Kitten with IBD


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
It’s interesting you bring this up. I have a cat with no ibd, no dental issues that I can see, but his breath has been horrible since 2013 when I took him in as a stray.

I’ve asked the vet about it several times and took him to the vet two weeks ago for throwing up and his sugar was off the charts. I’m about to take him back for another blood test tomorrow to see if he has diabetes. I never once had this come up in my searches for bad breath in cats, but if you google diabetes and bad breath together with cats, it will come up.

He was only about a year old in 2013. I am going to be hot as a pistol if he’s had this problem for 8 years and it’s gone untreated.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The bad breath associated with diabetes is the result of a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. The breath has the unmistakable smell of nail polish remover. If your cat doesn't have the nail polish remover smell, it's unlikely the bad breath is the result of diabetes. Many cats have bad breath, not just diabetic ones. Even well regulated diabetic cats have bad breath if there is no routine home dental hygiene.

A fructosamine test is what diagnosis diabetes along with the typical symptoms. A one time blood glucose test, included with any routine blood work, will always show super high levels because of elevated stress levels. What cat isn't stressed out at the vet's office?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2020
I just wanted to give an update as it’s been almost a year since Auggie was diagnosed with IBD. She completed the course of prednisolone with flying colors and has been med free for months now. We did get her on Rawz rabbit wet food along with some raw food and she’s been taking supplements of digestive enzymes and probiotics without fail. Her poops have been perfect, no throwing up and she has been a happy, healthy little kitty. Her last vet visit was perfect, the vet said her intestines felt 100% normal! and she and we are now doubting she ever had IBD and it was all an immune mediated response to her 12 week vaccines. We have been introducing new flavors of Rawz and Raw: turkey, beef, pork and duck with no issues. We feel very lucky but aren‘t ready to dare try chicken. We recently brought home a friend for her, Arlo! He is her little brother, same parents, different litter and they are getting along great.

Anyway I just wanted to let you guys and future people going thru something similar that we are doing great. And sometimes things are not always as they seem, vets do they’re best but they aren’t always right 100% of the time. We are all 99.9% sure she does NOT have IBD and never did. But we are so glad she was treated with the prednisolone so we could get the inflammatory response of her immune system under control.

Thank you all so much for all the advice and support and just listening. And hope 2022 is a great and healthy for all of you. ❤