Leaving My Cats Outside For A Week While On Vacation


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 9, 2006
We had a similar problem with our three cats....they are indoor/outdoor and two of them are fine being left inside for periods of time but our female gets seriously stressed when she's forced to be inside for extended period of time. It's to the point of being concerned about her mental state. When we planned a vacation, I wasn't sure what to do...I didn't want to board them because I didn't want them to be separated and I didn't want to leave two inside and one outside for the whole time. I had to think about this a lot!

Then my husband had the idea of installing a cat door and that has worked great! It isn't a perfect solution because we came home to a couple of dead rodents and birds in the house :cool2:, but other than that it was a good solution. They could go in and out as they please. Is this an option for you? BTW, I only use the cat door when we are out of town.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
I don't think you should leave ANY cat outdoors, unattended... EVER.

I, personally, believe that cats should be kept indoors unless you have enough property for them to roam safely in their own territory. Even then, they should only be let outside when the humans are around to look out for them. If you live where the weather is warm, leave a door open for them to come and go or, if it's cold, install a cat flap. When it's time for the humans to go to bed, bring the cats in and close the door and/or lock the flap.

If you are going away, the cats should be inside. I suppose, if you are running out to do errands, it would be too much trouble to corral the cats just for a one-hour shopping trip.

Ya' know what? I'll even acquiesce to leaving the cats out if you are leaving overnight, weather permitting, and coming back the next day but only if they have a cat flap that is left open for them to come inside when they want.

Going away for a week and leaving the cats out without supervision?

Just plain dumb in my opinion.


TCS Member
May 22, 2021
Hi T tamarammm
I leave my cat outside when I go away. Often for a week at a time. She doesn’t like it as she misses us, but, after considering all the options we decided this was the best solution for her temperament.
She is generally a very calm and easy going cat and spends equal amounts of time indoors and outdoors. But she gets stressed if she’s been inside too long and can’t get out. And it’s not only about the toilet. I think she just wants fresh air and freedom. Overnight she often wakes me in the early hours to let her out and I worry she will destroy the blinds if I don’t go and open the door for her! Or she will ask me to let her out before I go to bed (10/11pm) and then I let her in around 6am and she sleeps on my bed for a good few hours.
When I’ve had to keep her indoors (when we moved house and when she was sick once) she hated it and was constantly trying to find a way out. She refuses to use the litter box. I tried lots of different kinds of litter.
For us, a microchip controlled cat door would be the ideal solution but, unfortunately, we rent and a cat door (of any kind) is not an option.
When we go away I leave her outside with a food dispenser and lots of bowls of water. My Dad also visits every day (sometimes every two days) to check on her. He will often ring me when he visits so we can have a brief FaceTime with her and she can hear our voice.
This solution works for us. Our cat still doesn’t like us going away and I get a bit anxious about leaving her in winter when it’s colder, but I know it’s the best option for our cat. I’ve looked into catteries and on two occasions I left her with friends and she hated it - being in a strange place with strange people (despite taking her own toys and blankets) and being locked inside! I know she is happiest at home being free.
I think it’s important to consider your own cat and circumstances.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Welcome to The Cat Site! This is an older thread and has not been active for about three years...just in case you do not get a response you won't take it personally. Thank you for your comment and we look forward to seeing you here on TCS!

Timbo ba jimbo

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2021
Humboldt county northern California
I agree with the others it's not a good idea to leave them outside for a week but they are cats. I live amongst the giant redwood trees in northern California my cat has a cat door she ends up spending most of her nights outside then comes home in the morning cats are amazingly resourceful and cautious creatures. Give them a safe spot keep the food there if you wish mother animals eat their foodyour cats will just catch the little mice or or lizards to supplement their diet but you are taking a risk so do you understand that they won't forget you I'll be glad to see you when you come back really glad my cat's been in and out for three and a half years now and she loves it she really loves being a cat