Krista's Care

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  • #361


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Sep 7, 2018
Boo! Bile pukes. :( Looks like she got into the curry buffet. :doh:

She kinda looked like she might hairball all day long. But no hairball. :dunno:

Assuming she's done, I'm kind of relieved. It takes her off the hook for today/tonight's eating. Hopefully the tummy rest will do us both good and we can try again in the morning with a fresh can, the spoiled diva.
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  • #363


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Sep 7, 2018
Boo! More bile pukes and still not eating. I'm rooting for her to bring up the mother of all hairballs. But I think we're seeing the vet tomorrow. I've offered her just about everything I want to offer tonight including the very last of the portioned Rad Cat. She's not only not having any of it (incl. that last bit of Rad Cat) but she bile puked in between "what else you got?" inquiries. Sad! She kept asking for food but wasn't touching anything. I don't want to pill her with Cerenia tonight. I gave her CBD oil instead. Easier to squirt that into the side of her mouth. And it's oil--there's no spitting that out. It should help with the nausea and silence the barf signal just like Cerenia. It may even allow her to relax. Or stare at the wall and get the munchies? :lol: One can hope! She's got the staring at a wall thing down. :D
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  • #364


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Sep 7, 2018
Made up a nano-batch of the homemade turkey with freeze dried liver and heart. I forgot the calcium but it's only a 45 g batch. The addition of heart brought it a lot closer to the Rad Cat look and smell. I'm thinking if Krista was feeling better and her mouth wasn't bothering her, she might actually go for this.

She's kind of restless. She doesn't look nauseated but she also doesn't look relaxed and can't seem to lay for very long. I wish she'd eat, sleep, or eat and then sleep. But this restless, "maybe I'll sleep or maybe I'll barf", this has to go!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 15, 2019
I'm sorry. I hope Krista feels better and wants to have some food soon! :hearthrob:
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  • #366


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Sep 7, 2018
She's nibbling at Tiki Cat Ahi Tuna. Beside tuna flakes, this is probably the first food in her in a day. I'll let her have a tablespoon every hour or two and see if she wants to come back to the Rawz as she gets food back in her.

I know she needs to see the vet. But I'm not looking forward to arguing with her Dr over liver values while she continues to starve herself. Or spring for another dental that still may not fix the problem. And I don't want to start the next big bill when I'm still not caught up from the last one. She's trying to spend my mid-year bonus before I get it. :( And I still need a new bed. And my car needs the service I've been putting off while paying down vet bills.

Now if the vet would just yank all her teeth already, I'd spring for that. But this spinnning our wheels in the mud with her teeth and liver values. I don't know how much more either of us can afford this.
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  • #367


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Sep 7, 2018
Well, whatever the next step, this won't do. The first step needs to be bloodwork to rule out other issues or complications. Then if she's not in need of critical support, I'll start her on bupe and see if there is an animal dentist that can either do an FME or put together a better plan than giving her a few good weeks at a time before the next $1000 dental.

I will make the call to her regular vet just as soon as she's finished eating what she's going to eat from the fresh Tiki Tuna can I put out for her. I don't want to distract her because she looks very frustrated and ready to give up on eating.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 15, 2019
Oh man. I am sorry. Please post if you set up a crowd funding site like GoFundMe, I'm sure many would like to help.
That's frustrating to have to argue with the vet, too. I hate when they (vets, doctors) won't listen to us.
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  • #369


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Sep 7, 2018
There won't be a GoFundMe. I can afford her bills. It's just not how I want to be spending my money. If the treatment was fixing her, if we could yank them all at once, even if we needed to back to a feeding tube for a short period of time, then I would feel like we were getting good return on my money. But the amount of money I've spent on testing her liver values hasn't helped her get any better. They've been in her mouth three times this year and she's still not the same fur pig she used to be. I'm not saying they aren't doing a good job. I trust her when she says pulling healthy teeth could break her jaw. Each time they go into her mouth, she does get better than before they went in, but we're still not back to painless eating. It is entirely possible that they can go back into her mouth this week and find a new broken tooth or a new fragment or something. But how much relief does that get her and for how long?
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  • #370


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Sep 7, 2018
She finished 3/4 of an ounce of Tiki tuna tonight. She's probably had about 1 to 1.5 oz today. I've been purposely limiting her portions because while tuna flakes are definitely part of her diet, this Tiki Cat Ahi Tuna only comes out when she's having trouble eating. She also hasn't had food in her belly for over a day. I'm hoping she hangs onto what I've fed her. I sneaked a little CBD oil into the last bite of her dinner tuna. It's not a full dose, but it's better than nothing.

(For anyone who might come across my post in a search for CBD)

I'm using CBD oil in place of Cerenia because I already know Cerenia affects Krista's appetite. It's more of a "couldn't hurt, might help [with nausea/preventing vomiting]" situation here. I am not using it in place of bupenorphine. I know CBD oil is not strong enough for acute dental pain. And when she does go back on bupenorphine after her blood test tomorrow, I will not combine CBD and bupe as the combination can lengthen and deepen the sedative effects of both. They compete for the same liver resources to metabolize them. For the record, I think CBD is great medicine in people and has some proven efficacy in dogs. But I think the research on cats specifically is lacking. I know in people it can be difficult to find the right dose for the condition and more is not better. CBD behaves differently at different doses. This is all to say that it's already a lot of guesswork in people. I only use it with Krista when I don't have a more proven treatment option (or the better understood option is counterproductive like Cerenia producing anorexia in Krista.)
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  • #371


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Sep 7, 2018
We made it through a can of Tiki Cat Ahi Tuna and then a little more of another can. So maybe 100 calories or half what she usually gets. She will need to eat 3 cans or almost 9 oz to match the 200 calories she was eating in 6 oz of Rawz. So I don't think we'll get back to that, but at least she's eating again and feeling better for having food in her belly again.
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  • #372


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Sep 7, 2018
This cat hates this vet now. She’s not at all a mean cat but she gets hissy and growling now when the vet was just trying to pet her some before the exam. The Dr takes her back to draw her blood and comes back 10 minutes later asking if she can anesthesize her to take blood. I told her if you’re anesthesizing, you may as well perform the dental today. I may even leave her overnight so she has a night to sleep off the anesthesia and the procedure and generally calm down. I told her to take as many teeth as she can without breaking her jaw. I want that last canine gone. I forgot to tell her that. But if it’s not going bad, that’s probably the one that would break her jaw trying to extract.

If we can get some relief, I’ll have to take Krista down to the vet office a few more times for no-poke visits to reprogram her relationship with this vet.
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  • #374


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Sep 7, 2018
The Dr called earlier and said their dental tech isn't comfortable doing proactive extractions. I pleaded my case and the Dr will proceed with anesthesia, X-rays, and any necessary extractions or clean-ups they see. But if it's not something obvious, I may be taking her home and sticking it out with Tiki Cat and pain meds until we can see a dental specialist. I'm just waiting to hear how it went and whether they were able to do anything for her today. I am leaving her overnight to sleep off the anesthetic and the excitement of the day. Hopefully I will get a less hissy and poopy cat tomorrow morning. Hopefully with an improved mouth for eating too.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I was just popping in, after seeing that charming photo of her and you stroking her nose yesterday when you said she felt a little icky, because I wanted to find out how things sounds somewhat complicated, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and for her that tomorrow is a better day!
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  • #376


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Sep 7, 2018
She’s been feeling icky for a few days because her teeth pain exceeded her hunger and she stopped eating again. She had two nights of bile pukes. I got her eating again with Tiki Cat tuna but that’s not in her regular rotation. So she was a little stink faced from an upset stomach in that picture.
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  • #377


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Sep 7, 2018
She got all her lower incisors removed. They were all wiggly. She had half a premolar. Where the other half went we don’t know. The remaining half was extracted. A couple root fragments that the Dr thought she got last time were still there. Those got removed. Her upper incisors and one lower canine remain. She may have a premolar left but I don’t think so. I’m thinking that last canine is going to hang on to the end. Krista One Tooth. She still has teeth which means we can still go through this again sooner or later. But hopefully enough problems were removed to get her some lasting relief again. She needs to get fat before the next time so she’ll have weight to lose.
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  • #378


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Sep 7, 2018
She’s staying the night. Hopefully she’ll remember herself by morning and won’t be a hissing, growling, pooping mess like she would be if I took her tonight.


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Alpha Cat
Mar 21, 2003
Oh......I do hope this awful saga you both are having to endure, stops soon. So much to go through and when you know they are in pain of one sort or another, that is just hard to deal with.
I hope...…….really hope this buys her a LONG time, before she ever has to go through this again. And maybe, it won't ever bother her again! We can always hope, right?
Today, I brought my Kelsie Kitty (the one in my Avatar Picture--the black and white kitty) into the Vet and she is having similar troubles as your little one. (Sigh). She has an appointment on March 26th for a "Dental with Anesthesia". She too has a chunk of tooth in her gum that looks infected/inflamed and 4 incisor teeth that look quite bad. They are her only remaining teeth. This triggered open sores in her mouth (Stomatitis). Did they say if your little one, has that going on too? I hope not!!!
I am fine, if they take the remaining teeth out, because if all they are doing is making her miserable, I know for a fact, she likes canned food and life without misery is a much better quality of life for everyone, pets, included!!!!
I hope your kitty heals VERY quickly and stays well now!!!
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  • #380


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Sep 7, 2018
I've been reading about full mouth extractions. Apparently they are more common for stomatitis because the inflammation makes the teeth more wiggly to begin with. Resorptive lesions, what Krista has, however seem to take their sweet time getting around to all her teeth. So unfortunately, our choices are probably 1) do these extractions as and when they become painful enough to be necessary or 2) see a specialist who may have an even pricier treatment plan for us. It doesn't hurt to have a consultation and maybe they can learn a thing or two from her films before I have to drive her an hour each way to the specialist.
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