Lethargic kitty--No eating, no drinking, no bm--2 doctors--no answers


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 24, 2020
Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to read.
My DSH Nala is about 10 y/o (12.5 lbs)--typically energetic, always hungry, and a certified poop machine--she would NEVER turn a nose up at a treat
Background on my home: I adopted her in college, she was 3, we have been inseparable, she's moved with me on multiple occasions with no issues in the past, always an indoor kitty--I have never seen her sick or not hungry. She is updated on all her shots.
Regularly, I feed her blue buffalo indoor adult cat food, she always has fresh chilled water, and she gets treats whenever she wants (temptations, freeze dried pure salmon, delectables squeeze ups).
I was away for the last week (she stayed at my parents, which she's used to and loves them) and had no problems with her returning on Friday--everything was normal. She went back to her regular diet and was in her totally normal, cuddle bug state until Monday morning--when she threw in the early hours (food), then again around 10 am (yellow liquid, less food), then again at 5 pm (totally clear liquid).
She hid all day--which isn't weird because husband and I are in and out--she usually comes out around 5ish to mingle--but kept to herself until I brought her to pet emergency at 10pm. She had not eaten, drank, or used the box all day. She was hanging her head over her water bowl, lethargic, not at all receptive to any of her favorite treats, warm, and constantly licking her lips.
Pet emergency took blood, gave an xray, gave an antibiotic shot, antinausea shot, some fluids, and Dr. said its likely a viral infection (feline herpes or calicivirus). Her xrays were clear--just backed up with feces. She was sent home and I was told to monitor.
Tuesday---shes walking around the house, sitting on the couch with me, somewhat following me (but only to a room or 2, not every single movement), but still no bowel movement, no eating, drinking, grooming. Nothing.
Wed- brought her to a different vet in the morning and they kept her all day. Another blood panel-all clear. More fluids, another anti-nausea inj, but sent home and told to start syringe feeding her a/d hills. Still no bowel movement and no interest in food. I did give her a squeez-up, which she very slowly ate over 2 hours, but she seemed to have difficulty swallowing it. Her breathing seems slightly labored, like a very light snore but she's a little bit overweight and I had to put my ear to her to really hear that. I checked on her throughout the night and she moved places a couple times--from living room to office to my closet.
Today, Thurs--STILL no bowel movement and I am full on panicked. 2 doctors and no one can tell me whats wrong or what next step I should take.

I've been up all night for the past 3 nights racking my brain and here's what has "changed" in her environment:
-I'm 6 months pregnant--this is very new but she still gets all her usual attention.
-We have been working on the baby room for a few weeks--moving furniture, drilling holes, filling holes--***her litter was in this room and Sunday morning, I moved it into the kitchen pantry--but she used it in there already
-I started adding some water to a little bit of her dry food in a separate bowl--she liked drinking that water, but didnt really eat those kernels.
-At my parents house, they have 2 indoor-outdoor cats, but they both are fine and in good health.

Please help with any advice you may have, I'm seriously desperate. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I'm sick over the thought that she's suffering.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I would, at a minimum, call the vet(s) back and tell them what is going on now - that she still isn't really eating and has not yet had a bowel movement. The lack of poop probably is also in part due to the fact she isn't really eating much of anything. Her swallowing issue might be tied to nausea as opposed to an actual problem being able to swallow. If she isn't drinking much, she could be getting dehydrated again as well, which will make her feel worse and could even affect her breathing.

Are you able to syringe feed her as the vet recommended? Did the vet(s) prescribe anything for the feces they saw backed up in her system? It is highly possible that could be the source of her entire issue.

I am not sure what is going on with her has anything to do with a change in her environment. But, until you can get her back on the mend, I would be focused on her health more than her environment for now. She is old enough that whatever her health issue might be, it could easily get much worse without proper care.

If you don't trust either of these vets, ask your friends/family/neighbors/co-workers for a vet recommendation and have her looked at again. You can ask these previous vets for a copy of her records so that you could share them with another vet, reducing some of the possible redundant costs, and perhaps help to expedite finding a resolution.

I would try any and all foods, including human, to see if you can get her to eat. Perhaps, even make a slurry of water and the a/d hills so that is close to the consistency of liquid to see if she might lap that up.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She needs an enema, I can't believe the vets didn't give her one. When my cat was constipated I gave 1/4 tsp. Miralax in a beaten egg yolk (or your treats), you might call the vet and ask if you can do it. Bad constipation would do all that. She needs to be encouraged to drink water too. If she hasn't ate much at least there won't be much BM made. But something has to be done quick!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 24, 2020
Hi. I would, at a minimum, call the vet(s) back and tell them what is going on now - that she still isn't really eating and has not yet had a bowel movement. The lack of poop probably is also in part due to the fact she isn't really eating much of anything. Her swallowing issue might be tied to nausea as opposed to an actual problem being able to swallow. If she isn't drinking much, she could be getting dehydrated again as well, which will make her feel worse and could even affect her breathing.

Are you able to syringe feed her as the vet recommended? Did the vet(s) prescribe anything for the feces they saw backed up in her system? It is highly possible that could be the source of her entire issue.

I am not sure what is going on with her has anything to do with a change in her environment. But, until you can get her back on the mend, I would be focused on her health more than her environment for now. She is old enough that whatever her health issue might be, it could easily get much worse without proper care.

If you don't trust either of these vets, ask your friends/family/neighbors/co-workers for a vet recommendation and have her looked at again. You can ask these previous vets for a copy of her records so that you could share them with another vet, reducing some of the possible redundant costs, and perhaps help to expedite finding a resolution.

I would try any and all foods, including human, to see if you can get her to eat. Perhaps, even make a slurry of water and the a/d hills so that is close to the consistency of liquid to see if she might lap that up.
Thank you for your incredible reply.
I just spoke with the vet again after calling all morning to speak to someone and he reviewed her file with me over the phone. He is taking viral infection off his suspicion list, but also said from palpitating her yesterday, he wasn't too concerned about the constipation. For now, that eases my mind. She received fluids yesterday and he mentioned that he did enough to last her through this afternoon--I mixed some water in with her food syringe this morning, so I'll just keep up with that with my feedings to ensure she gets liquids. I mentioned the swallowing difficulty but he said they didn't observe that yesterday, so I could possibly be over-analyzing that.

I have the hills and did 1/4 of the can syringed this morning, and purchased some baby food and broths for her to try. I'm really hoping something will work.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I would request an x-ray to make sure there's no blockage or constipation. Sounds like she needs an enema.