Krista's Care

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  • #961


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Sep 7, 2018
This was a frustrating experience. Everything she experienced last night was saying mouth pain but they couldn’t find anything wrong with her teeth. Is it possible that he was so focused on teeth that he didn’t inspect her tongue? He said her gums and what remaining teeth she has left are doing fine. Nothing wiggled like it was loose and he said even under anesthesia, a sore tooth will get a reaction and she did not react to any of her teeth being wiggled or prodded. X-rays showed what teeth she has remaining are still doing well and the one root that’s so nearly resorbed already that it would probably cause more trouble to try to extract it than to let the body do it for her since it’s almost finished. In other words, she’s likely not noticing that at all.

So we’re both at a loss for next steps. He gave her a bupe SR injection because I wrote on the consent form, “No Convenia, Yes Bupe SR” which I meant, “if you’re doing extractions...” but he took it to mean give her an injection either way. This is not the worst thing. We get 3 days of bupe to see if that resolves her eating. If it does, I also have my transdermal prescription being refilled for pick up tomorrow. That will buy us time until we can decide the next step.

I also need to get a video of her “lick and wince” that I can send to the vet.

Right now, she’s relaxing on the bed. I am hoping she has groomed herself enough for that but I guess we can always go back to the laundromat again tomorrow.

Aside from some meat stock, she hasn’t really touched the food tonight. I put out some pate-style from the can and another can I whipped up like a milkshake and put a puddle of that on another plate. Let’s see if she has a texture preference.

She had a rough day. I’m thinking about getting out of her hair for a couple of hours, and giving her time enough for a good nap at home. I’m sure she’ll come around again to food once she’s feeling more settled. She had a rough path to get back to the bed. But it is nice to see my poop cat back where she belongs.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 15, 2019
Poor girl. It's hard when you're trying to help them but they don't understand. :( And how frustrating that her teeth all seem fine but she's acting like she has mouth pain. Hoping today is better for you guys.
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  • #963


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Sep 7, 2018
She didn’t eat at all last night. This morning I gave her a crumb of mirtazapine. Something approach 1/4 tablet? I don’t know. The pill is too small to split past half’s. It may be 1/4. It may be 1/8. I took a decent sized crumb from previous splits, put it within a piece of meat stock jello and pilled her rather efficiently. I don’t see the crumb spit out and I don’t have a cat foaming at the mouth. And now we wait to see how long it takes this time. Last time I gave her mirtz it took all day and sometime in the night, it finally kicked in.

Once she finally made it to the bed last night, she barely moved from that spot all night. She occasionally sat up to look at the food but then rolled back over. A few times she stretched out towards me like she’d reach out and touch me if she had two more feet of arms. Then she’d give up and remain in that spot. Finally sometime early in the morning, she got up from that spot and took a more normal position right next to me. But still no eating...
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  • #964


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Sep 7, 2018
I mixed some meat stock with a quarter portion of food and she ate that. But that's her morning ration of meat stock. I can't give her enough meat stock to get her to eat as much as she needs to without making her sick in the gut or messy out the butt. So she's had something but it's clearly not enough.

Now she looks unsettled. Not eating, not sleeping, and not really relaxed. Like she started to curl up for nap but there's some reason she won't put her head down. Instead she has this dazed stare at the wall. It's probably the bupe SR. I don't remember because we skipped it last time.

Still waiting for the mirtazapine to kick in....
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  • #967


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Sep 7, 2018
She has eaten some. But she’s also staring off most of the time. It’s like she’s wired on the bupe (or the mirtz?). I think it’s time I got out of her hair and let her figure out if a nap might happen today. I also think she’ll keep nibbling if I stop watching her so intently. Will it be enough? Probably not. But it’s a lot harder to restart a fasting cat than it is to get a nibbler to nibble more or more often.
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  • #969


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Sep 7, 2018
She’s been eating more. Still nibbling but she’s slowly making her way through it. Something about this plate vs the other plate (they are the same plates!) that she wants to eat from one but not the other. She doesn’t even want to nibble at the feeder portion. So as she keeps making headway on her chosen plate, I keep moving food from the other plate or the feeder on to it. Whatever works!
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  • #970


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Sep 7, 2018
She still hasn’t napped and I created a pungent wet spot where she has spent the majority of the last 20 hours. I reapplied the natural flea spray to the bedding where she has been. I also rubbed her down with some more after yesterday’s poopscapades. She has once again achieved best smelling cat status. And it seems to be working. Neither of us have been itching today. Or at least not noticeably so. I still found flea diet on the bed when she got up but less. And I’m told this is to be expected until she’ll let me comb her out.

And finally, I moved my albatross, the portable AC unit from the living room to the office. I can not believe how difficult it is to find a door kit for the ventilation. Has no ever thought of this? And why are all the kit so only 1.3m? Who has 4 ft doors? The only 2 m kits I found didn’t fit the hose. And I just don’t trust amazon anymore to sell me the correct adapter for that hole. So to the office with the ac unit and I’ll just have to hope the cool air creeps around the corners and eventually cools the apartment. I mean how much cold air can the office hoard before it starts to leak elsewhere.

If there is any bright side to the door kit debacle, I have an airlock type attachment around the door now. This should make it easier to leave the door open at night too cool down the place while having an extra barrier to keep the outside critters where they belong.
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  • #971


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Sep 7, 2018
I wonder if the stony bupe has mellowed the meowzapine. She keeps returning to her food like the mirtz kicked in. But she hasn’t had the lovey session or the meows like mirtz usually does to her. Turns her into a purring, meowing love bomb that explodes in my lap before she moves on to food. Then again, she does that at least once every morning. Somewhere between my first and second cup of coffee, she re-emerges from under the bookcase, makes her way to my lap, and wants pets and scritches until she’s full up. Then she jumps off and starts eating. If that’s what I need to do for her to eat, then I’ll suffer through it. ;)
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  • #973


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Sep 7, 2018
I popped into the vet’s office to chat with the techs and the one who assisted the dr yesterday was in. She said they had to inspect her tongue and move it around to intubate her for breathing support while she’s under. Nothing abnormal. I need to get a video of her lick and wince.

Picking through that plate. I already emptied one feeder onto it and the other opened after I left. She’s been more or less sitting or laying in that spot with her eyes open unable to sleep for most of the day with an occasional break to nibble before returning to that spot.
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  • #974


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Sep 7, 2018
Could you utilize a small fan to help move the cold air?
I have a ceiling fan and two other fans in the front room. But not really one for that area. Yet. So yeah. Probably I can pick up something else to turn the corner.
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  • #976


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Sep 7, 2018
I thought she was done nibbling. So I went to get the vacuum to do flea cleanup and she heads straight for the food dishes like she’s concerned I’ll vacuum them up. Alright. You get those. I’ll turn around and clean the other room.

Do I need to add a vacuum to our feeding shift now?
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  • #978


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Sep 7, 2018
Could you utilize a small fan to help move the cold air?
Yeah. Now that I see the corner it needs to turn, there are two litter boxes there. I think I’ll let the cold air diffuse on its own.
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  • #979


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Sep 7, 2018
I appreciate how chill my kitty is that I can use the hand vac to clean up the flea dirt off the bed not three feet away from her while she eats her food.

The mirtz is definitely working. She keeps returning to the plates. I don’t even mind the nibbles now as long as she keeps returning.

I might keep her on the mirtz for a week or two to help her regain weight and keep us out of the vet’s office for at least a couple of weeks.
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  • #980


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Sep 7, 2018
Yay for mirtazapine! It’s only 8 am and she has at least another hour (sometimes two if she’s really slow eating) to finish first breakfast. First breakfast is nearly gone. I don’t know if she’s able to get any napping done yet. I don’t know that she’s slept any since the SR. But she’s putting the food away like I haven’t seen her do in at least a couple of weeks. She eats. She goes under the bookcase. She comes out to sit in my lap for some loving. Then she goes back to the plates to eat again. She has been doing this circuit since 6am.
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