Kittens & Cats Eating Less Than They Used To - Arg!


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Young Cat
Apr 19, 2017
:wave3:I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or not, (definitely a possibility) :livid: but everything I read about cats not eating and getting fatty liver disease freaks me out. I have 2 kittens (teen-agers really) that are almost 9 months old and 1 that is about 5 months old. As for the older cats, 2 of them are 10 (one has diabetes, but is in remission - YAY), and the last one is 14, crabby, and has early stage CKD (Yes, I have 6 cats - don't judge) :p

Anyway, everyone is on a raw diet that I make for them using the recipe from by Dr. Pierson. I transitioned everyone fully when I got the 2 older kittens and they were a little over 4 months old. Prior to that, the older kitties were on canned. I rotate their proteins between chicken, turkey, and occasional pork. They did NOT like rabbit or duck (which is fine by me as it's expensive as heck and hard to get).

Everyone had been eating good and cleaning their plates until this past week. I've not changed anything that I'm aware of. Same portions, same recipe, etc., but now nearly everyone seems to only eat about 1/2 of what I give them (2-3 ounces per meal - adults 2x a day, kittens 3x a day) two in particular. One of the older kittens looks at the plate and just walks away as if he couldn't be bothered, which has me the most concerned. I can get him to eat most of the time by either adding toppings (freeze dried chicken/salmon) or sometimes I have to get out a can of Friskies or Fancy Feast. I gave him some chunks of plain raw chicken and he ate that with no problem, but he needs more nutrients than that and he only eats about 5 pieces that are chunked up about the size of a quarter.

Everyone is acting 100% normal, the kittens are playing, wrestling, and running through the house as normal. They played with the laser light this afternoon. So, everyone is "technically" eating, but not as much. I'm worried (maybe prematurely) about them getting enough to eat and getting the right nutrition, especially the youngest kitten, I don't want him undernourished. He is at least eating better than the older one, but still only 1/2 as much as he used to (he used to scarf his whole plate and then sneak bites off everyone else's plates) and he turns his nose up at canned. They have no issue eating kibble, and I'm using that as a last resort, but I do NOT want to go down that road again and re-train to raw - ugh! The youngest kitten is teething, maybe that's his issue? But that doesn't explain the other kitten and the reduced amount the adults are eating as well. I will admit to not being used to kittens, after all the last time I had a kitten was 10 years ago when the older ones were babies, but I never remember any of them not having healthy appetites except for when they were legitimately sick, and you could tell they were because of lethargy and/or hiding. :sickcat:

Everyone has been to the vet recently for boosters and whatnot and have all gotten a clean bill of health other than their previous medical conditions (diabetes/CKD). The older kitten that is refusing food without me having to "doctor" it up has a very dry, slightly crusty nose, but he's had that since I got him. The vet thought it was feline herpes, although he never gets eye issues, or a visibly runny nose, just a slight, clear discharge that you really can't see, but it crusts up at the edges when it dries. I give him steam baths (he gets to chill out in the bathroom when I shower) and saline rinses, per the vet, to keep it moist and boogie free. (I live in Arizona, so the AC is on pretty much all year, so it is dry as heck here). Last month his nose got a raw sore on it, right between the nostrils. The vet thought it was a dermatological condition or he scraped it, she'd never seen herpes present like that, so she doesn't really think he has herpes at this point (I sure as heck hope he doesn't). Anyway, that has resolved (he still has the dry nose and crusty boogies though), and he never stopped eating through that.

I'm at my wits end and probably giving myself an ulcer worrying about them eating or not eating. I've tried warming the food, buying a few cans of super stinky food like fish flavors, adding toppers, giving chunks of raw chicken, etc. Sometimes it works, sometimes it sort of works. At best, he'll clean his plate, at worst he takes 3 bites. It's a crap shoot. Taking them to the vet is not a problem, but ALL of them? I doubt I could afford that, at least not all at once. Plus, I hate paying all that money for them to say, nope, all fine, just being finicky. And maybe they are just being finicky, but I didn't think kittens were so finicky. I thought they would eat just about anything. Again, none of them acts sick. They all come running for the food at mealtimes and meow and act hungry and then only eat a small amount. I am definitely open to suggestions if anyone is kind enough to read this epic long post from heck! :devilish:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Since they are ALL doing this, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with your latest batch of food. Is it just one protein that they are dong this with, or different batches? Could there be an issue with something that's in the food...maybe one of the supplements or eggs used. Some common ingredient in the batches or something that went bad or is just on the edge so doesn't taste right? Just trying to think of what might effect all of them.

I also live in Arizona and do notice that when it starts to get hot, mine will slow down on their food consumption, even though the inside air temp doesn't really change, but this time of year the outside temp is actually starting to decrease, not increase, thankfully, so doubt that's the issue.

My guys absolutely HATE rabbit and duck, but they like lamb and beef. Have you tried either of those for a change in pace? Maybe yours are bored with their choices :dunno:. Or have you tried using toppers like WholeLife or Purebites? That's what I used when I transitioned mine to raw years ago. I made little tiny meatballs and rolled each one individually in powdered Wholelife chicken. It's the only way I got them started eating raw. OR, maybe get some freeze dried raw and crumble it on top as a topper. Mine really like Stella and Chewys.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 19, 2017
Thanks for the reply mrsgreenjeens! I had thought about that too with something in the batch not being right. The last day or so was the chicken batch. I tend to rotate between 3-4 proteins, chicken, turkey, and pork. Beef when I can catch a sale on roasts. Oddly enough, pork and turkey seem to be the preferred.

I tried some of my pork batch tonight and it seemed to get a better response with everyone but the 9-month-old. He nibbled some when I put it on my finger a few times and then ate a few bites off his plate, but then walked away with barely half of it eaten.

I use Life Essentials Chicken Littles (they're in smaller pieces than WholeLife) and Life Essentials Salmon freeze dried treats. Normally those are my go-to toppers when they're being obstinate, and generally it works like a charm. Not with Beemer (the 10-month-old). I was thinking of trying Stella and Chewy's. I had some Nature's Variety Instincts freeze dried biscuits that I tried and he was quite ambivalent. One of the other cats happily obliged.

It's very hit or miss. I tried some smelly canned food this morning and he walked away immediately. I added some diluted beef broth he ate most of it. Tried that again tonight, no luck. He did however eat nearly a 1/4 cup of Simply Nourish grain-free kitten food mixed with Orijen and Tender Moist that I use for treats in their cat maze on occasion. There's been nothing new in the house, schedules are the same, his teeth look fine. His nose is clear and he shows all indication of being able to smell. I've warmed it up, given it the full meal deal of "toppers". I tried the raw chicken chunks again and he ate about 3. :dunno: He'd pretty much be on my last nerve right now if I wasn't such a worrywart! I'm not in full panic mode yet because he's acting 100% normal. Purring, talking, playing, running, pooping, drinking, peeing, cuddling, being social, etc.

I'm going to try some Stella and Chewy's tomorrow, see how that goes. If that's a bust as well, guess a call to the vet is in order, AGAIN. I swear, these cats must have figured out that they upped my limit on my CareCredit and are taking FULL advantage the past 2 months! Everyone but Beemer's twin brother, Kosmo, has been to the vet for various things, Beemer's been twice so far outside of his boosters and neutering for his weird nose issues and I've only had the little stinker since April! Oy VEY! When it rains it pours, I guess. It's like kitty issue monsoon season! :dizzy:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 19, 2017
UPDATE::woohoo::hyper: :clap: It must be the chicken batch! I lied above, it was a turkey batch that I just thawed, not pork, but not important! LOL! Anyway, I just gave him a decent size plop of the turkey warmed up a bit and he licked his plate clean!! Same for Mr. Munch (the youngest)! I'm so relieved! :catrub:Hopefully, this will continue! :crossfingers: I feel so much better that they got at least a good 2 oz of good food in their little bellies, especially Senior Beems! Wish me luck for later in the day when it's time to eat again, lol! :vibes:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Great news! Yes, it's always a worry when they go off their food :confused2:. I thought of you this morning when BOTH of mine left half their bowls and walked away :lol:. I thought maybe it was this cooler weather after all. Dunno, but they came back a few minutes later and finished them off, thankfully.

Glad your little ones cooperated with you this morning. Hope that trend continues.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 19, 2017
Oh noes! I didnt' send you my finicky cat karma, I promise! :) :vibes:Beemer cleaned his plate this morning, and ate another "plop" when I got home from an appointment. :woo: Now, Mr. Munch, that's a different story! :sigh: Now he's being all snooty! :argh: It's times like these I wish I was a pet rocks enthusiast instead of a cat collector! :kitty:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 19, 2017
UPDATE: So, everyone is eating "normally" again except the youngest (5 months). :sigh: He acts like he's hungry, but when I put food down he walks away all aloof as if he couldn't be bothered. I've tried 5 different kinds of canned food and 3 different batches of different proteins. Sometimes he'll eat, most often he won't. I've tried canned chicken, he only drinks the juice and nibbles a piece. He won't even eat his kitten kibble that he used to eat when he was transitioning to raw (which he took to right away at the beginning). The only thing I could get him to eat this morning was a few bites of Friskies Salmon flavored pate, and he didn't eat all of it, he ate <1/4 can. I'm worried that he's not getting enough food as his energy level has not diminished. Other than the EXTREMELY finicky behavior, he's acting 100% normal! SO infuriating at the moment! :argh: I thought maybe it was teething, but his canines have already come in, so I don't think it's that. Any suggestions? :help:

Obviously, if this continues I'm going to call the vet, but this is more like just being VERY picky more so than anything wrong. Although, I've read that there is no such thing as a "finicky" cat and that refusal to eat anything is usually a sign of something wrong despite acting normally. I don't know what else to try. :dunno: :frustrated:
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