kitty dream...


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
So I dreamed that there was a sick kitty at my old job, which I haven't worked at for 4 years- I was a waitress at a bar..
The manager there really hated me, and surprise she showed up in my dream saying I can't take the sick kitty to the vet. She kept stopping me and making me finish my shift. It was so heartbreaking cuz the part where the kitty was sick was so vivid, she was really small and she kept following me and she would meow and then get on the floor looking really numb and lifeless

I can feel the sadness right now as I'm typing this, I had this dream two nights ago and it still keeps showing up in my memory.

Weird thing is at the end of the dream, I found the manager's dog stuck in a closet and he came out happy and licked me- and the manager was like I have a new found respect for you, you rescued my dog, how can I ever repay you

Anyway sometimes dreams just stick with me like that. On top of it all today, I almost ran over a squirrel. It was in the middle of a tiny beat up road downtown with cars parallel parked on both sides of the road, and the squirrel was underneath one of the parked cars so I didnt' see it, and quickly moved into the road, I slammed on my breaks and thankfully it managed to escape. It really shocked me though and until i went back to make sure there wasnt' a dead squirrel on the road i was shaking.
Anyway today I'm just all touchy like that, thinking about suffering a little too much. And I wanted to vent a bit.

But I did think it was cool to ask people if they had any interesting, weird, absolutely nonsensical dreams they could share? I love reading things like that


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 21, 2009
Mant years ago I woke up to my sister screaming and it seemed awful loud-her answer was no you were screaming as mom came running in. Turns out I had a dream I screamed in sleep then woke her up and instinct was she screamed too.

Mom was ready to nail an intruder. She was asleep on other end of house. it was so fast yet sooooooooooo slow.

Bits I remember was I was out at a park with my dad(i was about 10-12 yo at time of this dream and went to dads on weekends.) and firetrucks were all over something bad had gone down but not sure what.

Have dreamed of cats after they die. I don't find that to strange-cool in a sense tho.
Have also dreamed things that were going to happen(nothing big but delays/cats coming/job stuff/ where to find things)


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I used to work at a paper plant, a seven-day rotating shift schedule, one weekend off a month, hardly any holidays off work. Did it for 18 years and I got to the point where I just hated to set foot inside that door. I would stand in the shower and cry b/c the mere thought of going to work filled me with that much dread. After 18 years of that crap, I despised that place. I don't work there anymore; in fact, the plant shut down several years ago and the location is now a Super WalMart in addition to a strip mall. I work in a planning office now and, for the most part, I enjoy my job.

But every once in a while, I'll dream that the whole thing was a mistake, that my old boss calls me and tells me that I have to be at work at 3:00 in the afternoon....on a Saturday yet. And when I don't show up, two of the guys actually come after me and physically drag me into that place. I'm kicking and screaming the whole time, but I always end up back there, cussing a blue streak because I know I'm not supposed to be there anymore.

I'm yelling, "No, no, no, you can't do this to me!" out loud in my sleep and I wake DH up. Then he awakens me to tell me to knock it off. It seems so real and my heart is beating a mile a minute. It always takes me awhile to calm down.

Boy, I really hated that job for it to affect me like that, eleven years later. Thankfully, I don't have the dream that often anymore....actually, I think it's more like a nightmare.

And for months after Banshee died, I would dream that I could hear her meowing, but I couldn't find her anywhere in the house. I'd keep saying, "Baby, I can hear you! Where are you?!" And she'd meow, but I never found her. DH would awaken me and I was always in tears. Right before she sent Mollipop to live with us, the dream stopped and I haven't had it since. I think it's because Banshee was my heart kitty and I missed her so much.

Boy, I sound like a real basketcase. Sorry.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2005
I actually had a very odd dream last night (actually it was this morning when I should have been up getting ready for work
), I think eating anything pumpkin causes me to have crazy dreams. 3 times now I've eaten pumpkin roll and that night I had a weird dream.... coincidence? I think not

Anyhoo, in this dream I was cat-sitting crazyforinfo's cats, except she lived in a tiny apartment and had a large number (more than she actually has) of cats, lots of them kittens. My aunt came over and thought one of the litter of kittens, that were all black and white, were skunks
Later in this dream I took a test drive in a car and got lost on the back roads for hours and was late for work
see? crazy dream


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2006
I have lots of dreams, one of my addys for a long time was dreamdancer because I have so many dreams. I think some of it is an old family rumor about some of my past ancestors practicing magic, and maybe that is why I am so taken by cats. But anyway I have dreams that alot of times warn me of things to come and sometimes just of my fears of losing the people I love, I have abandonment issues, and when Tavia died I dreamed of her often I actually dreamed of her the day before she died and drove on an icy road to get to her. But when I got Pixie the days beforehand I would dream of Tavia and it was almost like she was telling me that she has found the cat she wants to be in my heart now. After I got Pixie I had dreams that Tavia had come to check on me and I strongly believe that your loved ones do visit in your dreams when they are gone. And I loved Tavia as much as I could love anyone.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
For some reason, I have dreams that the neighbors that live behind us have a beautiful swimming pool with a waterfall. I always wake up kind of a little jealous....