Kittens introduction, very aggresive.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2013
So I have made a thread about the SAME problem that I am still having a couple weeks ago but nothing I've tried is working at all. I'm a new cat owner :)

We have two kittens both a week apart in age. Nearly three months old each. We got our first kitten named Nylah when she was seven weeks old from some shady person whose cat had an accidental litter. After a couple days of letting her roam around the house we had found out she had ear mites. I had decided to quarantine her from the rest of the place by putting her in my room for a couple of days. She cried all day and night even when I was in there and would pull up my carpet and claw the door until we would let her go into the living room. We put lots of toys and everything in the room and her bed but she was determined to venture the rest of the house.

I live in a small apartment, one bathroom and two bedrooms. We had got her a playmate since she seemed lonely and we had planned to get another kitten anyways which we have named Lazzy. Because she cries in the room and was obviously stressed from being confined (wouldn't eat and was constipated...and constant crying.) we let her out of the room to stay into the rest of the house and cleaned it from top to bottom and put Lazzy in the room instead to acclimate. Now I've realized that's become a big mistake..Even though she is a kitten she seems to be very territorial of the whole house.

From the moment we got Laz, she would paw at the door and cry to be let in. They can definitely smell each other between the door. We decided after her ear mites had disappeared we'd gradually introduce them. We've tried feeding them together between doors. Kenneling one and letting them sniff each other, and finally physically meeting each other. That's when everything has gone wrong...

The moment we let him into the living room she bolts towards him, swatting and arching her back and just mauls him. It's not play fighting, its fighting for sure. Now when we try to let them play they chase each other around hissing and swatting until they're so tired they're panting. I try distracting them with toys and making loud sounds and punishing the one who begins the fights by kenneling but nothing is working ! :(

It's been about three weeks since we've introduced them and my poor Lazzy has been stuck in that room ever since. I feel so bad, I've tried switching her into the other bedroom which is bigger but she just cries and cries. I don't want to get rid of either of them. Do pheromone collars and Feliway diffusers work well on kittens? I'm to the point that I'll try anything if it works! Any suggestions???


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I'd go back to square one, and do it all again.. a pain I know, but probably the best way to go.

I see MoochNNoodles gave you the link to the whole process in the other thread.

Do it with Feliway diffusers this time.

Someone here has been suggesting using vanilla on each of them to make them smell the same.. not sure where it was written but people seem to be having success with it.  Grooming them with the same brush will also help to get them used to each other's scent.

But if you haven't tried Feliway, I'd be going with that.

They will sort it out.. it will just take time and patience.