Ladies and their friends?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 1, 2006
During the first four years of my marriage, I was completely consumed by the marriage itself, wanting to be only with my husband and practically doting on him - not at his request. It came to me rather suddenly one day that I was deliberately stifling myself, and that I wasn't happy with it. I needed friends with my interests, beyond what's for dinner and what movie we want to watch. I needed to spend time with people who came from different places and who knew different things.

When I returned to school this year (well, last year, now!), I moved away part-time and lived with a new friend, a girl who was a grad student in my major. It was the absolute best thing I could have ever done. My absence from my family made me appreciate my time with them, and they didn't take advantage of me in the same way. I had people who cared about opera with whom I could talk about it, and I didn't annoy my husband by trying to make him interested in the minutae of Puccini and Verdi.

Some people can get by with having no friends outside of their relationship, but I wouldn't dream of doing it again.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
My husband and I have different interests - I love golf, he doesn't; he loves model airplanes, they are much too noisy for me, and other such things. I have 2 best friends that also love golf and whose husbands have no interest at all in golf. For the past 20+ years, the three of us take a golf trip every year for 3-5 days. Our hubbies have always stayed at home and looked after our little ones (they aren't so little anymore

The time my husband and I spend together is good time but I love being with my friends. We go out to dinner on a regular basis. This weekend we celebrate one friend's birthday. We are taking her golfing then coming back to our house for the evening. My husband has always been very supportive of me spending time with my friends and often tells me how lucky I am to have such awesome friends in my life.