have dry kibble due to all the blocking issues. Pumps wont eat wet. I have put down fancy feast all week and she wont touch it. honeybee wont unless there is nothing else to eat. Pumps will just refuse to eat.

Decisions decisions. I of course miss Floey but I am concerned that Honeybee would become sad especially this winter when she is bored. She wont go outside in the winter and we do play fetch and feather toys but I wonder if a playful younger kitty would work with honeybee? Or is it too soon? I don't know..there is no rhyme or reason is there to timing of grief.
There are tons of cats out there who need fosters.. Right now we have a Maine Coon who is up for adoption. He is 3-5 yrs old and I think was just left in an apartment when his ""owners"" moved!!!! Thank God they had a roommate, but the roommate cannot keep him; at least he was able to feed and take care of him until we had an opening. That gets me so mad! 

Foxxycat, it may not bee too early. My cousin had to put down one of the 2 cats they had. The boys were brothers. One had a saddle embolism. The other brother seemed lost. It was only a few weeks and they adopted a younger male who is a riot! They named him, 'Baby".. well, Baby has brought some new life into Ikey..(the brothers were named, Ike and Mike, like the candy)...While Ike still seems to miss his brother, at times, he is comfortable, and really loves his 'new brother'...

I have not seen him yet, I will on Thursday, unless I go in before then. He is on pet finder, his name is Falcor.

As I said in the exercise thread,. I should be at the gym today, but I am not. 

So far, I have:

Done regular morning stuff, brushed Artie, Clipped his claws, made a salad for supper, shook out a couple of litter mats, swept his bathroom, did a quick vacuum, threw a few things out from my freezer and cabinet......

To do: take shower, write out some bills, Post office, Target for a couple of things, and then to Rite Aid for a few things. Also want to go to the butcher, on the way home, for some chicken. They are closed on Mondays. i heard a rumor they will be closing at the end of the year... I hope not. They are awesome. A fixture in my city. They have been there for generations!! at the same location! Great meat and poultry..an old fashioned corner store and butcher shop...sigh...

For me, it will be too late to go to the gym. I like to go around mid morning, come home, take a shower and then do what I have to do. I also have a few boxes to throw out and a full trash bag...

Traffic on Saturdays is always brutal... and we are expecting thunder storms. The air is so humid and thick.. really bad out there..Just going out to shake the rugs, the bugs were sticking, and I got all sweaty...yuck!

I am appreciating my AC...I think I have to put it up higher..

Artie tried to wake me up twice this morning.. Once very early, around 3:40am!! I felt a tap, tap, tap, I ignored him... Again at 5:15am! another tap, tap, tap....ignored him...then I went to turn over and he was on my other pillow!!!

Strange.. no meow--just the taps...

When I got up, I went over to the litter boxes.. sure enough, he was telling me one was full with 2 large clumps of litter; the other one had poop in it... what a clean kitty...what a good boy!!

He wanted his litter boxes cleaned!!!

I do have the extra large litter box for him and the jumbo high sided one from Natures Miracle..

Artie like to pee with his 2 front paws outside the box!! As he pees, his bum gets higher and higher.. He has done this for as long as I have had him.. Poop is different.. he has all four paws in there and digs to China!!

Had a repeat blood test yesterday for my electrolytes. The are all in the normal range now. A bit on the low normal side, but still WNL. Better than before.. perhaps I may now stop being so tired in the afternoon..I feel I still need to improve the potassium, sodium and chlorine.. but my new PCP says it if fine...

Spinach salad for supper!! with some deli ham.. and feta cheese.... 

Well, I had enough of my break.. now to write out checks, and then shower...

Artie is now curled up on his quilt ......he has stopped sleeping on my bed.. strange..
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I just got hacked AGAIN! check your CC accounts and make sure no charges=my cc denied them-then email me-now I need a new card. told them need it asap before next weekend. good grief. Im seriously thinking of calling the other bank and closing my credit card=I don't care if it affects my fico score=I don't want to be responsible for hackers!!

I just finished off the rest of the hot wings from little ceasers-oh man they are good and hot!! got to get more tonight!!!

did  I tell you honeybee slept next to my face this morning?? my little fuzzy girl curled up next to my face on my pillow...zzzzzz
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I just got hacked AGAIN! check your CC accounts and make sure no charges=my cc denied them-then email me-now I need a new card. told them need it asap before next weekend. good grief. Im seriously thinking of calling the other bank and closing my credit card=I don't care if it affects my fico score=I don't want to be responsible for hackers!!
That's awful.  I had this happen once as well but the bank was on top of things and like yours, denied the charge and then notified me.  It was for an on-line purchase and I never did learn how my bank knew it was bogus. Maybe because it was for beauty supplies instead of cat supplies?  You really shouldn't need to close your cc at the other bank though - a replacement card should be enough, plus the fact that banks don't usually hold customers responsible for hacks.  Good luck coping with it all!  It's a headache you don't need.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
 just got the hawk released!!

They left a cage with two mice and loops of fishing string ontop of the cage and he got his claw hung up. we had the cage up high on a scissor lift up as high as it could go-the ceiling I believe of this building is 80 feet up. I think the lift was up 20 or so feet. so we got some moving blankets=took the scissor lift down-covered the bird with the blanket-then motorized the lift outside into the parking lot=then I held one part of the bird down with the blanket over it while the two guys cut his talons free of the string. then we moved out of the way and one guy lifted up the blanket and he flew off-it was HUGE! and I was going to set the mice free in the grass so he has a meal but they didn't want me to touch the mice-I said I have gloves on-the bird is hungry and needs water. So we got the bird released with no injuries that I could see. It probably was ticked off and scared more than anything.

And I didn't take pictures because I couldn't see the screen of my phone but someone got a video. Hopefully I can figure out how to share the video on social media.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I just got hacked AGAIN! check your CC accounts and make sure no charges=my cc denied them-then email me-now I need a new card. told them need it asap before next weekend. good grief. Im seriously thinking of calling the other bank and closing my credit card=I don't care if it affects my fico score=I don't want to be responsible for hackers!!

I just finished off the rest of the hot wings from little ceasers-oh man they are good and hot!! got to get more tonight!!!

did  I tell you honeybee slept next to my face this morning?? my little fuzzy girl curled up next to my face on my pillow...zzzzzz
That sucks! My Manager got hacked four times last year. Now she has one of the cards with a chip in it and everything is going well so far.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
 just got the hawk released!!

They left a cage with two mice and loops of fishing string ontop of the cage and he got his claw hung up. we had the cage up high on a scissor lift up as high as it could go-the ceiling I believe of this building is 80 feet up. I think the lift was up 20 or so feet. so we got some moving blankets=took the scissor lift down-covered the bird with the blanket-then motorized the lift outside into the parking lot=then I held one part of the bird down with the blanket over it while the two guys cut his talons free of the string. then we moved out of the way and one guy lifted up the blanket and he flew off-it was HUGE! and I was going to set the mice free in the grass so he has a meal but they didn't want me to touch the mice-I said I have gloves on-the bird is hungry and needs water. So we got the bird released with no injuries that I could see. It probably was ticked off and scared more than anything.

And I didn't take pictures because I couldn't see the screen of my phone but someone got a video. Hopefully I can figure out how to share the video on social media.
 That's awesome! I hope you can share it, and post it here for us to see! (I'm also glad that it was caught and released with no injury to it or anyone else. That's difficult with raptors that size.)

I got called into work this afternoon--but I don't have to work tonight! 
 That means that instead of working six hours into my birthday (as was originally planned), I have the entire  day off! 
 It's the best birthday present my manager could have given me!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
@foxxycat - That is the greatest! Hawks do a terrific job of getting rid of pests. You all did a great job of releasing him unhurt.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
 That sucks! My Manager got hacked four times last year. Now she has one of the cards with a chip in it and everything is going well so far.
this one has a chip. its people on the internet who use a software programs and try to match the numbers. So it doesn't matter if you never use the card online or in a store-they play around until they get a charge to pass through. they did a $.46 and $.66 then  a $11.66 charge.all this morning at 6:30.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
That's happened to me, too. Twice in one year some scammers made charges to my credit card. They didn't bother with the test amounts; they just charged something in the $200-$300 range. Luckily, the fraud unit at Chase caught it, and called me. They issued me new cards each time, and told me the same thing - that scammers were using computers to try different charge numbers.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
@Tallyollyopia, counted cross stitch.  It would be easy enough to just sketch out an embroidery pattern, but I enjoy the concentration of counted cross stitch.  It keeps my mind focused.  Also, I'm very good at Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors.  Like separating the colors of my Skittles before eating them.  That's always fun.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I just got hacked AGAIN! check your CC accounts and make sure no charges=my cc denied them-then email me-now I need a new card. told them need it asap before next weekend. good grief. Im seriously thinking of calling the other bank and closing my credit card=I don't care if it affects my fico score=I don't want to be responsible for hackers!!
I think it was last year or the year before when I had my credit card number stolen. I'm pretty sure it was from the last purchase I had made, a book of pictures from shortly after the 2013 Boston Marathon (eerily quiet streets) and pictures of the exact same areas a year later on Marathon Monday (filled with crowds). I have my credit card set up to email notifications of all purchases to me so I got these emails with random $1 purchases and then a larger purchase at Home Depot store in Georgia all in one day. I immediately called the bank and had my credit card closed and all the charges marked as fraud. I asked if my FICO score would be affected and was told no. I also contacted the online site where I had made the book purchase (local photographer's web site, the only place where the book was available from) and notified them of that their ordering system was possibly being hacked into and customer credit card numbers were being stolen.

I'm super careful about making online purchases now and I keep a close eye on my bank account.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@Tallyollyopia, counted cross stitch.  It would be easy enough to just sketch out an embroidery pattern, but I enjoy the concentration of counted cross stitch.  It keeps my mind focused.  Also, I'm very good at Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors.  Like separating the colors of my Skittles before eating them.  That's always fun.
I mean no offense, but I've always found embroidery more difficult than cross stitch. (Then again, I like doubling my thread for strength, so embroidery would  be harder that way.) And I don't consider that Obsessive-Compulsive at all--after a certain point it's meditative (there comes a point where the line between the two doesn't seem to exist).
I think it was last year or the year before when I had my credit card number stolen. I'm pretty sure it was from the last purchase I had made, a book of pictures from shortly after the 2013 Boston Marathon (eerily quiet streets) and pictures of the exact same areas a year later on Marathon Monday (filled with crowds). I have my credit card set up to email notifications of all purchases to me so I got these emails with random $1 purchases and then a larger purchase at Home Depot store in Georgia all in one day. I immediately called the bank and had my credit card closed and all the charges marked as fraud. I asked if my FICO score would be affected and was told no. I also contacted the online site where I had made the book purchase (local photographer's web site, the only place where the book was available from) and notified them of that their ordering system was possibly being hacked into and customer credit card numbers were being stolen.

I'm super careful about making online purchases now and I keep a close eye on my bank account.
AWM had a similar problem with her card after she ordered a "free" sample online. (I've told her time and time again--if they ask for a credit card number, it's not really free!) She did the same thing you did. 

Man these last few days have been crazy at work! Not only do we have a higher number of customers than usual (almost a steady stream from the beginning of shift to the end of it), but three of my coworkers quit! 
 I have to call in tomorrow (thank heavens I can't be called in since I requested it off--I really need the recoup time) for the new schedule after the rats bailed  on us! (Sorry, little upset about them quitting with no warning and, in one case, less than an hour  before her shift!) 

Well, today was the first time I had a customer threaten to "leap over that counter and wrap my hands around your 
 throat!" (I saw where he was coming from, but it wasn't my fault.) See, the problem was that he paid for gas inside, I put the money on the pump, he pumped the gas--and then he had change. However, when I pulled the pump up on my computer (the same way I've been doing it since day one of training), it said there was no money on the pump. He had almost ten dollars in change, and he was ticked. I calmly, in the face of his towering rage, explained that I can only do what my computer tells me, He started shouting at me, threatened me, told me to call the police so he could tell the world the store was trying to rob him of his rightful change, and I finally managed to get help from my coworker (she was outside cleaning the pumps at the time) and she got his change. When there was a brief  lull in the customers, I asked her to show me what I had been doing wrong. (I really had been trying to help the customer to the best of my ability.) Here's what happened: the computer people reset the computers so that when people prepay for their gas inside it doesn't show up on the pump anymore--it shows up on the register. (RB says that's to make training new people easier.) On the other hand, the customers who were in the store when the man started yelling at me gave me props for staying calm the whole time. (To be fair though, he was in no physical condition to leap over the counter.)

On the other hand, I almost rolled with laughter a few hours later when one of my customers called me a "delicate little flower." He said that he'd been too frightened to come to the store since the incident  that made me pull extra shifts (and three coworkers quit!!!--sorry for harping on that). He then added that since a "delicate little flower such as yourself has no fear being here at night and has been several times since, then it must be safe for someone like me." 
 In the car ride home I almost bust a gut I was laughing so hard. Me! A "delicate little flower!" The very idea is so ludicrous that it's hilarious!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Ruby has been out almost all day and everyone is doing pretty well with it. I love to see them getting along. Its very nice. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I got hacked the other day, too.  Not a credit card, thank goodness, but my email account.  Sigh.  The jerks got my entire contact list and started sending out emails in my name with links to the same site that hacked me.  Fortunately, only about three got through before the Mailer Daemon twigged to the problem and began informing me that it couldn't deliver "my" email due to it containing spam.  After about ten of these the 'bot apparently quit sending them out, because I haven't received any further Mailer Daemon messages about it, or any complaints from people who want to know why I sent that email.  Also, it appears that it didn't install any malware on my computer.  It could have been much worse.

@Tallyollyopia, about 25 years ago I was at a women's group retreat.  One day we went horse back riding, and that evening in bed (six to a room -- bunk beds) several of the women began discussing the rather impressive, um, endowments of one of the geldings.  I responded with a rather silly, dirty elephant joke that had been popular when I was an adolescent, and was surprised when it received a lot of laughter.  One of the women told me later it was because it was just so funny hearing a dirty joke in my "refined" voice.  I still haven't figured out where that came from.  My best guess is that "refined" was a synonym for "quiet."



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Ruby has been out almost all day and everyone is doing pretty well with it. I love to see them getting along. Its very nice. 
That's wonderful! 
I got hacked the other day, too.  Not a credit card, thank goodness, but my email account.  Sigh.  The jerks got my entire contact list and started sending out emails in my name with links to the same site that hacked me.  Fortunately, only about three got through before the Mailer Daemon twigged to the problem and began informing me that it couldn't deliver "my" email due to it containing spam.  After about ten of these the 'bot apparently quit sending them out, because I haven't received any further Mailer Daemon messages about it, or any complaints from people who want to know why I sent that email.  Also, it appears that it didn't install any malware on my computer.  It could have been much worse.

@Tallyollyopia, about 25 years ago I was at a women's group retreat.  One day we went horse back riding, and that evening in bed (six to a room -- bunk beds) several of the women began discussing the rather impressive, um, endowments of one of the geldings.  I responded with a rather silly, dirty elephant joke that had been popular when I was an adolescent, and was surprised when it received a lot of laughter.  One of the women told me later it was because it was just so funny hearing a dirty joke in my "refined" voice.  I still haven't figured out where that came from.  My best guess is that "refined" was a synonym for "quiet."

I don't see how anyone at work could call me quiet. I greet everyone  as they come into the store.
Angua and Ruby are sleeping about a foot apart! I think that is definitely some serious progress. Also Angua licked her twice, which is much different from hissing.
Oh, yeah! Sounds like Ruby will be able to stay out for good soon!
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Its 5:30am here and I still have not gone to bed, as I cannot sleep worth a darn and I am out of melatonin [emoji]128557[/emoji] so I will probably be like [emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji] all day at work tomorrow. *sigh* [emoji]128551[/emoji]

At least I have Kiwi to keep me company.
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