Kittens getting into human food


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2014
Orlando, FL
Our two new babies like to get into our food while we r eating. Jumping on the table, if we look away for a second they are on the table eating or licking our food. I have no problem sharing but we don't want them making a habit of this. They have their food that's healthy for them and we have ours. We've given them shrimp but our mistake was giving it to them where we eat (this was only yesterday) which sends the message that it's ok. We shoulda cut up the shrimp and put it in their bowls. But what else can we do besides taking them off the table every 5 seconds to stop them from "begging" so to speak...or getting into things they shouldn't? Our older cat wants nothing to do with our food. He kinda just ignores when we eat. Any suggestions? I've heard of the spray bottles with water...haven't tried it yet. I'm a pushover. They r so cute I sometimes give in and let them eat certain things...please help...


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
There is a phrase I've heard that I like "begin as you mean to go."  I'm pretty sure I read it in something related to human children; but it helps with young cats too.
  How old are the new cats?  

When my 2 were small we crated them in a large wire dog crate at night and when we were at work or unable to supervise them.  We also stacked 2 baby gates (top one angled in) in the hallway so they had a larger area to run free when we were home but unable to supervise them.  

Some human foods are bad for cats; even toxic.  I'm not a fan of sharing because of that.  Definitely do not share where you eat.  I would say; if they jump up when you are eating, quietly but immediately remove them and put them where they cannot come back.  You need to be consistent about it as well or it's just sending mixed messages.  Cats generally don't learn/respond the same way dogs do; it can take a while to get them to understand some things. They also don't respond well to punishment.  Most here do not recommend spraying them with water:

Good luck!! 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2014
Orlando, FL
Thank u! I hadn't done the squirt bottle yet but now I won't even think it! After reading that article, I know we need to get at least 1 if not two more litter boxes. The one we have is huge. But with 3 cats it might not be big enough. We scoop it daily. And change litter biweekly. But the litter use isn't the problem. I wanted to remove them from the room while we r eating my hubby says they need to learn how to be in the presence of our food and go on about their business like Kitty. And I don't wanna crate them.
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