Knocking On Doors


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 26, 2012
0 cat Charlie has an "issue" with doors or anything that opens and closes in general. Cabinet doors, the front door, our bedroom door, drawers, cardboard boxes and anyting else you can think of. She likes to paw at them, loudly and non-stop until I or my boyfriend says something to her or makes her stop. We don't know if it's because she likes to make noise or feels like she needs to scratch even though she's been declawed since the was about 8 months old and she's 5 and a half years old now. It doesn't matter to her if she is in or out of the room or area, she'll still "knock" on the door. And there's no specific time of day she does these things either.

Here are some examples of things she does:

1) We have a tall cabinet nest to our bath room (which also has a door and she knocks on it too!) and she'll paw at it with one paw at first, kind of quiet and then she get on it with both paws pounding on the door. She's been in there before so she knows whats inside but still she continues to paw and paw and paw.

2) We let her inside the cabinet next to the bathroom. A minute later, facing the inside of the cabinet, she starts pawing on the wall. Then she'll turn around and paw on the inside of the door to get out like she is satisfied with what she has accomplished and goes about her normal business.

3) If one us is in the bathroom and the door is closed the paws at the door. If we let her in and close the door she paws at it to get out.

4) Recently, like with in the few weeks or so, Charlie has been pawing at the bedroom door very loudly at different but inconsistant times of the day and night. But this only happens when the door is closed. It's like she's become nervous about the door being closed when we do let her roam the house all the time. Her food and litter box are in our room and she sleeps with us every night but it's never enough that no matter what she always gets upset when the door is closed. I'm used to her pawing at the bedroom door when she wants inside, especially at night time and that's okay. But now she hates it when the door is closed and she's inside. It's like she's nervous about it. Right now, it's 3:45 pm and the bedroom door is open and she's content, resting on the bed with us. With in the hour, if the door has been shut, she gets up and makes her way casually to the door, sniffs it, sits down, looks the door up and down then reaches up and starts pawing at it. She acts like we keep her cooped up in the bedroom all the time which is not true at all.

I don't really know what else to add...she is perfectly Charlie all the time but just recently that particular behavior has taken a seemingly nervous turn, I'm not SUPER concerned but I am actually extremely curious about why she does this at all. And I have gotten her a scratching post and box and she ignores them or sleeps on the box. Whenever we go to my mothers house and we bring Charlie along she ignores all the scratching accessories there aswell because my mother has cats and two of my brothers cats (who have their claws).

Is there some other kind of solution to this problem or a reason for this behavior so that I can better understand Charlie???

And if anyone has any questions about my cat that may shed light on the pawing please don't hesitate to ask!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
Has she always gone to your mother's house (i.e. around the other cats with claws), or does the behavior correlate with that visit? I'm curious if maybe the interaction with the cats with claws caused your cat to miss hers. Just a thought.
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TCS Member
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Jul 26, 2012
The "phantom claws syndrom" is a thought though! Lol, I'll have to ask her if she misses them, seriously

She only visits my mom occasionaly, like when we're going out of town or Christmas or when I feel like bugging my mom.

First I used to live with my mom, step dad, Kitty, Boots and Charlie (she was a kitten) and with Charlie that was for 10 mo. (07'March-January)

Then in January of 08', I went to live with my dad and step mom for 2 years. I couldn't bring Charlie because step mom is allergic.

A year and a half after I moved in with my dad, my mom moved and had Charlie with her.

After I finished school in the 2 years and 9 months I lived with my dad, I met my boyfriend and we moved back into Charlie-as-a-kitten house in February of 2011 and she's been with the two of us ever since.

This behavior has been apparent all her life but only recently has it been progressing onto anything with a door. It's SO weird but I'm used to it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I've noticed that de-clawed cats show some odd "scratching" behaviors. I guess only they know why :lol3:. But I also have a few (fully clawed of course) cats who will paw at doors or walls like that, with claws completely sheathed. One of them (who was allowed outside) would do it to ask to go out, but the ones I have now aren't allowed out and will do it to the side of the fish tank or the wall or the cabinet, for no obvious reason. Cats are just weird, I guess.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 22, 2012
San Jose, Ca
Your cat sounds bored so maybe he'd like a friend (I'm a big proponent of multiple cats).

Also, something that comes to mind...

Some cats get fixated on interesting things they can do to manipulate their environment.

For instance, my friend has a cat who is OBSESSED with knocking over anything with liquid in it. No glass is safe in her house.

And this cat..


There are puzzle games that are marketed for dogs that cats can enjoy too like this thing:

You can try to make your own puzzle toys too. Put treats in high plastic cups (right-side up and upside down), cut paw sized holes in a box and put treats inside. 

Clicker train!

I hide treats around the house on occasion fro them to hunt(forage?).
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TCS Member
Jul 25, 2012
Two of my cats do a similar thing. Eddie started when he was only young & at first it was only closed doors (not cupboards). I put it down to the 'cats don't like closed doors' thing. It was only the spare room door (it was the only one ever closed). I stuck some vinyl tiles on the bottom of the door so he wouldn't damage it. Over time it turned into being naughty & simply seeking attention so I started using a spray bottle filled with water. He started doing it on OPEN doors too.

Eventually he stopped but will do it on occasions to get my attention, ie I'm sleeping in or busy when he thinks it's time I fed him!

Gracie on the other hand will 'knock' on cupboard doors in the kitchen & the bathroom & even the bathroom mirror. She also launches unprovoked attacks on the carpet near the hinge side of doorways no matter if the door is open or closed. I think she just does it to entertain herself. She came from a single cat household originally & doesn't interact with the other cats a great deal.

None of my cats have been de clawed so I cannot offer any insight into the implications of that.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 26, 2012
Hi everyone! I am so sorry, I've had some serious computer issues and I've finally just gotten a new computer so everything fixed now (:

Also, everyone's input has been very insightful and I've been thinking about this hard but we've just gotten over the fact that we can't shut the door all the way so that's that and now she's a happy cat (:

AND she now has a newplace to eat, drink, and sleep so I think that's actually helped quite a bit, feeling like she has "ownership" over an area of our bedroom besides the open closet lol.

Thank you again!

peer jones

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 10, 2012
Central Florida (Orlando area)
Kitten goes nuts at bathroom door if I don't leave it open for her to come in

She will jump on counter top and play with handbasin and/or toilet roll

Rest of the time she doesn't go anywhere near bathroom. (except once when she unrolled a brand new toilet roll onto floor)

Since she's been spayed shes outside as much as possible (doesn't go far, just likes being out)

She does paw like crazy when she want's in though, I got a picture of her earlier today
