Kitty Has Come Back!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2018
Hi. My cat Kitty (male black 14 1/2) died of cancer beginning of November. He always wanted to be with us since the moment we adopted him. I believe in reincarnation and truly believe he would do anything to come back as soon as possible.

When he passed we always felt his presence and he came to me in a waking dream(thats when they communicate) and thanked me and told me that it isn't time for a new cat yet but it will be. He also told me he wanted me to help other cats in the meantime.

So the last few months I spent time doing TNR , taking kittens to shelters, etc. In the last few week we saved 24 kittens from the street. I kept wondering if perhaps one of them was really Kitty. I just didn't feel it.

I believed Kitty would come back black again(he knows we have a special place for them) and at the end of the same moth that he was adopted 15 yrs ago.
I also saw images that he wasn't coming alone. I always saw him with another black kitten on my lap.

We go the shelter and moment we walk in we see 3 people showing interest in 2 black kittens. Kittens were very wild but looked at us when we came in. Something told me they might be the "one".
My husband said don't worry if he REALLY is Kitty he won't be going home with them.

He was right.

We got them!

Heres the weird thing. When they come back they don't have to look the same. We knew he would be black but Kitty always had a part of his upper gum that was black like a tattoo. 2 days ago I see NEW Kitty has similar mark on his upper gum.


TCS Member
Jul 12, 2018
How wonderful! I know how you feel and am so happy you have another Kitty. My beautiful 13 year old cat, Abby passed away a couple months ago. I asked my mom who passed many years ago to give me a sign that she had my Abby. My daughter and I were shopping and low and behold there was a sign on a white shelf with flowers on it that had my mother's name on it. We both cried and now I know Abby is fine in heaven.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
3 months after Simon was put down because of stomach cancer we took in Stanley, a little cat that was at my work, probably the people moved and left him behind. Shortly after that he started to do things that Simon used to do and only Simon, and we counted about 11 or 12 things and thought "this can't be a coincidence" and talked to Cindy Wenger a well known animal communicator here in PA. and she told us that Simon enjoyed it here with us so much he wants to stay, and when we knew this and acknowledged outloud "we understand Simon, it's okay, you can stay here with us forever", Stanley stopped doing all but 1 or 2 things immediately, so I believe in your story!

And THANK YOU for doing great TNR work too, enjoy your new friends!!! :)

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
3 months after Simon was put down because of stomach cancer we took in Stanley, a little cat that was at my work, probably the people moved and left him behind. Shortly after that he started to do things that Simon used to do and only Simon, and we counted about 11 or 12 things and thought "this can't be a coincidence" and talked to Cindy Wenger a well known animal communicator here in PA. and she told us that Simon enjoyed it here with us so much he wants to stay, and when we knew this and acknowledged outloud "we understand Simon, it's okay, you can stay here with us forever", Stanley stopped doing all but 1 or 2 things immediately, so I believe in your story!

And THANK YOU for doing great TNR work too, enjoy your new friends!!!
We've had experiences with animal communicators too.
Ask me about animal communicators 10 years ago and I would have laughed so hard I would have coughed up a lung, but working with a GOOD one is...eye opening to say the least.
I have one here that I am (personally) so bonded to, and he to me, and the communicator said he said he'd be "with (me) forever" and I feel he'll either come back as often as possible (and we'll cross over together whenever I die), or he'll move on and wait loyally.
I feel lucky being attached to these little guys.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2018
Yes, I believe since our pets souls are linked to us and no one else they are more bonded to us and are more likely to come back fast. Its different with humans since humans have bonds with multiple souls.

The dark mark on his upper gum is just freakish. My husband jokingly said that it is kind of insulting. The dark spot on his gums makes himthink Kitty thought we needed extra help to identify him lol.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Each and every living thing has a 'soul' or whatever is present to make them who they are, each one is unique and precious. When the physical body fails, this 'soul' departs and either waits for us, or comes back to accompany us on our own life's journey for a little way once more. I believe most people don't ever feel this connection, it just is. Don't doubt that mark, it is a sign from your loved one, it is strong love that makes the journey once more instead of waiting in peace.
If you have ever been to a funeral and looked upon the deceased, you 'feel' that the person is gone, they are different, because the soul has departed, it is no longer 'them'. But the feelings you have, the love you feel will never be gone. It is within you forever, it is eternal so never dies. It is a bond between your very souls, and can be used to send love and comfort for the rest of your life. And keep you connected spiritually. Enjoy your time on earth, you have filled it with joy and happiness, you also know the pain and grief that comes with being parted from your loved one. Use your memories to bring you the comfort of the past, and use those sweet babies to bring back the joy you felt with the love of Kitty. You have saved so many little lives, I am sure he guided and helped you along the way. You honored his name and his memory by doing the work you did, now he has sent you a sign to let you know he is back, you are blessed indeed!

stephanie junca

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
I have had some interesting things happen since I had to put my Paprika down 3 weeks ago.

Initially when the vet put her to sleep, she left us alone with her. I held her and told her how much I would miss her and that she didn't have to suffer anymore and just to rest. A few minutes passed when I knew that she was gone. It was the weirdest feeling.

Since then, I've had some feelings where I sense her presence. One time I was washing the dishes in my apartment and I felt like there was someone behind me. It was almost as if she were there waiting for me to feed her. I turn around and of course she isn't there but I just couldn't shake the feeling that she was in the kitchen with me.

I also felt really heart broken of course since her passing but I got her ashes back yesterday and I feel almost better. At least she is home.

I'm at my parents house right now where Paprika spent half her life. My dad confided in me that before I texted the family on the day of her passing that he was thinking of her. He was outside mowing the lawn and all of the sudden started having these flashbacks of her playing and sitting outside in the garden. He stopped to think about her. Then he came inside and checked his phone when he saw my messages of Paprika's passing. He was so taken aback by that. It seems like she was thinking of him too.

Our pets become so bonded with us. We are their lives. Of course they would want to be with us again.

I too am volunteering for now in my community shelter. I am not ready to adopt again. I'm waiting until I feel the bond again with a kitty. I do hope it's Paprika coming back again... I do really miss her.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2018
Thank you all for your support.

They have been a handful and actually do something no cats recorded doing..drinking their own and each others urine. weird! no vet or the behaviorist has heard of that before and Dr. Google comes up negative. i will be posting in behavioral about this right now.
"I also felt really heart broken of course since her passing but I got her ashes back yesterday and I feel almost better. At least she is home."
The day/night kitty's ashes came back was spoky indeed. Apparently UPS delivered the ashes very late and it sat on the heater in the building hallway and in the middle of te night our digital alarm clock started having numbers change very fast. In movies you see that when a old fashion clock second hand moves around.
Anyway, I got the thought it was Kitty playing around but it probably was a message that hes in the building hallway..he is BACK! We found the box of ashes when we woke up and went outside.
The new kitty is personality a bit different ofcourse. He isn't as affectionate, the sibling is very affectionate though but I don't take it personally I know he loves me but his life has to be a bit different this time around.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Thank you all for your support.

They have been a handful and actually do something no cats recorded doing..drinking their own and each others urine. weird! no vet or the behaviorist has heard of that before and Dr. Google comes up negative. i will be posting in behavioral about this right now.
"I also felt really heart broken of course since her passing but I got her ashes back yesterday and I feel almost better. At least she is home."
The day/night kitty's ashes came back was spoky indeed. Apparently UPS delivered the ashes very late and it sat on the heater in the building hallway and in the middle of te night our digital alarm clock started having numbers change very fast. In movies you see that when a old fashion clock second hand moves around.
Anyway, I got the thought it was Kitty playing around but it probably was a message that hes in the building hallway..he is BACK! We found the box of ashes when we woke up and went outside.
The new kitty is personality a bit different ofcourse. He isn't as affectionate, the sibling is very affectionate though but I don't take it personally I know he loves me but his life has to be a bit different this time around.
That clock thing is strange. Very.
I've had some really odd things happen when people or pets die, and nothing can really explain it beyond an EXTREME coincidence, and in one case something profound enough that it changed me forever. These experiences shape who we are.
The new kitty may be toying with you a bit. Sometimes they take time to warm up. One of my own took YEARS to go from aloof to a cat that is magnetically charged to my lap. She'll leap in my lap when I am only half sat down, knock me back into the chair while I go "OOF" and is kneading, purring and content before I even know what just happened...


Inky's legacy - Belly rubs CAN tame feral cats!
Alpha Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I believe in all this, I've had some very strange experiences over the years. I was heartbroken when my first horse died. Months later and through some very random experiences he visited me in a dream and brought me to the place where I found my next horse, who I've had now for almost 22 years. He also visited me the night he died and showed me how happy he was in heaven we went galloping and jumping through the most beautiful green vivid fields I've ever seen, not of this Earth and he was so happy and healthy and joyful feeling
Years later when I bred my new horse she got pregnant on the very last time I was going to try before giving up after two years. On the anniversary date of when my first horse got sick before he died. She's solid colored with no white at all, so is the horse I bred her to but the baby horse has some white hairs in his forehead just like my first horse, between that and the date he was conceived I took it as a sign and named him after him.
I've had many dreams with him and deceased pets and my mom who died over the years. My twenty year old cat who was a heart cat sent me a kitten to cheer me up after she died who's a lot like her and born the same month she was.
My first Christmas after my mom died I really believe she sent me a tiny little three month old starving kitten to find and save. She loved kittens and was always saving animals and nothing helps sadness and grief like a feisty little kitten with their silly antics. I literally found him next to a busy road and just picked him up off the street. He immediately cuddled into my chest and we looked into each other's eyes and I felt this deep bond and connection and knew my mom was sending me her last Christmas present and wanted us to save each other. That cat is super attached to me and afraid of all strangers and hides. He let's other people he knows pet him but he follows me everywhere, even to the bathroom and shower. He sleeps right next to my head and is very cuddly and affectionate. Everyone else he hides from or gets jealous of. He likes other animals but Chase's them away from me. It took me six months to train him to stop attacking my dog. He loves the other cat who was the kitten my old cat sent me but they're always fighting over who gets to be closer to me.

There's so many signs and beautiful stories on here. I haven't been on this site in a long time and I was drawn here right away for some reason.

Shining Star

TCS Member
Oct 22, 2018
United States
Hi. My cat Kitty (male black 14 1/2) died of cancer beginning of November. He always wanted to be with us since the moment we adopted him. I believe in reincarnation and truly believe he would do anything to come back as soon as possible.

When he passed we always felt his presence and he came to me in a waking dream(thats when they communicate) and thanked me and told me that it isn't time for a new cat yet but it will be. He also told me he wanted me to help other cats in the meantime.

So the last few months I spent time doing TNR , taking kittens to shelters, etc. In the last few week we saved 24 kittens from the street. I kept wondering if perhaps one of them was really Kitty. I just didn't feel it.

I believed Kitty would come back black again(he knows we have a special place for them) and at the end of the same moth that he was adopted 15 yrs ago.
I also saw images that he wasn't coming alone. I always saw him with another black kitten on my lap.

We go the shelter and moment we walk in we see 3 people showing interest in 2 black kittens. Kittens were very wild but looked at us when we came in. Something told me they might be the "one".
My husband said don't worry if he REALLY is Kitty he won't be going home with them.

He was right.

We got them!

Heres the weird thing. When they come back they don't have to look the same. We knew he would be black but Kitty always had a part of his upper gum that was black like a tattoo. 2 days ago I see NEW Kitty has similar mark on his upper gum.
The same mark?! well he came back as a kitten again to begin a new life.