Kitten used to go in the litter box, but now does it around the house and won't go in the litter box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2015
Hi, new user, 1st post.

I got the kitten in question when it was 2-3 weeks old at the beginning of May, I was going out shopping with family, in the backseat and the kitten was in the middle of the road. We went back and got it, then took to our then local vets and picked it up that night. Had his tail amputated and his front left leg was put in a cast/bandage. We'd encourage him to 'go' by wiping his nether regions a few times a day and then putting him in the litter box, less than a week later he'd learnt to go himself(though sometimes didn't make it in time). Everything was sort of fine, he'd poo and wee in the box, no problems there.

Recently, as of I think 3 days ago I found he'd pooped on top a large kit bag of mine in the corner of my bedroom, and while I was putting clothes away in the wardrobe he went in a wee'd on the floor, this was the 1st time anything like this had happened, I cleaned up with help from my mother and didn't letting him into my bedroom again that night.

Then 2 days ago he poo'd in dining room next to the front door(this was understandable as the kitchen door had been shut and he didn't have access to the litter box in the kitchen) and later that day he pee'd in the corridor heading towards the kitchen. The pee was cleaned up then some form of white vinegar solution was sprayhed there to deter him from going there(that seems to have worked so far).

Then ealier tonight at about midnight(it's 4am at the time of writing this) I found that he'd again gone poo in the same corner of my bedroom he had previously. It was cleaned up and I'm not letting him for the time being, but this is just so odd to me.

After the 1st incident we checked the litter box to find it was in dire need of being cleaned(it's one of those privacy litter boxes so we hadn't seen it needed cleaning), but since it was cleaned he doesn't seem to have used it, at least not for pooping, though I've only found poop in that one corner of my bedroom.  It's a fairly small house in terms of distance from end-to-end and he's never had trouble before, the front door opens into the dining room and living room(my bedroom is just off of these), a corridor/hallway leads into the kitchen and there's a backdoor by the kitchen, then the food and water bowls are near the kitchen door and about a metre and a half, maybe 2 metres away is the litter box just by the back door. There's 2 other cats, though they can go out if they wish, he gets along with both thoughonly one feels the same way, but there's been no real problems between them and he'd been using the litter box fine up until a few days ago.

We're going to be mopping my bedroom floor with the vinegar solution tomorrow morning but I don't want him to just keep doing in other places of the house.

Sorry for such a long post I'm 21 but never owned an animal before, just wondered if anyone had any ideas what caused him to stop using the litter tray/why he won't again and/or how to rectify this. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Thanks for rescuing this little cat. You and your family can look forward to many happy years together. Welcome to TCS, and remember we have knowledgable members who will be happy to answer any questions you might have. @StefanZ @catwoman707anything to suggest?.

So kitten is now about 10 to 12 weeks old? That's still a baby cat and like young human children he may be so  interested in what he's doing that the "Oh oh, I have to pee / poop right now!" catches him short, away from a littler pan. Dirty stinky litter pan - even just once - will also not encourage him to use it. Litter pans, covered or not, should be scooped at a minimum once a day. Twice a day is even better.

A good enzyme cleaner will rid an area of odor even better than white vinegar.

Clean area(s) very thoroughly. Get a second litter pan and put it somewhere he's already pee / poop - this in addition to his existing pan. Scoop both pans at least once a day.

Also, what are you feeding him - wet food, dry food, both? This may be TMI but are his poops nicely formed, like little Tootsie rolls, or are they somewhat soft - if too soft can also have an effect on how well he knows he has to get to a litter pan right away.

Also - what's hi sname? Do you have some pictures? We'd love to see them.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
He most likely stopped using the box because it was dirty.  When he has an accident, place the waste in the litter box so he sees that's where it belongs.

Young kittens have small bladders and he will need more than one litter box, strategically placed around the house so he can get to them in time.  You may also want to restrict his roaming area when you are not home.

The box needs to be cleaned a minimum of once a day, I recommend twice until the kitten is at least 10 months old.  Their systems seem to mature and they go less often.

You should also consider a minimum of two boxes after he grows.  Some cats like to go wee and poop in different places.

 [article="32366"]How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats The Ultimate Guide​[/article]  


TCS Member
Jul 17, 2015
First, you need one pan per cat, plus one (3 cats and 4 boxes). i would suggest trying different types of litter and make sure it is about 3 inches deep in the pan at all times, and be sure to scoop all of the pans at least once a day, and actually scrub the pan once in a while, as the smells permeate the plastic and cats are very sensitive to smells. Cats don't tend to like cat pan liners, either. Also, have some covered and some open litterboxes; some cats like high sides, but an open top. If you go on Pinterest there are many cheap alternatives/suggestions to buying litterboxes (like Rubbermaid totes, both with and without the lids, modified for litterbox use). Also, some cats like to pee in one and poop in a different one, so you could experiment with having two boxes side by side or at least very close to each other. If they are the slightest bit finicky about their litterbox and if it's not really to their liking and then add that to other stressors, they are more likely to potty outside their box. Also, things can be going along fine and all of a sudden, something is no longer to their liking and something like a stressor is all it takes to start pottying outside the box - often very near a litterbox! I have also noticed my cats avoid the litterbox with the cute cat-face shaped litter mat because it is a hard rubber, they prefer the softer mats. You could get a small bag of a different type of litter than what you are currently using and put it just in one pan. Some cats refuse to use litter with any scent to them, but luckily there are great alternatives with natural odor control. I have had cat peeing problems with two of my cats. One current and one previous cat that has passed. I loved her so much, so I dealt with it, but it was very difficult! It was many years ago, before clumping litters and she didn't like traditional litter, so I had to use sand. We live near a river, so it was free, but very difficult to get DRY sand and there was a fine line of what she would accept, so I did a LOT of pee clean-up with her.

Out of the blue recently, my 4 month old kitten pooped on my daughter's bed twice, while she was in it! For now, she keeps her door closed at night, and if it happens again, the plan is to retrain him by keeping him in one room 24/7 for a week. Your kitten was so very young and missed out on a lot of training by it's mother and littermates, so hopefully it will learn a lot from your other cats.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Between the 3 other posters here combined they have given the very advice I will give you.

Most cats hate dirty boxes, and it is a complete deterrent for them. 

Secondly you do not want his box too near the food and water, as they think it is contaminating it. If it's near, he might choose to go elsewhere.

It is def. needing another box. One that is uncovered. Bet it gets used.

Make sure you have not changed litter brands recently too, this can also be a reason.

I think personally, what started it was the box was dirty. They hate stepping on dirty litter, and also when they are unable to hide their scent, which is natural survival instincts in cats.

If you fix these problems and it continues, you will need to retrain him in a small single room or space with the box, until he is a faithful user again.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Lotsa of good posts here.   My extra comment is, the kitchen is perhaps a shade too lively, they prefer their main litter in a more private, shielded place...   So at least one more litter, somewhere else.   And if you keep the litter in the kitchen,  have it longer away than these 1,5 meters.  3 metres is prob a minimum, unless in very special circumstances.

Also.  Your two other cats are usually using the outside.  I suspect one of them used the litter this time, that is why it become dirty sooner than you thought.   And when the litter is marked by an adult cat whom isnt really friendly, the litter becomes to a No No.

With a friendly it wouldnt matter much, friends usually do use the same litter without problems, as long its not too dirty.   But with a potentially hostile - no. no.

Tx for saving this little one!

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2015

He most likely stopped using the box because it was dirty.  When he has an accident, place the waste in the litter box so he sees that's where it belongs.

Young kittens have small bladders and he will need more than one litter box, strategically placed around the house so he can get to them in time.  You may also want to restrict his roaming area when you are not home.

The box needs to be cleaned a minimum of once a day, I recommend twice until the kitten is at least 10 months old.  Their systems seem to mature and they go less often.

You should also consider a minimum of two boxes after he grows.  Some cats like to go wee and poop in different places.

 [article="32366"]How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats The Ultimate Guide​[/article]  
I/we hadn't thought to place the waste in the litter box, but if it happens again we will. I do think though, that yes , he stopped using it because it was dirty.

It's a fairly small house, if he runs he can go from end-to-end in 3 seconds, and there's also not much room for a 2nd tray anywhere that we could think of, I think my mum/aunt used to clean the litter box every 2 days or something and there was never a problem with the other cats, and for now he only seems to be going poop once a day so there's not much to clean up.

Thanks for the guide though!
First, you need one pan per cat, plus one (3 cats and 4 boxes). i would suggest trying different types of litter and make sure it is about 3 inches deep in the pan at all times, and be sure to scoop all of the pans at least once a day, and actually scrub the pan once in a while, as the smells permeate the plastic and cats are very sensitive to smells. Cats don't tend to like cat pan liners, either. Also, have some covered and some open litterboxes; some cats like high sides, but an open top. If you go on Pinterest there are many cheap alternatives/suggestions to buying litterboxes (like Rubbermaid totes, both with and without the lids, modified for litterbox use). Also, some cats like to pee in one and poop in a different one, so you could experiment with having two boxes side by side or at least very close to each other. If they are the slightest bit finicky about their litterbox and if it's not really to their liking and then add that to other stressors, they are more likely to potty outside their box. Also, things can be going along fine and all of a sudden, something is no longer to their liking and something like a stressor is all it takes to start pottying outside the box - often very near a litterbox! I have also noticed my cats avoid the litterbox with the cute cat-face shaped litter mat because it is a hard rubber, they prefer the softer mats. You could get a small bag of a different type of litter than what you are currently using and put it just in one pan. Some cats refuse to use litter with any scent to them, but luckily there are great alternatives with natural odor control. I have had cat peeing problems with two of my cats. One current and one previous cat that has passed. I loved her so much, so I dealt with it, but it was very difficult! It was many years ago, before clumping litters and she didn't like traditional litter, so I had to use sand. We live near a river, so it was free, but very difficult to get DRY sand and there was a fine line of what she would accept, so I did a LOT of pee clean-up with her.

Out of the blue recently, my 4 month old kitten pooped on my daughter's bed twice, while she was in it! For now, she keeps her door closed at night, and if it happens again, the plan is to retrain him by keeping him in one room 24/7 for a week. Your kitten was so very young and missed out on a lot of training by it's mother and littermates, so hopefully it will learn a lot from your other cats.
We've had one for 2/3 cats for about a year(or more i think) and the one boxt hadn't been a problem but I am starting to try and find space for a 2nd one somewhere but it's a small house and there's not much room. 

Used to use I think standard(?) cat litter, but either my mum or aunt bought some "magic" cat litter that soaks some stuff up and can be re-used or something before this little one came along and he hasn't seemed to have a problem with it at all.

Oh no!, I hope it doesn't happen again with your kitten either.
Between the 3 other posters here combined they have given the very advice I will give you.

Most cats hate dirty boxes, and it is a complete deterrent for them. 

Secondly you do not want his box too near the food and water, as they think it is contaminating it. If it's near, he might choose to go elsewhere.

It is def. needing another box. One that is uncovered. Bet it gets used.

Make sure you have not changed litter brands recently too, this can also be a reason.

I think personally, what started it was the box was dirty. They hate stepping on dirty litter, and also when they are unable to hide their scent, which is natural survival instincts in cats.

If you fix these problems and it continues, you will need to retrain him in a small single room or space with the box, until he is a faithful user again.
Food and water, and litter box have been in the kitchen since the cats were here and there luckily hasn't been a problem, I do think what it's been with him is just that it was dirty that once, we've been trying to encourage him by wiping him with a wet wipe, "down there", and then placing him in the box and on separate occasions he's both pee'd and pooped. We switched litter brands around march/april but that was before this little one and the other 2 cats showed no prefrence or aversion to the new litter brand. He was started off in an uncovered box but at some point my aunt thought it a good idea to buy a box with a lid and change but he showed no dislike to the new box and kept going in it.
Lotsa of good posts here.   My extra comment is, the kitchen is perhaps a shade too lively, they prefer their main litter in a more private, shielded place...   So at least one more litter, somewhere else.   And if you keep the litter in the kitchen,  have it longer away than these 1,5 meters.  3 metres is prob a minimum, unless in very special circumstances.

Also.  Your two other cats are usually using the outside.  I suspect one of them used the litter this time, that is why it become dirty sooner than you thought.   And when the litter is marked by an adult cat whom isnt really friendly, the litter becomes to a No No.

With a friendly it wouldnt matter much, friends usually do use the same litter without problems, as long its not too dirty.   But with a potentially hostile - no. no.

Tx for saving this little one!

We've been thinking but can't really see anywhere else to put the food or water bowls(there's 2 of each now there's 3 cats) or the litter tray. I don't think it would've been the other cats, as they all went in the same litter box for a while without any issue.

Thanks to everyone who replied, I do think it was a mix of his box being dirty and possibly the placement(occasionally the back door could hit the box or block the entrance, I've moved the box back away after realizing and we've all comitted to trying to being quieter in the kitchen and definitely no slamming of the back door. He went back into my room and was sniffing about where he pooped, I picked him up and place him in the box but he showed no interest in "going", thinking of putting a lid-less cat litter box in either my bedroom(where he's been going where he shouldn't or in my bathroom, as they should be relatively quieter than anywhere else in the house. He's only seeming to go once a day(pooping once and peeing once) and both times today and yesterday we're after we wiped his nether regions and encouraged him, but despite looking diligently we haven't been able to find any poop anywhere else and I'm not sure how often he had been going before the incidents happend.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I don't have any good places to put litter boxes in my house.  There are a lot of tricks on the internet for 'hiding' the litter boxes. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 5, 2014
Very cute kitty

I haven't read all the posts here, but have you have her checked for bladder infection? My cat did pee on the couch once and I took her to the vet and she had a bladder infection that needed antibiotics
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2015
While I haven't. He's also had no other trouble going either poop or pee, just that he did it where he wasn't supposed to really.

Also an issue with taking him to the vets as the local ones(10 minutes away) are seemingly incompetent, and the vet we trust, aside from being half an hour away is usually solidly booked in advance by at least 2 weeks.

But I don't know, I don't know anything about bladder infections and less in cats/kittens, do you?, or anyone else on this site think it's a possibility?


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
With a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection, you would see a cat frequent the litterbox, be in the position for extended amt of time, and either no pee or a small amt.

You should always know the signs of these when you have a cat, in males this can be life threatening, they are blocked and unable to release the urine so it backs up and becomes toxic.

If you are seeing the normal size pee balls in his box then this can likely be ruled out.

I tend to think it's more on the behavior side rather than medical.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2015
If anything I think he's going to the ltterbox less than usual, and when I've noticed he's pee'd it's seemed the normal ammount.

But thanks.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 5, 2014
Check websites like these they might help:

If an infection can be ruled out absolutely positively, I would guess that perhaps it has something to do with the amputated tail? I mean I could imagine that is a big thing for a cat. I don't know, since I'm not versed in medicine or so, but that would be my educated guess. What to do about it though, I have no idea
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
Can you try putting another litter box in your bedroom corner where he has already went potty? Also, would you take the cover off the regular box that there is now and see if he'll use it then? I had a covered box years ago and my cats started to not use it as it traps odors and I had one kitty blocking the entrance to it, it was not good.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 2, 2015
I cannot add much more except that you might want to try Kitten Attract. People have said it works wonders to help kittens use the litterbox.


hersheys mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
I have read the posts you received from other members and I think you got some great advice. My first guess would be the unclean box discouraged him, my second would have been a change in his litter. My cats are pretty tolerant of whatever litter I use as long as they can sink to their knees in it. I scoop twice daily, wash out weekly. I have 2 cats and a small house like you. I should have 3 litter boxes. I only have two. I have no place for a third, but I need to make one as suddenly one cat has taken to pooing in the others box and peeing in her own. I am suggesting on thing for you to try. It is amazing inexpensive considering the quality. I switched from a covered box to these and my cats love them. They are under $10 and so worth it. Cat feels secure as sides are high, you can clearly see when box needs to be scooped. Both of best worlds. Here is a picture and the URL.

Navy blue and clear. You don't need to remove the sides to scoop the box. Takes up less of your time. I wash them out every Saturday whether they need it or not as one of my girls likes to peepee in the front corners only. In time, the order will permeate the plastic very heavily in that one are so I wash mine more often than most. I actually use anti-bacterial hand soap and a brush to clean it and the cats don't mind at all. Good luck.


TCS Member
Jul 23, 2015
Could be the amputation of tail.....I've been told it can cause loss of control of functions....maybe he just can't get to box in time....and it does look like tail was completely removed.... Maybe it will improve with time, nerves and muscles healing.

johanna reyes

TCS Member
Jul 26, 2015
i also save a cat my was the same fist let the cat know where the litter box if it does just keep him or her in a room that have a litter box