Kitten Wont Use Litterbox If Not On The Same Floor Level


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 9, 2018
I just got my 13 week old kitten, Boston, a week ago (now 14 weeks) and I live in a three floor Town house where only two floors are used. When she is on the second floor, where the living room is, she will not go upstairs alone to use the litter box. For a while I was keeping her in my room and personal bathroom when I leave the house with food, water and her litter-box and there was no accidents-- So she has no problem understanding what a litter-box is at all. I decided to leave her out for the first time a few days ago while I was out dropping a friend off for 5 minutes and the moment I got home she looked my dead in the eyes, "dug" into the blanket on the couch, and peed.

Now she also does this even when I'm home! If I'm downstairs and she is with me, she will start crying and walking towards corners and I know she needs to use her litter box so I bring her upstairs, put her in front of her litter box, and she uses it immediately (like it was an emergency). It's really frustrating since I know she knows what it is and where it is but she will not go alone unless she was already on the third floor. I have a couple theories but neither of them really make sense- but maybe someone can make sense of them.

1.) We have another cat who is 6 named Bella. She is not extremely fond of the Boston just yet, but the Boston has absolutely no problem around her and honestly tries really hard to be her friend. My roommate thinks Boston is afraid of Bella and wont go up alone when she is there- but she is able to be downstairs with her and is fine around Bella normally so I really don't think that's the problem.

2.) Boston has clingy issues. She follows me a lot (which has died down in the recent days now that she is getting used to her area) but the only time she will willingly go up the stairs is when I, or one of my roommates, goes too. She has no problem coming down the stairs though, only up.

I don't know when she will grow out of it but it needs to be soon. I came downstairs this morning to poop on our bean bag chair. Please help!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2017
Jackson Galaxy says that it's good to have multiple litter boxes per cat anyways, so if you can afford it I suggest getting one for each level so that she can always find one ^ ^


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
How many litter boxes do you have in total? The recommendation is 1 per cat, plus one. So that would be 3 in your case.

And particularly since your kitten is still pretty young, and is having litter box issues, I would definitely put a 2nd one on the other level. For kittens, more litter boxes is better than less. You can always gradually take extras away that aren't being used.

Also having litter boxes in different rooms / areas, makes it less likely than one cat can always be watching a litter box, and possibly bullying another one.

And as for the areas where she peed, you will need an enzyme cleaner to thoroughly remove the urine scent. Here's some articles with more info:

How To Remove Cat Urine
How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home
How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens
How To Get Cat Urine Smell Out Of Carpet: Effective, Non-toxic Solutions