Kitty lost his voice and now gagging without producing anything.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2020
My 6 year old indoor nurtured male is having a bit of an issue, not quite sure what it is and if emergency vet visit is needed.

About 4 days ago I noticed he's voice sounded more quiet and raspy but everything else seemed fine. He's eating, drinking, playing, and using the litter box. I figured he lost his voice from constant hissing at the new cat Anya (1 year old female) that we introduced to our household 3 months ago. Although we introduced them slowly and took all the advice we found, there was still a lot of hissing from Poke when he's not in the mood to play. Otherwise they get along well and play often.

Apart from raspy voice all seemed normal until today. He's still able to eat and hold down food. Using the litter box, but has been sleeping all day. While he's sleeping, if he stretches or turns over he'll have one single gag, like he's trying to bring something up, but nothing comes up. It's very disheartening to see and I can tell he's not feeling well :(

Any thoughts what this might be and how I can help him? I am letting him rest without disturbing him, because any moving around seems to make him gag.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2020
I would be concerned that he might have something stuck in his throat, esophagus, or even stomach.
It could be affecting his breath which would change the quality of his vocalizations.
If it were me, I’d be going to the vet for proper examination and probably x-rays.
It's dinner time, he's definitely hungry as per usual but having trouble eating without gagging. I think we're going to have to take him in to emergency. He's not a vet friendly cat, it's going to be a long night.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2020
Is gaging common with upper respiratory infections because of sore throat?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
A cat with a URI might gag due to a sore throat, but you might see other signs of that infection such as a runny nose or discharge. Please let us know what happened at the ER.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2020
A cat with a URI might gag due to a sore throat, but you might see other signs of that infection such as a runny nose or discharge. Please let us know what happened at the ER.
No other symptoms really except gaging and raspy voice, which seems to have improved slightly, he's not gagging as much, but once in a while will retch and did bring up some phlegm/mucus today. I am almost certain it's throat related otherwise he'd be bringing up food. It happens mostly when he's sleeping and tries to adjust his position, or flips upside down.

Still eating, using the restroom, no runny nose, slightly watery eyes. And breathing sounds a little congested.

We called ER last night, but after a few questions they advised to just keep an eye on him and bring him in if he develops other symptoms or stopps eating. Called another vet today, they told us they're booked but can bring him in tomorrow morning if symptoms don't improve.

Currently I got the humidifier going and got some L-Lysine powder that I added to his food. I am starting to think he must have gotten this bug from our new cat, even though we gotten her 3 months ago, recently he's been eating her food that she doesn't finish.

Keeping a close eye on him for now.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Gagging and raspy voice can be a result of drainage from allergies or URI. Stress can cause upper respiratory infections, so if you've introduced a new kitty, that stress alone can be the culprit.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2020
Just a quick update, after my last post our Kitty has improved everyday. The gagging stopped and his voice returned to normal. We believe it was due to all the hissing or maybe eating dry food to fast irritating the throat.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 8, 2014
Boston, MA
No other symptoms really except gaging and raspy voice, which seems to have improved slightly, he's not gagging as much, but once in a while will retch and did bring up some phlegm/mucus today. I am almost certain it's throat related otherwise he'd be bringing up food. It happens mostly when he's sleeping and tries to adjust his position, or flips upside down.

Still eating, using the restroom, no runny nose, slightly watery eyes. And breathing sounds a little congested.

We called ER last night, but after a few questions they advised to just keep an eye on him and bring him in if he develops other symptoms or stopps eating. Called another vet today, they told us they're booked but can bring him in tomorrow morning if symptoms don't improve.

Currently I got the humidifier going and got some L-Lysine powder that I added to his food. I am starting to think he must have gotten this bug from our new cat, even though we gotten her 3 months ago, recently he's been eating her food that she doesn't finish.

Keeping a close eye on him for now.
I swear my 4 yr old cat Baby, had the same thing. We got a new kitten 2 weeks ago (George) and there was a day or 2 of Baby hissing/growling, what I read is normal behavior when a new kitty is brought into the home. After 1.5days of constant hissing/growling anytime he saw George, they were running around playing, eating together, laying together, no more hissing. I could've done a longer separation, but the kitten kept escaping the bathroom every time I went I just said "you know what, we're just doing this"..(I've done this before with cats and it was successful). However, a few days later, Baby wasn't acting like himself, he wouldn't eat/drink, didn't want his treats or catnip, he was sleeping a lot, and I became concerned/worried. He was gagging so I thought he had something stuck in his throat..(I experimented with a few different wet foods - pate - to see which would be best for the both of them, then I started thinking it could've been a reaction to the diff foods). Long story short... $800 later and 2 trips to our vet (Thur) then the emergency vet hospital (Sun), because I was worried he had something stuck in his throat or an obstruction somewhere...turns out it was a URI. Even tho the first vet said no to URI. Baby had clean bloodwork, no blockage..etc.. but he wasn't eating/ said it was definitely a URI, they gave him fluids, but no meds.. He lost a a little over a pound during the time he wasn't eating/drinking and had a slight temp at the hospital..they didn't seem too concerned and said it would just run its course. Baby is much better 7 days later, he meows, but no sound...hoping that comes back soon but I was so elated to see him drinking at his fountain, after days of placing him there to just walk away from it. I was getting so stressed by it all and just wanted my Baby to feel better. He's back to eating, stretching, happy to see his treats and catnip, Laying on his back showing his belly and giving head nudges...Glad your kitty is ok as well.